I got suspened as an asst. chief and a member of my volunteer ambulance company for supposedly talking about a merge of ambulance companies. I was suspened due to an operation guidline our company has that states i was not acting in the good and welfare of the company. Isn't it my right to voice an opinion about a merge. I have not acted upon this opinion nor have i tried to get others to act upon it.
Do I have a cases of violation of freedom of speech???
Your case would be a case regarding employment law and not constitutional law. Nobody prevented you from exercising your freedom of speech. You spoke your mind. Whether or not your speech compromised the welfare of the company, which would seem to be a legitimate interest, would likely be handled by the HR department in your company. If you have a union, they would also likely defend your actions. Perhaps your statements might have been construed as dangerous because it would lead to an employee strike -- I don't know. But that is what they are saying and if they are a private company you would likely not have a free speech argument, which typically applies to governmental institutions.
Freedom of speech is defined as: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Originally posted by toocuteemt I got suspened as an asst. chief and a member of my volunteer ambulance company for supposedly talking about a merge of ambulance companies. I was suspened due to an operation guidline our company has that states i was not acting in the good and welfare of the company. Isn't it my right to voice an opinion about a merge. I have not acted upon this opinion nor have i tried to get others to act upon it.
Do I have a cases of violation of freedom of speech???