Guiliani ordered by court to forfeit millions of dollars in assets to election workers he defamed

Really? In what universe is a judgement of $148,000,000 make any sense to compensate the mother and daughter poll workers? How were their lives changed because of Guiliani's statements? They weren't changed at all. There were no repercussions to their jobs or their standing in their community. How were they damaged? Although Moss did leave her job by her own volition.

Defamation awards are to compensate for harm to reputation, not money damages suffered, though money damages may certainly result from damage to reputation. You evidently don't know the law of defamation very well.

You say that is how our legal system is designed to function. I disagree. Our legal system in civil cases is to make the parties whole and to deter others by tacking on punitive damages if warranted.

You don't think that the jury was sending a message to Guiliani that his defamatory statements were intolerable?

You want to dance around the fact that jurors, not Biden, not Harris, or any other Democrat politician decided the case and settled on the judgment amount. The jury could have decided on damages of only $1 had it felt that the statements, while defamatory, didn't merit significant damages. It was totally up them — ORDINARY AMERICANS — to decide. And that is just how our system is designed to work. Should the government decide the damages instead? By the way, Guliani is hardly the first to have a large defamation judgment against him.

You are so focused on rooting for Trump that you are unwilling to admit Republicans can and do commit wrongdoing; evidently for you if they wave the Trump banner that's all you need to know to decide they are saints. Take those blinder offs. You can still support Trump and yet also admit that Guiliani screwed up.

I admire Guiliani for how good he was a prosecutor and for the job that he did as NY mayor. Nothing in that jury award takes away from that. But Guiliani has obviously declined in his abilities since a quarter century ago. He's not unique in that. Happens to literally to millions of American as they age. I feel sorry for the guy more than anything.
I don't understand how anyone would think that Trump is good for America. He doesn't and never has cared about the USA or the people in it. All he cares about and the only thing this man cares about is himself. That is so glaringly obvious in everything he says and does. I've always been a Republican but I will not cast my vote for a man who is not qualified to hold the office of the presidency. Maga supporters are welcome to their opinions but if Trump somehow does get reelected, I better not hear word one from any of those people when they finally realize that their sweet potato Jeezus is actually a wannabe antichrist suffering from dementia.
Defamation awards are to compensate for harm to reputation, not money damages suffered, though money damages may certainly result from damage to reputation. You evidently don't know the law of defamation very well.
What reputation was harmed. Were these poll workers prominent people in the community? Were they celebrities? Were they elected officials? Were they in a supervisory position? No. They were low level government workers for the state earning marginal salaries. The average salary in Virginia is $24,342 for a full-time poll office employee. So, explain how the reputation of these two poll workers was damaged.

You are one presumptuous dude. I was a defendant (along with others) in two defamation lawsuits when I was in politics in the late 1980's. In both cases, we were represented by a constitutional law clinic of a prominent law school. I'm not naming the school. Both lawsuits were dismissed as SLAP-suites. But until that happened, it was all ahead defamation. I know New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), like the back of my hand. I also know what slander per se is and those cases are not easily won, except in these weaponized prosecutions of Trump supporters.

You want to dance around the fact that jurors, not Biden, not Harris, or any other Democrat politician decided the case and settled on the judgment amount. The jury could have decided on damages of only $1 had it felt that the statements, while defamatory, didn't merit significant damages. It was totally up them — ORDINARY AMERICANS — to decide. And that is just how our system is designed to work. Should the government decide the damages instead? By the way, Guliani is hardly the first to have a large defamation judgment against him.
You think jurors is a hostel court can do no wrong? There is no justification for a judgement of almost 150 million dollars. And you know that.
I don't understand how anyone would think that Trump is good for America. He doesn't and never has cared about the USA or the people in it. All he cares about and the only thing this man cares about is himself. That is so glaringly obvious in everything he says and does. I've always been a Republican but I will not cast my vote for a man who is not qualified to hold the office of the presidency. Maga supporters are welcome to their opinions but if Trump somehow does get reelected, I better not hear word one from any of those people when they finally realize that their sweet potato Jeezus is actually a wannabe antichrist suffering from dementia.
You are either brain dead or a democratic operative. Either way, get your passport dusted off.
Of course it caused damage. The judgement is fair. What isn't fair is that Guliani went after those women in the first place. The judgement maybe would not have been fair if it was Joe Shmo from Cocomo defaming these women so maliciously. No, it was a public figure using his fame to spread lies to the American public. Nobody would listen to what Joe Shmo has to say because he's nobody. Rudy knew what he was doing was wrong but did it anyway. Why are you defending such a person?
You are either brain dead or a democratic operative. Either way, get your passport dusted off.
What's a democratic operative? Sounds exciting, like a James Bond type of person. Sorry. I'm a republican who hasn't had a sip of that orange koolaid. Why would I need to dust my passport off? Am I going somewhere? Oh, you must mean Trump, if reelected, is going to drum out of the country anyone who had the nerve to stand in the face of his bullcrap.
Whatever, Harris is component enough to have a conversation (unscripted) with Joe Rogan. How you expect her to stand up to foreign diplomats. They would walk all over her. Virginia just upheld that voter verification should happen in Virginia. People out there in wrongful death suits get no where near the amount of damages those two got awarded. It is funny that when democrats are presented facts like Kamala is the border czar and has been in office for four years, that all they have is Trump is BAD, ORANGE MAN is BAD.

They have no policy that helps America, they know it the voters know it. Hopefully the silent minority will send the Ds packing like Reagan style.
Whatever, Harris is component enough to have a conversation (unscripted) with Joe Rogan. How you expect her to stand up to foreign diplomats. They would walk all over her. Virginia just upheld that voter verification should happen in Virginia. People out there in wrongful death suits get no where near the amount of damages those two got awarded. It is funny that when democrats are presented facts like Kamala is the border czar and has been in office for four years, that all they have is Trump is BAD, ORANGE MAN is BAD.

They have no policy that helps America, they know it the voters know it. Hopefully the silent minority will send the Ds packing like Reagan style.
Trump IS bad. That anyone could think he's a good guy is bewildering to me. I am not a Democrat and it sickens me that I cannot vote for my own party in this election but the idea of putting that man back in the White House again is too horrifying for me to contemplate. He just is not the man for the job-period. He has no intention of doing anything that doesn't benefit himself. To think otherwise is ludicrous. Trump is too self-absorbed to be the President of the United States. Harris might not be the most qualified either, but I believe she has a great deal more integrity than Trump has. Trump has no moral center. He's petty and immature and vindictive. These are not attractive traits in a President. Do you really want four more years of him embarrassing us in front of the world? Hasn't he done that enough all ready? This is the man that referred to our military as a bunch of suckers and losers. While he was President. I know I'm wasting my time trying to get through to you die hard Maga supporters so I'll stop. I just feel sorry for those who can't see him for what he is.
Trump IS bad. That anyone could think he's a good guy is bewildering to me. I am not a Democrat and it sickens me that I cannot vote for my own party in this election but the idea of putting that man back in the White House again is too horrifying for me to contemplate. He just is not the man for the job-period. He has no intention of doing anything that doesn't benefit himself. To think otherwise is ludicrous. Trump is too self-absorbed to be the President of the United States. Harris might not be the most qualified either, but I believe she has a great deal more integrity than Trump has. Trump has no moral center. He's petty and immature and vindictive. These are not attractive traits in a President. Do you really want four more years of him embarrassing us in front of the world? Hasn't he done that enough all ready? This is the man that referred to our military as a bunch of suckers and losers. While he was President. I know I'm wasting my time trying to get through to you die hard Maga supporters so I'll stop. I just feel sorry for those who can't see him for what he is.

That is an obvious troll attempt, and so full of fail that everyone reading it is dumber for having done so. You added nothing of substance to conversation and everyone is a lot more dumb-er for having read it. May god have mercy on your soul.

The Democrat world globalist drug pushers who funneled them to all the inner-cities to try and destroy kill them (especially lots of minorities) not to mention the constant war machine that wants to depopulate the globe. I believe Trump is the only thing stopping them from a complete and utter take over. He keeps the corruption in hand while saving America.

Dark MAGA for the win!!!! You are an idiot for believing main stream lame media and they are LIARS. Why don't you go back and watch the VIEW (which you do anyway) from 2016 before he ran for President. They were loving all over him, they only hated him when he went against their pagan devil abomination of government.
That is an obvious troll attempt, and so full of fail that everyone reading it is dumber for having done so. You added nothing of substance to conversation and everyone is a lot more dumb-er for having read it. May god have mercy on your soul.

The Democrat world globalist drug pushers who funneled them to all the inner-cities to try and destroy kill them (especially lots of minorities) not to mention the constant war machine that wants to depopulate the globe. I believe Trump is the only thing stopping them from a complete and utter take over. He keeps the corruption in hand while saving America.

Dark MAGA for the win!!!! You are an idiot for believing main stream lame media and they are LIARS. Why don't you go back and watch the VIEW (which you do anyway) from 2016 before he ran for President. They were loving all over him, they only hated him when he went against their pagan devil abomination of government.
Now, this is "so full of fail that everyone reading it is dumber for having done so." So, which flavor of KoolAid do you prefer—orange?
Now, this is "so full of fail that everyone reading it is dumber for having done so." So, which flavor of KoolAid do you prefer—orange?

I hate Bill Clinton but yet voted for him twice, can I have my vote back? I also donated money to Hillary when she was telling everyone Obama was born in Africa. I never voted for George Bush because well he is a spoiled rotten rich kid.

I will do you one better though, Hinkle the guy who shot Reagan. He is a distant cousin to George Bush and is also related to Obama's mother making them distant cousins. Isn't that something that they are kind of related.
I hate Bill Clinton but yet voted for him twice, can I have my vote back? I also donated money to Hillary when she was telling everyone Obama was born in Africa. I never voted for George Bush because well he is a spoiled rotten rich kid.

I will do you one better though, Hinkle the guy who shot Reagan. He is a distant cousin to George Bush and is also related to Obama's mother making them distant cousins. Isn't that something that they are kind of related.
Oh for Christ sakes! Trump is also a spoiled rotten rich kid.
I hate Bill Clinton but yet voted for him twice, can I have my vote back? I also donated money to Hillary when she was telling everyone Obama was born in Africa. I never voted for George Bush because well he is a spoiled rotten rich kid.

I will do you one better though, Hinkle the guy who shot Reagan. He is a distant cousin to George Bush and is also related to Obama's mother making them distant cousins. Isn't that something that they are kind of related.
Oh give me a break! Are you implying that Hinkley shot Reagan at the behest of his "distant cousins"? That is so preposterous! It must be a struggle for you, operating under such a dark, heavy cloud of never-ending conspiracies. I hope you've got your bomb shelter all dug out and stocked. You know, just in case.

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