Has Puddin' Head Fallen and Can't Get Up?

army judge

Super Moderator
Poster's note: A generally accurate pollster has released a poll claiming Puddin' Head has fallen and won't get up to an all time low 29% approval rating.

President Joe Biden's approval ratings hit the lowest since the start of his presidency, dropping to 39%, the results of a Wednesday poll showed.

Biden's handling of the job was disapproved by 49% of respondents in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll. While 12% said they were unsure, 39% of those polled approved of the president's performance. The poll surveyed 1,500 U.S. adults online between September 4 – 7 and has a margin of error of 2.8%

The president's approval rating dropped by 6% since the previous poll from a week ago. Along with the fall in the overall job approval ratings, Biden's handling of COVID-19 and the economy saw lower approval among the respondents of this poll compared to the previous ones, according to YouGov. (RELATED: 'It's A Nightmare Number For The White House': Politico Reporter Breaks Down Biden's Falling Approval Ratings)

Latest estimate of Biden's net approval rating in The Economist/YouGov polls is -6. The president is being dragged down this week by a low outlier among Democrats, but also a strong negative trend among Independents and people under 44 (-20pp since July).What America thinks pic.twitter.com/3HdHol8wjc

— G. Elliott Morris (@gelliottmorris) September 8, 2021

For the first time of Biden's eight-month-long presidency, more people disapproved (45%) of his performance on the pandemic than approved (42%). Those dissatisfied with the president's handling of jobs and the economy accounted for 47% of the respondents, as opposed to 40% of those approving, the poll's results showed.

A poll from the American Action Network released Tuesday showed that Biden's approval ratings took a nosedive in multiple swing districts where he won in the 2020 presidential election.

POLL: Biden's Approval Rating Collapses — It's The Lowest Of His Presidency
Oooooo! Is it foreign language day? I'll play! Так как вы заблокировали поток... Думаю, вы не понимаете разницы между вакцинацией и прививкой. ;)
Oui, mon ami, c'est aujourd'hui la journée mondiale des langues. Mon objectif est de promouvoir la paix, l'unité et le respect de tous.

Désolé, je suis incapable de parler ou de taper le russe. Bravo à vous pour maîtriser une langue difficile.

La tour de Babel !

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