Great come backs CdwJava

It does reenforce my point that the Citizens in the democracy speak a different language than the Sovereigns in the republic.
The problem is that we live in the United States and are all expected to abide by the laws of the land regardless of how each of us might self-identify or prefer to see the situation.
I can stare at the night sky and deny that I see stars all I want. The fact is that they are still there even if I might decide to call them "distant suns." The same holds true with the United States and the laws that we are all expected to live under. Sovereigns may feel that they do not have to abide by the laws of the democracy because their semantic take on the situation is different. It does not change the fact that they will be held accountable for failing to follow the laws as set down by that "democracy."
Notice that driving with a suspended license in a misdemeanor, then notice that not have a license is nothing at all. The reason being is that in 483.560 there is a contract to enforce, in 483.550 there is no contract to enforce and no contract can be forced on you, it must be by consent.
Actually, driving without a license per NRS 483.230 is a misdemeanor. You need not enter into any contract at all to be required to have a license.
But, if you are engaged in commerce on the highways then you are regulable. An owner - operator or driver of a taxi, limo, bus or truck that transports goods or people as a business has to have a license for both himself and the vehicle. A driver is a paid professional and passenger is someone that pays a fare for the ride. A man or woman traveling in their car does not need licensing. The logic of it is crazy. You can travel by horse, buggy, bicycle, roller skates or elephant on the roads and you won't be asked for a license. But the act of placing an engine in something automatically makes it a crime to use if you don't have a license (permission that you pay for for something that you already have a right to do)!
Actually, all those activities are regulated on the road. Pedestrians, skates, horses and buggies, all of these are regulated by state statutes. Some states may apply no restrictions, others do. But, the 10th Amendment grants states the authority to regulate those things not specifically covered under the Constitution.
People don't automatically get chaotic anytime there are no law enforcers around to keep them in line.
Only when there are no rules and no one to enforce the rules. What you get is a society where an elite few get to determine the laws - or interpret them - and their interpretation is the only interpretation permitted. Yes, you can argue that is happening now, but the process by which we can appeal and seek redress are arguably far more objective than it might be if left to a handful of opinionated men and women who believe they know more than the rest of us - or the legal community.
If the government went bankrupt and could not pay the cops things would not change all that much.
You cannot possibly believe that!
Unfortunately here in Vegas if you ask anyone who the most feared gang in town is, the answer is always Metro (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept).
Anyone? Really? I doubt that.
There is always a percentage of people that will claim that their local police are corrupt, heavy handed, etc. It's the natural order of things. Without delving into the research, suffice it to say that the most common interaction most people have with an officer is when they have done something wrong. This contact naturally provides a negative impression of the police.
Anytime someone has an encounter with them they don't say, "here is a nice police man to keep me safe". They say, "am I going to get out of this alive and keep my freedom" or at best, "what is this going to cost me".
Yet, people still call them, they still respond to calls, make arrests, and provide shelter and assistance to many in need.
I'm not going to argue that all is sweetness and light, but neither will I sit silently and let stand claims that the LVMPD is the embodiment of evil, either.
Dunn and Bradstreet is a credit reporting agency for companies and businesses. If you go to their website you can see that all the courts and even the sheriff departments are listed as for profit companies.
And because they are listed as an entity with a credit reporting agency this means ... what? It means they are an entity that pays bills and has a credit history - it does not suddenly make them a non-government entity.
You may want read that sheaf of papers the Sovereign hands you. You might learn something.
Not safe to do on the side of the road, and much of it is case law that is either non-binding, irrelevant, long since overturned (i.e. non-controlling), or taking wholly out of context with the entirety of the ruling.
Read them ... don't agree with them.
I compiled my own collection of case law but as you said, the cop never reads it.
And, it's not his job to do so - nor is it safe to do so on the side of the road.
I'm impressed, all 3 of my marriages together only add up to about 13 1/2 years. I'll give you my number if you would rather debate on the phone.
I've had one marriage for 22+ years.
I spend very little time on the phone (i'll leave that to my kids), and my schedule is mucked up all the time. I teach during the weekdays and work a shift on weekend evenings so I have little downtime and I don't much like phones.