I know you called that right. The magistrate and I will be at odds for sure [if I do it] because I'll be dammed if I let him control the Defense or the evidence. I know those magistrates like to play the part of the tribunal by tipping the scale in the prosecution's favor by letting the prosecutor leave out mitigating evidence that he is hiding and allowing all the incriminating evidence. Meanwhile doing the opposite to the Defense. The problem with a bar attorney is that they don't know what I know. They would have to win with a technicality of some sort, where I do win because the whole damn thing is wrong. But bar attorneys don't try to win from what I've seen, they try to plea bargain it down to something the aggrieved party will accept for fear of getting something worse.
I saw a friend get 10-25 years over stealing a couple books and 4 DVDs from Costco. He shouldn't have done it, but that is damn onerous for the crime. By controlling the evidence, the magistrate allowed the prosecutor to turn a misdemeanor into a felony burglary. That throws all pretense of justice right out the window.