High School Participating in Politicking During School Hours

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During the November 2010 general election Indiana voters overwhelmingly supported a constitutional amendment to cap property taxes, but the amendment provided for local municipalities to hold a vote to raise the taxes. In the midst of our economic down turn and the caps my school corporation is operating in the red and they say they have made all the cuts possible before effecting student achievement, so there will be a vote on May 4th to raise the property taxes to fund schools. (see schoolsworthsaving.com)

I haven't decided how I will vote, but I am troubled as a high school senior the way that this is being campaigned during school time. An email went out today from our principal to teachers, faculty, and select student leaders advertising a shirt for sale to support the campaign. Apparently the teachers and faculty will be asked to wear this shirt in the lead up to the vote.

I am very frustrated at the amount that this referendum is being talked about. At the all of the sports awards banquets the principal gave a stump speech about the referendum. At the spring musical they had students talk about it to the audience before the show began. They used their alert phone system to remind parents of the meetings concerning the referendum. They had my elementary sister write in her agenda book the dates and times of the meetings. On a student survey they asked if we knew about the referendum and if we would like to volunteer in support of it. All of this is out of line and I'm suspecting it will get worse is the lead up to May 4th.

I am just a concerned and frustrated high school senior who is tenth in his class, college bound, has a 4.25 gpa, who is intelligent and determined. But I think school should be apolitical. I want to see what my legal options at this point, though. If I feel like my rights are being violated as a student not to be inundated with political scheming what do I do? Is there anyone that would represent me for free? Is it possible to get an injunction so that politicking on school time will stop?

Thanks for your help!
Are you 18 years old?

If you're not 18, any legal action you wish to undertake must be done by your parents.

Even if you're 18, discuss this with your parents.

They're taxpayers and voters, and I suspect they'd support your views. Our public schools have lost their way, what with feeding students, clothing them, transporting then, and even parenting them. Schools have forgotten their primary purpose, to educate children.

Good luck as you pursue your career and collegiate ambitions.
From what you describe, it does not sound as if the school is doing anything inappropriate.
Asking for volunteers, selling shirts, and advertising meetings does not compel any kind of action or cooperation on the part of any student.
It may have been crossed the moment they started using school district phone systems or email servers for political purposes.

I am not familiar with these laws in your state, but had this been done in CA it would be very close to a violation of the law - especially if the emails or the phone alerts supported a particular position. They would be on (arguably) safer ground if they simply notified people to attend informational meetings and the like ... though, even then, arguments could be made.

Unless there is an opposition group to the measure that wants to take up any possible legal challenge, there may not be a lot you can do about it except, perhaps, express your displeasure.
Update: Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have homeroom class. Apparently the seniors are going to be asked to register to vote if they have not already. We will see if they try to persuade us to vote yes....
Update: Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have homeroom class. Apparently the seniors are going to be asked to register to vote if they have not already. We will see if they try to persuade us to vote yes....

Just tell them about your views.

Schools should be apolitical.

Unfortunately these days, public schools are just another con-game!!!
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