How do I notify Lender to NOT put a lien on my property?


New Member
Ok, here's the deal.

Our mother passed in 2019. The only assets in her Estate was approx. $300,000 in stock (a local bank stock, NOT the nasdaq, etc.

The only heirs are siblings, 3 of us. We're all going to receive a 3rd ($100k a piece).

Before the Estate was settled, one sister assigned part of (not sure how much) of her inheritance to one of those JG Wentworth loan shark outfits. I can see the allure, get money up front at like 80% interest :)

The Estate is close to settlement and the Admin has ok'd the banks' investment division to clear Moms' stock account and give each heir 3rd. This indeed did happen yesterday. From what I understood, this assignment (without permission from the other 2 heirs) was tying up the Estate and needed my sisters signature to settle up. She refuses to do so and looks like she will just take her money and walk (I think she's always assumed that a payback was only an option). It looks like the estate Admin goofed up and didn't handle the assignment properly and let the stock be divided before it's time

So, all 3 heirs have received their 1/3 and solely in our names. I,m afraid the loan shark is going to try and get their money and due to the Admins goof, will try to tie up everyones, would like to notify this loan shark and Admin of the following:

DO NOT attempt to put a lien on my $100,000
I will NOT return the $100k back to the Estate
I NEVER had an agreement or any relationship with you (the loan shark)
I have no obligations to the Admin or Loan shark so....Ef OFF
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Ok, here's the deal.

Our mother passed in 2019. The only assets in her Estate was approx. $300,000 in stock (a local bank stock, NOT the nasdaq, etc.

The only heirs are siblings, 3 of us. We're all going to receive a 3rd ($100k a piece).

Before the Estate was settled, one sister assigned part of (not sure how much) of her inheritance to one of those JG Wentworth loan shark outfits. I can see the allure, get money up front at like 80% interest :)

The Estate is close to settlement and the Admin has ok'd the banks' investment division to clear Moms' stock account and give each heir 3rd. This indeed did happen yesterday. From what I understood, this assignment (without permission from the other 2 heirs) was tying up the Estate and needed my sisters signature to settle up. She refuses to do so and looks like she will just take her money and walk. It looks like the estate Admin goofed up and didn't handle the assignment properly.

So, all 3 heirs have received their 1/3 and solely in our names. I,m afraid the loan shark is going to try and get their money and due to the Admins goof, will try to tie up everyones, would like to notify this loan shark that:

DO NOT attempt to put a lien on my $100,000
I NEVER had an agreement or any relationship with you (the loan shark)
I have no obligations to you so....Ef OFF


Did you have a question or did you just wish to vent?

I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

Did you have a question or did you just wish to vent?

I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

"sorry for my loss"?? "Is there a question here"??? (can't you read the opening line of this thread? You know, I've watched this forum for a while now, and your response seem much to typical of a select few who troll this joint..full of sarcasm and snark...and just can't seem to answer someone's question without insults and put downs. If you can't format what I wrote down in your head and respond in an intelligent and respectable way, then please don't. Is restraint not your strength?

As for the other decent people here, I would like to know what my course of action should be to notify all involved that I received all of my inheritance - I do not owe $ to anybody - I never assigned my inheritance to anyone - please don't bother trying to either take back or levy my property,
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"sorry for my loss"?? "Is there a question here"??? (can't you read the opening line of this thread? You know, I've watched this forum for a while now, and your response seem much to typical of a select few who troll this joint..full of sarcasm and snark...and just can't seem to answer someone's question without insults and put downs. If you can't format what I wrote down in your head and respond in an intelligent and respectable way, then please don't. Is restraint not your strength?

As for the other decent people here, I would like to know what my course of action should be to notify all involved that I received all of my inheritance - I do not owe $ to anybody - I never assigned my inheritance to anyone - please don't bother trying to either take back or levy my property,
Questions have question marks. There was no questions in your opening post. I'm sorry, and honestly a bit baffled, that expressing my condolences on the loss of your mother upset you. I meant no insult.
Questions have question marks. There was no questions in your opening post. I'm sorry, and honestly a bit baffled, that expressing my condolences on the loss of your mother upset you. I meant no insult.
Blue - You were supposed to understand that the question was in the thread title. And how DARE you express condolences?!?

OP (that's you, @Stev ) - I would suggest you consult with an attorney after your little outburst. <--- Otherwise known as the advice requested.
As for the other decent people here, I would like to know what my course of action should be to notify all involved that I received all of my inheritance - I do not owe $ to anybody - I never assigned my inheritance to anyone - please don't bother trying to either take back or levy my property,

You have no legal duty to notify anyone, much less a "loan shark" with whom YOU have no relationship.

If you have received your $100K, use your CONSTITUTIONAL right to remain silent.

If, on the other hand, a "loan shark" places a lien on any of YOUR assets, get thee to an attorney.

Otherwise, please accept my sincerest condolences upon the passing of your beloved mother.

May you be permitted to grieve her passing, as you mourn your loss in peace.
Blue - You were supposed to understand that the question was in the thread title. And how DARE you express condolences?!?

OP (that's you, @Stev ) - I would suggest you consult with an attorney after your little outburst. <--- Otherwise known as the advice requested.

I thoughtlessly insensitive of me. My parents would be ashamed of me.
HA! left this site up, when out and mowed the lawn, came back in and was greeted by this. Will C, thanks for your thoughts and you are right (about the Gang of 4 here). I checked out quite a few other questions on this forum and the same 4 to 5 sad people seem to crawl out of their holes to murk up most all threads. This isn't a Law Advice Forum, this place is a trap for these losers to pounce on unsuspecting people who have legitimate questions and issues.
.so, would like to notify this loan shark and Admin of the following:

DO NOT attempt to put a lien on my $100,000
I will NOT return the $100k back to the Estate
I NEVER had an agreement or any relationship with you (the loan shark)
I have no obligations to the Admin or Loan shark so....Ef OFF

You are free to notify the lender and estate personal representative (PR) if you wish to do so. There is no particular required form for doing it. Nor will your request have any particular legal effect. I would suggest that your communication be professional and polite however. Telling them to "f--- off" is almost never effective and should this matter end up in court later it would not help you paint a good picture for yourself.

Understand that your sibling could only assign her interest in the estate, and that's all any voluntary lien she granted would attach. If the PR screwed up and gave her her share when the estate should have paid the lien instead, that's a problem for the PR to work out by going after your sibling to recover what was distributed to her (or just getting her to pay off the lender). The lender and/or PR can't recover what was distributed to you without suing you for return of the distribution. The stock has already been distributed to you, so any lien given the estate would have no effect on you. In short, you really need do nothing right now (including even giving the notice you are contemplating) and can just wait until such time as you are sued. If that ever happens. And considering that nothing you wrote suggests a good cause of action against you, my bet would be that it would never happen. At least if the lender and PR understand how useless that would be.
HA! left this site up, when out and mowed the lawn, came back in and was greeted by this. Will C, thanks for your thoughts and you are right (about the Gang of 4 here). I checked out quite a few other questions on this forum and the same 4 to 5 sad people seem to crawl out of their holes to murk up most all threads. This isn't a Law Advice Forum, this place is a trap for these losers to pounce on unsuspecting people who have legitimate questions and issues.

You should reread army judge's post. He gave accurate, thoughtful advice, and Tax Counsel followed up with further depth. In particular:

Understand that your sibling could only assign her interest in the estate, and that's all any voluntary lien she granted would attach. If the PR screwed up and gave her her share when the estate should have paid the lien instead, that's a problem for the PR to work out by going after your sibling to recover what was distributed to her (or just getting her to pay off the lender).

Your problem is your b**** sister who you suspect thinks she can get the $100K AND not pay off the loan. Get angry at your sister, not us, not the lender.

If your adult sister fulfills her obligations regarding HER loan, then you have no problem.

But I suspect you are used to her being a selfish, ignorant b****, who doesn't care if she screws over her siblings. It seems that you are anticipating a problem, based (I suspect) on her past pattern of behavior, and it's not really possible to answer such a "what if".

Just out of curiosity: do you think she misrepresented herself in her loan application?
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How do I notify Lender to NOT put a lien on my property?

I don't understand what this question means. You obviously know how to communicate with other humans. If your intent was to ask whether there is any legally required means of communication in this circumstance, the answer is no. It is, however, worth pointing out that your proposed communication is unnecessary and will serve no useful purpose.

So, all 3 heirs have received their 1/3 and solely in our names. I,m afraid the loan shark is going to try and get their money and due to the Admins goof, will try to tie up everyones assets.

I don't really understand your concern. If, as you said, "all 3 heirs have received their 1/3," then how do you think this lender could "tie up everyones [sic] assets"?

so, would like to notify this loan shark and Admin of the following you have a question for us (beyond the one in the subject header of your thread)?

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