how does one sue a police department judges and county attorneys unethical behavior


New Member
about 5 years ago i was assaulted and stalked by my then boss and landlord. after it became so bad i could hardley go to work ir hime becasue he followed me everywhere had cameras all over my home and work i called police to try and get my boss to stop and leave me alone he was scaring me and my kdis and causing problems with me and my boyfriend and me and my exhusband, He was slandering me all over town even though i ws still wokring for him. the cops did nothing , they laughed at me every time i called them even after i called to reposrt i was assualted they told me i must ot be too scared becasue i kept going to my home and going back to wrok and i did these things becasue the county just filed a child support case gainst my exhusband who i had 5050 custody with. he told me i would never get rich off our marriage so if i lost my job and my home for our kids he would for sure take them away so i couldnt just leave my job or my home and state law says i have a right to go to work free of harassment or any kind of danger. only orblem was my biss was the one creating this dangerous enviroment. so i finally had a restraing order put on him and he still violated it every day for a coupple of months just to keep my job i told him that i had the restrainng order canceled just to make peace until i could find a place to live and another job. things kept getting wordse i was staying in hotels my boss was telling all the custimers i was stealing from the store he was calling the cops on me for taking dog foos from my home and my vacuum pretty much every time i went therr to pick something up for me or my kids he called poice saying i stole something of his and so the harassment continued..even adter i got the restaining order on him the cops laughed at me and told me i couldnt decide when to violate my boss so every day he would continue to stalk me harass me slander me drive by my house 50 times in one hour call me phone 34 tiimes in 10 minutes he would put gps on my car and pmy phone and would follow me to the hotels i stayed at and caused scenes. The cops did nothing. I finally got sick of it and wrote a letter to the police chief statig my disappointment in them for not helping me and the police chief pretty mcuh blew me off and did nothing the county attrney did nothing so i went to the department of justice for help. in the mean time my ex is doing what he could to make me look nuts and trying to take my kids from me well now all of a sudden as well im being charged with a crime which i didnt commit but plead guilty to because thy were sending my citation to my ex but not telling me about it so now i got make long story short the judge issuing my warrents was the po;ice chiefs wife but i didnt know this until i was sentence for a felony the county attroney was my husbands divorce lawyer the same judge evicted me with no court hearing because they had to take them selves off the case because they knew my lanlord they is a whole slew of twisted and corrupted events i was a law abiding citizen my whole lofe i am now a 5 time convicted felon who only plead guilty because they would arrest me and scare me into guilty pleas i know it sounds nuts but i just want someone to listen from start to finish and tell me what i can do if anything i should mention i had miscarriage in jail and they didnt nor would they take me to the er and i bleeding for 5 days they told me to figure it iut that they didnt care. i had a miscarriage in jail and they refused to provide medical treatment and the goes on.

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