I Want To Get Emancipated !!!!

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I have a relative who was emancipated at the age of 16 all she did was tape record every single fight that her and her dad got into then she went to Boise to the emancipation center and it was that simple for her. so i guess if just depends on what techniques you use.
well i am 14 and i can't stand all the drama in my house. i want to get emancipated and live with my boyfriend. we will both have a job and i am going to also finish out high school. i can support myself. and i want to know if i can get emancipated when i turn 15. i also can't stand my step dad i mean he doesn't hurt me phisically but he does mentally. i know that i can take care of myself. and i already have somewhere to live. i just need to get emancipated. :confused: :( :eek:
For Nickies Gurl

Where state are you from?

Emancipation is hard to get for a reason. To be legally emancipated you have to jump through a bunch of hoops. How many and what kind vary from state to state. Not liking your step dad isn't enough. You have to do more than work, you have to be self-supporting. Which means you need to pay your rent, your groceries, your phone bill etc all from a job that allows you to go to school at the same time. Its effin' hard to do at minimun wage bagging groceries.

If you're serious about legal emancipation you should click on the link for you state at this site:


Good luck,


Yeah, I think it might be a little complicated to get emancipated. I tried when I was 16 actually. I'm 20 now and I know how tough things can be sometimes. I lived with a mother who had boarderline personality disorder (BPD). This mental illness caused her to be EXTREMELY moody, for a lack of a better word. One day, everything was fine, and the next, I'd walk in the house at 9 pm and she'd yell at me for 4 straight hours because I was out with a friend from school or because I didn't wash my fork from earlier... things that I didn't even realize I'd done would come up. If I agreed with my mother during a fight, she thought that I was lying. If I didn't talk at all, she said I was ignoring me and that would be another 2 hours of fighting. If I disagreed, she would yell at me until I agreed. See the problem?

I frequently went to movies and dinners with my best friend at the time who happened to be a male. He was my age exactly (15/16). My mom was the one who always dropped me off when I went to do something with him. We never dated or had any romantic interest in each other. This guy was at the top of the class at school and never so much as spoke a cuss word during our high school days. But, I had another friend who was two years older than me, and because my mother liked how he looked physically, the fact that he drank and smoked and had a bad driving record, didn't stop her from letting me get in his car and go out to dinner with him. My mother would get angry if I was out with my best friend (the one who was my age) alone because she thought it was like a date. I wasn't allowed to date, PERIOD, all through high school and if my mom found out that I dated someone in college, she would have freaked.

She had a problem with seeing people from how they looked on the outside alone. This is why she married my step dad, a person who I knew from the time I was 12 was abusive and not someone I wanted to spend my time with. She married him anyway, even though everyone she knew told her not to. My step dad was physically and emotionally abusive (only physically to my mother). My mother refused to admit there was a problem and still does to this day.

I have never gotten along with my mom and still don't. Any time my mom would have a problem with my step dad, she'd come to me and cry about it, asking me what to do. I was just a kid at the time (maybe 12 or 13 at the most) and this was NOT something I should have been forced to deal with. When I was 13, my step dad and mother got in a loud, screaming fight while my best friend was over at my house. She went home and told her mother what had happened and I never saw her again. I wasn't allowed over and she wasn't allowed to see me.

I'm saying all this to let everyone know that yes, things can be extremely rough for a teenager. It doesn't matter how young, if you are forced into responsibilities that you shouldn't be, that also forces you to grow up and become independent of your family. I made all my own choices and most of my mother's as well. The only thing I regret I wasn't able to convince her on was marrying my step dad. This is most likely a result of BPD - it causes you to cling to people no matter what. You become blind to them and feel like you can't be without them. You fear rejection and it can lead to depression and suicide threats (which my mother definitely did). You also see everything as either a black or white situation (all good or all bad) and nothing in between. I was either a devil or an angel, and never just a normal kid.

Because of all of this, I still feel to this day that I would have had absolutely no problem living on my own and working and paying for things myself. I was independent of my family in every way except finances. I was emotionally ready to be on my own and I don't doubt that those of you thinking of getting emancipated for similar reasons to what I've said here are too.

The thing is that I couldn't prove a lot of what happened to me. My mom would never say anything against my step dad so that wasn't something I could go to someone about. I could have taped the arguments, that's true. I don't know how much that would have helped. In a lot of situations, I think you have to have parents sign things to let you emancipate yourself. In the situations I've heard on here, I don't see that happening : (

But anyway, I want to wish everyone luck with whatever you decide to do. It's true that while you're a kid, you have the best situation financially, but not necessarily emotionally, which is far more damaging. I say, get out of it if you can and if you REALLY understand the responsibility that you are undertaking, which I assume you must or you wouldn't have thought about it this much.

I think I've said enough. Just wanted to wish you luck with your choices and let you know that you aren't alone with this problem. It sucks, doesn't it...
how do you become emancipated & what are the chances?

hey, my names amanda and i'm 16 years old. i've lived in the house i'm in for almost 7 years now i think. things have been really rough for me and my family off and on all the time. sometimes it would be me and my mom arguing and then other times it would be my youngest sister who's 13 and my mom, lately it's been them. anyways i think it's in my best interest not to live with my mom anymore. her boyfriend and her just broke up last night "because of me". so now we have no place to live and she's blaming everything on me. which it's really not all my fault. i try so hard to do what she wants but she expects too much out of me then just yells and yells and will hit me, and then i'll hit her back and everything will just blow up. i can't really explain the things that go on and i'm kind of embarassed to, but i was just wondering if anyone knows like..what do you have to do to be emancipated. i'm 16 and i'll be a junior in high school next year, i only have a week left tomorrow, i have a job, i plan on still going to school, and i have a place to live where i'll pay for things myself. i don't want to move, it's not in my best interest. i had future plans that involved VA and going to college and now she's just messing up my life like she's done the past 5-7 years. so if anyone knows the rules it'd be so helpful. thanks! <3
i am 15 years old and ive basically been taking care of myself for most of all my life. my mom dosnt live with me and she never spent time with me because everytime i spoke to her she alwayz had a new boyfriend she had to please. my dad tells me all the time that i was a mistake and i shouldve never been here. he loves my little brother to death and his 2 step kids. his new "girlfriend" is his whole world. the other kids that live in my house do really bad in school and he always tells them its okay try better next time. i bring home nothing below a b and he tells me i better do better next time. when ever i am in need of something he never helps me. he says "you have a job get it yourself." he dosnt even feed me. i constantly have to go days without eating just to wait untill my next pay check. i try and put most of all my money in the bank because i wish to get emancipated. i know that im going to need money saved up in the bank for court fees and everything that will be going on. im tired of feeling like an outsider and getting in my parents way when i know that i really dont need them. i am very independent and i hope when i fanally decide to go through this process that everything works out okay. wish my luck.! :)
Im Looking in to getting emancipated

here is why my mother did not send any of my 5 siblings to school nor myself and said she was going to ( Home School ) us which didn't happen we basically schooled out self's ( The Internet Helped ALOT ) and i am the last one under the age of 18 i am (16) as of may 11th i would like to get a job and maybe even do an online schooling program and i would like to get my learners permit for driving i would like to do all this so i would be ready and have money saved to move out of my sisters house when im 18 ( i am not living with my parents have not been for almost a year now) but my parents have told me all along that i cant get job till im 18 cant getting license till im 18 and that i don't need to do an online schooling program i feel that it would be good for me to get emancipated and to start my life by getting a job and such . i am wonder what are your thoughts on this is this good reasoning to get emancipated or am i just being impatient ? and what info can you give me on getting emancipated ( in Idaho ) ? thanks
You are just being impatient.

And if you had read the thread, you would have seen that over a month ago I pointed out that it was two years old.

What's with all you kids that you can't start your own thread but have to keep reviving dead ones?
about emancipation

hey my name is savannah but i go by nannah i am 15 i want to get emancipated my mom is a good mom but she has a problem with puting her hands on me. my step dad treats me likt crap he tell me that he is goin to beat the crap out of and every thing my mom use to do drugs real bad she dont no more but i dont feel safe living there and i know i can soppurt my self and still go to school and everything i just want to kno what you think?:confused:
Emancipation is very, very, very rare.

The VAST majority of teens who apply for emancipation will have their application denied.

If you are in an abusive environment, your recourse is to call CPS. The likelihood that you will be approved for emancipation is so slight as to be almost invisible.

As an example, in the state of Georgia for the year 2005, approximately 10,000 teens applied for emancipation. Twelve were approved. 9,988 were denied.
I was emancipated at 16

I was one of the few in NC to be granted an emancipation in 2007, and I didn't just get one because I was tired of living with my parents. I had to work 2 jobs to pay for myself, go to school, keep up my grades, plus I was pretty involved in clubs and sports. I had to prove to the judge that I was already capable of caring for myself. I moved in with my grandparents because nobody is willing to rent a house or an apartment to someone of high school age. My grandparents (and your boyfriend) can kick you out at any time, they have no responsibility toward you. My grandparents moved away my senior year of high school, and I moved 4 times that year because the families I lived with got tired of taking care of me. The 3rd house I lived in was a girl I went to school with, her little brother, her mom, and her stepdad. One night, her stepdad got drunk while the rest of her family was out of town and sexually assaulted me and I moved out that night, leaving all of my belongings at the house for them to throw away. I lost all of my baby pictures, family photos, mostly all of my clothes, and my important belongings (anything the girl couldn't carry with her to school, since there was no way in hell I was going back to that house). I was homeless for 2 weeks before I found a place to live, and when I left for college they said I couldn't use their address as my home address. Every year for FAFSA I have to mail off emancipation papers and explain to 5 different people why I don't have an address, and that I really am a resident of NC.

Just deal with your parents' shit. You'll be out of that house in a few years, I promise it's not as bad as you think. I seriously doubt you'll be with your boyfriend by the time you're old enough to decide to move out anyways. Being emancipated sucks.
i really really wanna get emancipated!!!

i am 16 i live at home in anaheim ca with my dad. we get in fights more now that i am getting older. he brought up geting emancipated but i did not think much about it tell i looked into it. my dad kisked me out a few times i know he cant but he did. he tells people i ran away like any parent would. a few times he kicks me out then says if i am not back in 3 min he will call the cops. so its like he wants me there just to yell at me. i am never really home cuz i dont wanna get yelled at and he is fine with that. he duz not give me any thing to do at home so its not like i dont do any thing wrong. ya some times i dont come out at night. but thats cuz i dont wanna deal with him. he trys taking my fone away but i payed for my fone with my own money so i think i have the right to have it so i never gave it to him. latly he is acting really calm and not really caring wat i do. but i know this is not going to last long. i do have places to live and i am trying to get a job. but my dad is not helping me at all. all he is good at is getting in the way. he duz not notice crap about me i have had my lip periced sense jan. 26 and he found out i have it in march and he did not even notice it his friend asked him about it. he still has not noticed i sied my hair. i really just want to live my own life with out him he is not helping me in life if any thing he is holding me back. i know i can live on my own i did for a week and i can do it for life. there is no way i could go with my mom i really do not know were she is and my dad wont let me find her. please help !!!
I'd usually ask you to start your own thread instead of adding to someone else's thread but in this case I really don't think it's necessary.

You will not be emancipated.

Emancipation is for children who through no fault of their own (for example, parents died in a plane crash) need the legal ability to keep paying the rent, get the utilities switched over, get medical care etc.

It's not for kids who are upset with their parents.

Further, in order to be emancipated the child MUST already have a track record of being self-supported.
If you go to court and try to argue that you want to get emancipated because your dad has been neglecting you, you have a better chance of being thrown into foster care. Just deal with it.
If you go to court and try to argue that you want to get emancipated because your dad has been neglecting you, you have a better chance of being thrown into foster care. Just deal with it.

Yes, you are correct, again!

One's life gets VERY interesting in "foster care". :o

If you think your mom was mean, and your dad was a dirtball, just wait until you enter the wacky, wild, and wonderful world of "foster care"!!!! :yes:
Yes, you are correct, again!

One's life gets VERY interesting in "foster care". :o

If you think your mom was mean, and your dad was a dirtball, just wait until you enter the wacky, wild, and wonderful world of "foster care"!!!! :yes:

That's incredibly tactless and offensive.

You should know better.
I'm just like you. everytime something needs to be done i have to do it. the only parent i have left is my mom my dad dies about 4 yrs ago. my mom is verbaly and physicaly abusive. when she gats mad at me she scream and call me names like Whore and Slut and none of it's true. she will even throw things at me. she threw a pack of cigs. at me one time about 2 weeks ago and i told her one day ur gonna do that and bust my head open. she said i wish i would have done it then. but i'm datin a guy, he's alot older than me. we haven't done anything yet b/c of the statutory rape law. but i'm about to turn 16 and i know already that my mom wouldn't understand and i'm gonna get emancipated from her. now i found out that u can get emancipated. there is one requirement that all u have to do is be moved out and have a job. the other girl that told u that u have to pay utilities was wrong. u can't pay those until u get emancipated. u can't put them in ur name until u get emancipated. yes i'm sure u can live with somebody. then all u have to do with the money ur makin is pay for school and necessities. contact the magistrate in your area and ask him/her about emancipation and if the state of Florida does them. that's about all the help i can give u right now. but i do need to tell u this, evrything i told u is true in the state of N.C. u need to check about it for Florida. i hope that helps u some. :confused: :(

Just to inform you, statutory rape doesn't always mean you are having sexual relations with the minor. Just having the romantic relationship is enough to be charged.
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