I Want To Get Emancipated !!!!

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Wow, I apologize, i should have looked at the dates, my fault. As far as the statutory rape part, I was wrong. Should have said it is still illegal, just a different charge when sex is not involved. Since the post is so old I guess that is neither here nor there though. Again, I apologize for the oversight.
It is extremely hard to get legally emancipated, and you cannot do it just to date an older guy. You have to be able to support yourself financially 100%. That is not going to happen. Stop dating the older man, find one around your age. Any older man with a 15 year old is a pervert. You did not state his age.

Life is rough, stop complaining. Your parents have every right to stop you from seeing this older person, who is likely breaking the law by a relationship with you. If they didn't, you would be having sex, maybe getting pregnant, dropping out of school, then living in a trailer.

What kind of a life is that? You should be thankful your parents give a crap about you.

Focus on things a girl your age should like. You have it easy. Wait untik you move out and you have alot of responsibilities and the world is on your shoulders. Believe me you will wish you were a kid again.

Um hello did you not read the part where her mother is physically and mentally abusing her

Hello Not Ok and in all reality i think you should go for it girl but the sex thing wait for it, i was in a bad situation and all i got was hatred from the other person because i didn't want to do that all the time. once you give it to them once they think they can have it when ever they want.;)
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