i was wrongly arrested warrant was filed by a citizen who is not a official or parole


New Member
i am a resident of a halfway house here in austin tx and i was not signed in by a monitor private corp employee. I signed the ledger but he didnt enter me in the computer. I asked him if i was signed in he replied yes. another employee a supervisor who works nightshift called me up to the desk at 6am asked me i i had left i said no why she saud i was still signed out. If there was 3or 4 counts why didnt the other monitors ask me if i knew i wasnt ssiged in. I hear them ask others here. i was arresyed the next day detained o asked if i could use the restroom they said no .and at the time i was sufferibg from a viral pink eye infection.it was very unconforable i wasnt read my rights put into a patty wagon taken downtown had to wait told that the warrant had been revoked and released out the back door downtown austin. I almost lost all my belongings other residents here grabbed my belongings and took them at their own will i had to look for themand almost had to fight for them there was no monitor around worried about my belongings or safety. I have asked y i was arredted and no onformation was disclosed. I feel like i was treated wrong and i feel like i was humiliated .its not easu living in these conditions provided by the state and forced to live in these conditions this company neefs to be held accountable for their actiins and the level of professionality that they displayed .
If you obey their laws, you can do as 85% of the populace does, LIVE FREE.

If you break their laws, they arrest you, put you on trial, perhaps convict you, and sentence you to be confined in one of their many hoosegows.

Get with the program.
Don't use illegal drugs, misuse legal drugs, don't rape, don't diddle kiddies, don't kill, don't loot, don't steal, bottom line obey their laws and you will be free.

Good luck, I hope you get yourself on track, mate.
If you obey their laws, you can do as 85% of the populace does, LIVE FREE.

If you break their laws, they arrest you, put you on trial, perhaps convict you, and sentence you to be confined in one of their many hoosegows.

Get with the program.
Don't use illegal drugs, misuse legal drugs, don't rape, don't diddle kiddies, don't kill, don't loot, don't steal, bottom line obey their laws and you will be free.

Good luck, I hope you get yourself on track, mate.
You see I am getting myself on track this ordeal threw me off from it being someone's mistake because they want to come to work tired with all due respect sir
i am a resident of a halfway house here in austin tx and i was not signed in by a monitor private corp employee. I signed the ledger but he didnt enter me in the computer. I asked him if i was signed in he replied yes. another employee a supervisor who works nightshift called me up to the desk at 6am asked me i i had left i said no why she saud i was still signed out. If there was 3or 4 counts why didnt the other monitors ask me if i knew i wasnt ssiged in. I hear them ask others here. i was arresyed the next day detained o asked if i could use the restroom they said no .and at the time i was sufferibg from a viral pink eye infection.it was very unconforable i wasnt read my rights put into a patty wagon taken downtown had to wait told that the warrant had been revoked and released out the back door downtown austin. I almost lost all my belongings other residents here grabbed my belongings and took them at their own will i had to look for themand almost had to fight for them there was no monitor around worried about my belongings or safety. I have asked y i was arredted and no onformation was disclosed. I feel like i was treated wrong and i feel like i was humiliated .its not easu living in these conditions provided by the state and forced to live in these conditions this company neefs to be held accountable for their actiins and the level of professionality that they displayed .
1: This was not a "wrongful arrest".
2: You "almost" lost all your belongings, which means that you didn't lose all your belongings.
3: In this end, this sounds like a "no-harm, no-foul" type of situation.

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