Intra-Familial Handgun Transaction

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I am at an age where it is prudent to divest my handguns in a manner of my choosing, rather than have someone else have to address that subject.

I live in California and I want to transfer (gift) several handguns to my daughter in Missouri. There would be no impediment raised in a background check, or to her then registering them in her state. I would like to identify the cheapest and most straight-forward method to give them to her as an intra-familial transaction.

I would be willing to ship them to myself (care of her) for my use when I next visit. Also, I am willing to take the handguns on the plane the next time that I visit. Once the handguns are there, the question of legal transfer to her is to be addressed. Must I engage the services of a local FFL to create an accounting trail or would a Bill of Sale suffice?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Most likely you would go to a local FFL in California who would ship to an FFL in Missouri and complete the registration info for the new owner. You will get the best response by visiting a local dealer.
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