Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Is self-checkout a bad idea?

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Self check has been forced more upon us not only as a matter of convenience but also due to the fact minimum wages have been forced up which has caused retailers to come up with various technologies to keep prices down and remain profitable. A side affect has been the increase in retail theft which then results in these large retailers exiting the markets that are the most volatile for them. Just so happens most of those cities are left leaning democrat ran and low and behold it is not a sustainable operation. Again, you can use it on the up and up or you can use it to scam. I use a local price warehouse app and scan and go feature. I have never had an issue but i also make sure all the items I have are scanned and paid for.
Okay, @Tax Counsel, that is true people get what they vote for. You take a rather optimistic view of old George Soros.

I didn't take any particular stance on George Soros in my post except to note that giving donations to favored candidates is not itself illegal and that those donations are not the same thing as what you stated: that Soros "appointed" those DAs. He did nothing of the sort. Not even close. Sure, money makes a difference in politics, but at least describe his role accurately rather than making it sound like he's some kind of kingmaker. The voters decided whom to elect. If they bought whatever story Soros put out about the candidates, that's on them.

If Republicans want to use the lame excuse that they just "know" that they can't win any elections in those blue areas to justify not even trying, then the party has lost its way. Decades ago Republicans tried — and had success — in winning over districts and states that once were Democratic strongholds. They can't win if they don't even enter the race.
I didn't take any particular stance on George Soros in my post except to note that giving donations to favored candidates is not itself illegal and that those donations are not the same thing as what you stated: that Soros "appointed" those DAs. He did nothing of the sort. Not even close. Sure, money makes a difference in politics, but at least describe his role accurately rather than making it sound like he's some kind of kingmaker. The voters decided whom to elect. If they bought whatever story Soros put out about the candidates, that's on them.

If Republicans want to use the lame excuse that they just "know" that they can't win any elections in those blue areas to justify not even trying, then the party has lost its way. Decades ago Republicans tried — and had success — in winning over districts and states that once were Democratic strongholds. They can't win if they don't even enter the race.

The only way to solve it is with term limits and keeping all private money out of politics. George Soros is evil and gets off on creating chaos in governments and countries to elicit change.He in fact profits off the turmoil in the very markets he creates.

A side effect of things in America becoming more expensive and out of the reach of most middle class Americans. Theo Von had Tucker Carlson on his podcast this week and they equated America to an LLC for the worlds rich and elite. The only true free speech platform is Twitter/ X and them like me agree that this can and will cause rise to a dictator. Whereby no one can question the person in charge and every thing they do is spun positive just like the democratic party. Stay away from those inner city racist areas since that is what the democrats want. Get enough people on welfare, not able to improve their class in life, and dependent upon your handouts then you have controllable slaves. The democrats exploit and use this to their advantages.
Kinda makes the small handful of problem transactions statistically insignificant, doesn't it?

Yes it does until it happens to you. The same would be true in other situations.

In 2021, there were an estimated 63 million court cases filed in the states trial courts and approximately 30,000 state trial judges in those courts. The probability of you appearing before a corrupt judge is very small and would be insignificant until it happens to you.
Yes it does until it happens to you. The same would be true in other situations.

In 2021, there were an estimated 63 million court cases filed in the states trial courts and approximately 30,000 state trial judges in those courts. The probability of you appearing before a corrupt judge is very small and would be insignificant until it happens to you.
Right - just like getting hit by lightning. Very unlikely, but it sucks when it happens!
Or, winning the lottery. Very unlikely, but it's great when it happens!
Yes it does until it happens to you. The same would be true in other situations.

In 2021, there were an estimated 63 million court cases filed in the states trial courts and approximately 30,000 state trial judges in those courts. The probability of you appearing before a corrupt judge is very small and would be insignificant until it happens to you.

That is okay, just go to San Fransisco, Atlanta, Seattle, and Chicago and do this all you like. Keep it under a grand though and the stores LP will not stop you, nor will the police arrest you. The DA in the area will not prosecute you, of course unless your white then the rules apply to you and you could arrested, prosecuted, and jailed or fined.

Good luck with your life choices.
I didn't take any particular stance on George Soros in my post except to note that giving donations to favored candidates is not itself illegal and that those donations are not the same thing as what you stated: that Soros "appointed" those DAs. He did nothing of the sort. Not even close. Sure, money makes a difference in politics, but at least describe his role accurately rather than making it sound like he's some kind of kingmaker. The voters decided whom to elect. If they bought whatever story Soros put out about the candidates, that's on them.

If Republicans want to use the lame excuse that they just "know" that they can't win any elections in those blue areas to justify not even trying, then the party has lost its way. Decades ago Republicans tried — and had success — in winning over districts and states that once were Democratic strongholds. They can't win if they don't even enter the race.

Like Elon said, George Soros hates himself and humanity. He gets the most value from investing in local elections. George doesn't have to change the laws, he just has to get the local judiciary to not enforce them. The largest donators to the democratic party is George Soros and Samuel Bankman-Fried. That is scary for humanity and the people who live in those cities.
Redemptiondude...are you done hijacking this thread to pontificate about your political views?

Not my political views, but the people definitely get what they vote for. Don't you agree?

The ability to scan and steal is a real issue in most major cities. The only good model would be something like whole foods or amazon does. You have an app it tracks what you pick and purchase and charges it to your account. The would be fool proof if you will and help stop the scanning issues. It would eliminate human error either intentional or unintentionally.
Not my political views, but the people definitely get what they vote for. Don't you agree?

The ability to scan and steal is a real issue in most major cities. The only good model would be something like whole foods or amazon does. You have an app it tracks what you pick and purchase and charges it to your account. The would be fool proof if you will and help stop the scanning issues. It would eliminate human error either intentional or unintentionally.
And yet, still has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
And yet, still has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Really has everything to do with the thread, since stores in those vary cities are closing down due to retail theft. The scan and go scam is just one of them. The OP wanted to know if they could be wrongly prosecuted in a city for skipping scanning items. That really depends upon what parts of the country you do that in and what the political climate for those matters are as to if you will be prosecuted.
Really has everything to do with the thread, since stores in those vary cities are closing down due to retail theft. The scan and go scam is just one of them. The OP wanted to know if they could be wrongly prosecuted in a city for skipping scanning items. That really depends upon what parts of the country you do that in and what the political climate for those matters are as to if you will be prosecuted.
Hold on while I grope around for the eyeballs that rolled out of my head...
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