Is there a Statute of Limitations for Connection for Personal Property Back Taxes Due

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Have you heard back from them during the past year? If you responded a year ago and they have not contacted you, it seems like you would be all set.
Personal Property Tax in CT-ME TOO!

Got a nastygram from United Adjustment Corp. Anyone heard of them.
Danbury CT. is after me for tax on 2 cars I owned when I lived there back in 93. Moved out in 94. They say I owe for 3 years 93-95 and interest and penalties until now 2007.

I am reluctant to send them any acknowledgment of actually not paying for the following reasons:
1. An admission means the lien is valid now.
2. No one has sent a registered letter to me.
3. This is over 15 years ago.
4. The City of Danbury said they could not locate me. Funny everyone else had no problem.
5. The tax bill arrives a year after you register the car at the DMV. Pretty dumb on their part.
6. I left the State in Early 94 and sent their state a tax form for income tax showing partial residence.
7. The City of Danbury has never sent me a bill.

While the ethical, and nice guy part of me says, ok hey I will pay what I owed in 93. Their is a part of me now that is really pissed at the nastygram and the bullying way they are handling this. I live in Manila now and why after a decade and a half are they such SH TS! about a mutual mistake.
It would be one thing if the City had said to me- Hey we screwed up, Please pay us for the time you were here, but this is just BS.

Please let me know if you think I am doing the right thing by ignoring this collector.
I am having the same problem with George on taxes 10+ years old. Please let me know how you made out. George is attempting to collect invalid debt in addition to some debt which may actually be valid.

However, requesting payment for inaccurate debt is illegal. If anyone is willing to join in on a class action suit, please let me know. My situation is specific to New Milford, CT. Believe it or not, the town is more in fault than the collection agency in this case.

I am so glad I moved out of this state. They never contact you to pay the bill and then they send a collection agency after you once the interest and "fees" pile up. Let's join forces to take them down. All it takes is a little money and a lot of time. I've got both, so contact me if you are interested.

I also just received a letter looking for back auto taxes from the town of New Milford. These are for a period over 10 years ago , and it's been over 10 years since filing personal and business bankruptcy. I really don't think this money is owed. I've never been notified from the town, and never had any problems at the MVD. Anyone have any thoughts on this ?

Actually the letter I received was from George Dodd.
me too

me too. George at National American Recovery Group regarding Town of New Milford deliquent car tax (12 years old). Anyway, as far as I can tell there is no way to get the collection agency to listen to reason, so I am seeking legal representation. If I give in and pay, what is to keep them from coming back next year for more. My advice... lawyer up.
I just received 2 letters from this company today also representing New Milford, CT. They claim I owe taxes from 13 years ago on vehicles. I called National Recovery and they are stating this is all legal...they can not only state I owe these taxes but also add fees and interest. I have lived 30 miles outside of New Milford for 13 years. National Recovery states they couldn't find me (for 13 years???). I asked them what I could do to resolve this and they said if I have no proof, I will need a lawyer. Any ideas...I contacted the bank for checks and nothing. Contacted my tax person and they don't keep returns for 13 years (thought it would show I paid the tax). This is making me sick as I have great credit and have never been contacted by a collection agency. How can New Milford, CT do this and get away with it??? Does anyone have any ideas what can be done to resolve this?
I have talked to the collection agency people (national recovery) twice and the two people have told me two different things. First one said that if I have my insurance company call them w/ proof that my car was totalled during the period in question, that it would be resolved. I have spent two days on the phone w/ insurance company locating the "old" records and the adjustor was kind enough to personally call the collection agency. Few days later, I received a letter saying that the proof was not "sufficient."

The second person told me that I needed a "certified" registration record of the vehicle in question. Again, I spent about couple of more days w/ NJ DMV and requested a "certified-registration record" showing that my car was registered in NJ and not in CT.

I did not receive the documentation yet. However, from reading others' experiences on this thread, I have a strong feeling that they will shoot it down again.

If this document from NJ DMV does not solve the issue, I am not wasting any more of my time and money (cerfied documents from NJ DMV is $10 per page).

By the way, the town coming after me is Willington, CT. I personally think that this specific collection agency have special incentives or contracts with various townships in CT. As someone said before, I am glad I am out of CT. Property taxes on a totalled car? Their records are messed up too.

What I want to know is what other people think about the "Validity" of this. Has anyone been summoned by the court? From what I have read so far, the collection agency cannot sue you, only the original creditor can go after you if they choose to. When these CT townships "wrote-off" uncollectible debts and sold them to collection agency, doesn't that mean that the townships gave up on the debt/taxes?
Hmmm....I'm having the same issue - just notifed about taxes that they say were due during a period after I'd already left CT and registered in another state.

Seems like this is a big problem, judging by all the posts here. Has anyone had any success in resolving this peacefully??
Does George Dodd even exist?

Over a year ago I received a collection notice from our friends at American National Recovery Group. The "Client" was the Town of Westport. I paid it like they asked me to, and assumed that my debt to the Town of Westport (which was legitimate) had been paid in full.

Fast forward to about a month ago. I get another collection notice. My wife smells something fishy, so rather than deal with ANRG, I call the Tax Collector's office in Westport. The guy I talked to was rude, but he told me exactly what I owed, and for which years. (Turns out the previous collection notice I received--and paid--was only for ONE YEAR'S worth of taxes. Nowhere on the notice did it say that.) I had him fax me the bill, and I sent payment to Westport, asking them to a) fax me back something that says I now owe them NOTHING, and b) contact ANRG and tell them the same. I got the official bill that says "Balance Due Now: $0.00", and a written note saying they would let ANRG know that the debt was paid.

Then last week, another notice from ANRG. This time I can match the account number they provided with one of the fully-paid-off account numbers I got from Westport, so I know they're wrong. So either Westport didn't bother to relay the information, or they did, and ANRG decided to see if they could squeeze anything else out of me.

I called the number on the notice (anyone else try this?) and got a message: "We're sorry, but there is no room for you to leave a message. Please try again later. Goodbye."

Even if Westport is to blame, I still think the American National Recovery Group is capital-S Shady, and it's scary that they're allowed to wield power over people's credit. It makes me wonder if "144 Route 59" in Suffern, NY is really just a vacant lot.
However, requesting payment for inaccurate debt is illegal. If anyone is willing to join in on a class action suit, please let me know. My situation is specific to New Milford, CT. Believe it or not, the town is more in fault than the collection agency in this case.

. Let's join forces to take them down. All it takes is a little money and a lot of time. I've got both, so contact me if you are interested.

I just received a letter from George. I will join you!! Let me know the particulars.

Odd that I never received any notifications from the town of New Milford. Mine is from 1999-2000 for one vehicle. I need to dig through my records tonight to try to locate some form of registration in the state that I moved to. It all seems fishy to me!:yes:
New Milford Tax Collection Farce

Yes! George Dodd sent me a letter, too! I left New Milford almost 15 years ago!

Please count me in on any class action. I just received a notice from the collection agency, and hadn't lived in Connecticut for 18 months prior to the due date listed on the notice. I'm worried, now, I won't be able to prove I registered the car In CA. I don't have it any more. This is ridiculous! They shouldn't be allowed to just say we owe and then we have to prove we don't after 14 years!

There are a lot of recent posts about this. What can we do?

This will be somewhat of a repeat of what others have already said, but I just got a letter from American National Recovery too. Again, New Milford, CT is the town, and again an automobile property tax bill. Apparently the debt is from a 1996 auto property tax bill for less than $200. Now, with penalties and interest it is almost $600. I have unblemished credit, and this really burns me. I'm not going to just shell out $600 when they never even made the effort to get a bill to me until over 12 years after I moved away! I know we had a forwarding order in place at that time and I never received any bill for this tax.

If not for the penalties and interest I might actually pay this today without putting up a fight, but it just seems unfair to spring this on people so far after the alleged debt was incurred that producing any records is very difficult. This appears to be legal, but also stupid. If they wanted to sick a collection agent on me they should have done it 12 years ago, not when the town is going down the tubes and just needs money.

This is interesting:
Here is a quote from page 11...
Overdue Taxes
Wilton and Redding, Connecticut, Take Kid Glove Approaches
With combined populations of fewer than 30,000 residents, both Wilton and Redding,
Connecticut, face financial burdens similar to larger cities in the U.S. And like many other
municipalities in the state, these two communities began outsourcing a share of their delinquent
debt to a private collection firm, American National Recovery Group (ANRG), in 2004. Since
ANRG began to service outstanding tax debt for the community of Wilton with a "light touch"
method, it has recovered approximately $100,000 in back taxes without causing any complaints
against the agency or the city.
Perhaps people need to complain!

It sure would be nice if some of the previos posters had followed up with results of what happened.
Yeah, I had the honor of speaking to George Dodd himself. You can never get the same person when you call there. I called them 3 times and got 3 different people (G. Dodd, another man, a woman) even when I specifically asked for Dodd, they said he was out of the office.

Also, according to them, the statute of limitation for property taxes in CT is 14 years and I am not sure if they are right. The SOL for uncollectible accounts (i.e. credit cards) is 6 years in many states (including NY & CT), however I read somewhere that statute of limitation do not apply to taxes. So where did 14 year come from????

It looks like someone actually paid them off and they still want more?

b A s T < r D s !!
car taxes

i am having the same problem with my car taxes in meriden, ct. i never had a problem registering my car, until 2006. the city of meriden came up with taxes on 2 cars i never owned and even had the wrong date of birth for me.

they didn't want to hear it, even when i told them the dmv had no record of my ever owning the 2 cars meriden claimed i owed.

but, from what i was told by the city tax collector, the statute of limitations is 15 years, and i did have 2 years of money owed drop off when it reached the 15 year mark.
I am having the same problem with George on taxes 10+ years old. Please let me know how you made out. George is attempting to collect invalid debt in addition to some debt which may actually be valid.

However, requesting payment for inaccurate debt is illegal. If anyone is willing to join in on a class action suit, please let me know. My situation is specific to New Milford, CT. Believe it or not, the town is more in fault than the collection agency in this case.

I am so glad I moved out of this state. They never contact you to pay the bill and then they send a collection agency after you once the interest and "fees" pile up. Let's join forces to take them down. All it takes is a little money and a lot of time. I've got both, so contact me if you are interested.

I am willing to join in a class action lawsuit. I strongly suspect that something illegal is going on here.
Hi All,

Recently I started receiving notices from ANRG. They claim I owe $600 in taxes to Guilford for the tax year 1994. I lived in the town from 1987 to 1989 and then moved to Texas. I sold the car they claim I owe tax on in 1990 and it was subsequently stolen and totalled.

I really cannot prove today (in 2007) that I did not own this car in 1994. Apparently, no one can since it was apparently totalled after I sold it.

I spoke to my attorney and the one issue that was raised is whether this scam by ANRG might be targeting old cars which have been sold and subsequently junked. After all, ANRG cannot go after all old delinquent taxes. Perhaps they are culling out records which they know cannot readily be disproven.

Has anyone succeeded in making these people go away? If so, what did you do?

After reading this forum, I am completely outraged by this scam. I think this group should raise holy hell with newspapers, TV stations, the state attorney general, etc. The town governments in CT really cannot be allowed to get away with this!!
I was just contacted by a collection agency regarding overdue State CT. Property Taxes from 1994 for my automobile. I moved out of that state almost 10 years ago and sent my CT plates back to the State. This collection agency says that the State was unable to locate me. That's nonsense! I filed a State tax return for that year and my new address was on that form. I'm also listed in the telephone book. This collection agency says this was turned over to them 2 years ago. I asked them what took them so long to locate me and they didn't have any real answer. My question is, obviously, do I still owe CT these back taxes for my car or not? If so, how can I dispute this as this claim is so old and there was no obvious effort made on the part of the DMV in CT to locate me? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.

If this were a home, you/depending on the state, you can file a homested decleration. In montana, you are giving a 250,000 leway on debt.
This probably won't work for a car, but check into it.

My state's constitution doesn't allow for jail time/debt/ or to kick you out of your house. Your state may have a similar provision, check it out.
HELP same problem

I recently have had the same problem with American national recovery group (George Dodd) trying to collect on a car tax from 1994. I left Conn in 1993 and didn't register in NJ until 1995. I didn't ever see a bill from the town of Guilford and I left forwarding addresses and even changed my Social Security disability check to my new address in NJ. Now after 13 years I have been getting very threatening letters from this collection agencyfor $600.00 and when I called the Town of Guilford they said the original bill was $164.00 (the rest is interest and penalties) but that I am liable for all of it. I got scared and set up a payment plan with the collection agency -they took a $200.00 check by phone. I just now found this web site and am afraid - have I been scammed? The town said it didn't matter that I lived in NJ, because the car had CT plates on it in 1994. When I registered in NJ the DMV here took the CT plates from me. I never heard a word for 13 years and now they were threatening my credit report and saying things like I could be charged with a felony for not turning my plates back in by certified mail and felony for not paying my tax bill(that I didn't know about) Was I wrong to give them a check for partial payment? Should I continue to pay them? If I just ignore the letters from here on out what will happen? HELP!
not much to do

Looks like as unfair as we all might think this practice is, if you had a car registered in the state of CT for any part of the tax year they are claiming, you do indeed owe the money. The law is on their side (believe it or not). In fact the law clearly states that not receiving a bill does not excuse you from paying the tax and all accrued penalties and interests (i.e. innocence is no excuse). I sent them copies of my excise tax bills from the state of MA and they let me off for one of the years (96) but not the other (95) since I did indeed have a car registered in the state of CT for 3 months during that period. Anyway, they haven't hassled me since. Looks like unless you really weren't in CT at all during the time in question (towns and times vary) you don't have a leg to stand on.
If you pay these people is it a scam or does the money really go back to the towns in ct. Should I stop payment on my check? Help!!!!
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