James Woods: 'How are Armed Assassins' Getting Near Trump, Not Harris?

I dunno... I figure a billionaire (he s, right?) can afford to pay for increased security. Why should I?

Because all of us are taxed by the various forms of governments local, state, federal, along with the dozens of bureacracies, and schools.
I love just love how the left act like they are so poor. Yeah Kamala is a millionaire married to a billionaire and the last time I checked the Biden's pulled millions off of a lifetime of government work and from tax payers.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.

I will grant you, though, that there are a couple of ways in which I (or at least many like me) are not as well off as they were four years ago. The changes, however, are not due to anything Biden put in motion, but due to the Supreme Court that Trump packed.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.

I will grant you, though, that there are a couple of ways in which I (or at least many like me) are not as well off as they were four years ago. The changes, however, are not due to anything Biden put in motion, but due to the Supreme Court that Trump packed.

Yeah, I get those things too, and when Biden/ Harris took over my 401k dropped in half its value. It has regained like you said but my insurance for vehicles including a couple of classic cars has doubled or tripled, our house is worth twice its value which means we pay higher taxes on it, the property insurance has increased by 50-60 percent. I got 2 big raises as well the past few years right after COVID hit and had more money the last year under Trump than I do today. The inflation tax has hit the hardest under the donkey regime. I hate to break the news to you but regardless of what you think about the Supreme court and states decision of Roe vs Wade.

You are in fact worse off under the Harris/ Biden regime than you are under the Trump/ Pence regime. A vote for Harris is a vote for 16-20 percent inflation, a vote for continued property over valuation, less home ownership, less access to the middle class, and less discretionary income.

I do not know where you live or what you actually do but unless you live in an inner city, use public transportation, have a house in a so-so neighborhood will little to no valuation increase, live in a state without property or personal property taxes then maybe the blues work out for you.

If you are like the rest of rural America then you voting for the Blue Democrats is going to do the exact opposite of all that you said you wanted to accomplish.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.
Thank you for your candor. It is quite refreshing.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.
I have to be a bit more critical on this quote. The Democratic party used to be the party of the people. They are no longer that party. They have become the party of power, corruption, and deceit. They are the party of the deep state where anything goes to retain power and power over the people.

What I care about is preserving the Republic as it was founded. That means the Constitution and the free-market capitalism economy. Government handouts and subsidies are fine for those that are citizens and need them but, I draw the line on giving them to illegal aliens. And so should you. We are not and should not be the saviors of the world at our own expense.

The height of hypocrisy is to close your eyes to the tens of millions of Americans that are trying to survive month-to-month with what the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past 3-3/4 years. You think about that.
Thank you for your candor. It is quite refreshing.

I have to be a bit more critical on this quote. The Democratic party used to be the party of the people. They are no longer that party. They have become the party of power, corruption, and deceit. They are the party of the deep state where anything goes to retain power and power over the people.

What I care about is preserving the Republic as it was founded. That means the Constitution and the free-market capitalism economy. Government handouts and subsidies are fine for those that are citizens and need them but, I draw the line on giving them to illegal aliens. And so should you. We are not and should not be the saviors of the world at our own expense.

The height of hypocrisy is to close your eyes to the tens of millions of Americans that are trying to survive month-to-month with what the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past 3-3/4 years. You think about that.

I really doubt they care about that mate, from what CBG posted it appears they work for a non profit organization, and tons of non profits and church organizations benefit financially from open boarders as they receive monies tied to illegal immigration from the government. The Democrats provide all the tax payers money needed to give illegals the healthcare, welfare, and benefits that as you said should be reserved for Americans.