James Woods: 'How are Armed Assassins' Getting Near Trump, Not Harris?

I dunno... I figure a billionaire (he s, right?) can afford to pay for increased security. Why should I?

Because all of us are taxed by the various forms of governments local, state, federal, along with the dozens of bureacracies, and schools.
I love just love how the left act like they are so poor. Yeah Kamala is a millionaire married to a billionaire and the last time I checked the Biden's pulled millions off of a lifetime of government work and from tax payers.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.

I will grant you, though, that there are a couple of ways in which I (or at least many like me) are not as well off as they were four years ago. The changes, however, are not due to anything Biden put in motion, but due to the Supreme Court that Trump packed.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.

I will grant you, though, that there are a couple of ways in which I (or at least many like me) are not as well off as they were four years ago. The changes, however, are not due to anything Biden put in motion, but due to the Supreme Court that Trump packed.

Yeah, I get those things too, and when Biden/ Harris took over my 401k dropped in half its value. It has regained like you said but my insurance for vehicles including a couple of classic cars has doubled or tripled, our house is worth twice its value which means we pay higher taxes on it, the property insurance has increased by 50-60 percent. I got 2 big raises as well the past few years right after COVID hit and had more money the last year under Trump than I do today. The inflation tax has hit the hardest under the donkey regime. I hate to break the news to you but regardless of what you think about the Supreme court and states decision of Roe vs Wade.

You are in fact worse off under the Harris/ Biden regime than you are under the Trump/ Pence regime. A vote for Harris is a vote for 16-20 percent inflation, a vote for continued property over valuation, less home ownership, less access to the middle class, and less discretionary income.

I do not know where you live or what you actually do but unless you live in an inner city, use public transportation, have a house in a so-so neighborhood will little to no valuation increase, live in a state without property or personal property taxes then maybe the blues work out for you.

If you are like the rest of rural America then you voting for the Blue Democrats is going to do the exact opposite of all that you said you wanted to accomplish.
Welkin has it right. I am employed; my 403(b) is at its highest point yet; I have very good health insurance through my employer and I've gotten a raise this year. I got two raises last year.
Thank you for your candor. It is quite refreshing.

And I vote Democrat because I want those who are less fortunate than I to have a safety net until they, too, can acquire the blessings I've got. It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you give one fig for the less fortunate.
I have to be a bit more critical on this quote. The Democratic party used to be the party of the people. They are no longer that party. They have become the party of power, corruption, and deceit. They are the party of the deep state where anything goes to retain power and power over the people.

What I care about is preserving the Republic as it was founded. That means the Constitution and the free-market capitalism economy. Government handouts and subsidies are fine for those that are citizens and need them but, I draw the line on giving them to illegal aliens. And so should you. We are not and should not be the saviors of the world at our own expense.

The height of hypocrisy is to close your eyes to the tens of millions of Americans that are trying to survive month-to-month with what the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past 3-3/4 years. You think about that.
Thank you for your candor. It is quite refreshing.

I have to be a bit more critical on this quote. The Democratic party used to be the party of the people. They are no longer that party. They have become the party of power, corruption, and deceit. They are the party of the deep state where anything goes to retain power and power over the people.

What I care about is preserving the Republic as it was founded. That means the Constitution and the free-market capitalism economy. Government handouts and subsidies are fine for those that are citizens and need them but, I draw the line on giving them to illegal aliens. And so should you. We are not and should not be the saviors of the world at our own expense.

The height of hypocrisy is to close your eyes to the tens of millions of Americans that are trying to survive month-to-month with what the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past 3-3/4 years. You think about that.

I really doubt they care about that mate, from what CBG posted it appears they work for a non profit organization, and tons of non profits and church organizations benefit financially from open boarders as they receive monies tied to illegal immigration from the government. The Democrats provide all the tax payers money needed to give illegals the healthcare, welfare, and benefits that as you said should be reserved for Americans.
with all due respect to @cbg - that is from 2019. Trump has proposed to not tax government entitlements and has pledged to not tax tips as well. As far as the educational repayments, it took me roughly 18 years to pay off a graduate degree while my brother wrote off over $130,000 in free education in the social science area of archeology paid for my the government and working for the government (State and USDA). I am not sure how I feel about that but it is NOT FAIR nor EQUITABLE.
The point isn't what year it was from or even if the budget passed. The point is what kinds of things the two candidates think are important.

And for the record, I don't believe a word Trump says about what he will or will not do.
The height of hypocrisy is to close your eyes to the tens of millions of Americans that are trying to survive month-to-month with what the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past 3-3/4 years. You think about that.

I don't know where you are getting your information that poverty is somehow much worse under Biden than it was under Trump. Census Bureau statistics don't bear that out. In 2020, the last year of Trump's presidency the official poverty rate was 11.5%. Last year, the poverty rate was 11.1%. (The numbers are, of course not yet out for 2024.) Given the margin of error in these numbers the numbers for the two administrations are not all that much different. When you look at the actual numbers instead of the political posturing of candidates, you sometimes get a very different picture of reality versus political posturing, as in this case. The truth is that the rate of poverty did not change all that much from the start of the Trump presidency to now.

That does not mean that everything in the economy has been just peachy; inflation has made the cost of living go up more than wages, which means that in particular the middle class has had to do some belt tightening. But the recent in the Fed's interest rate indicates that inflation is cooling. How that might affect the election is hard to say. Voters need to feel the benefit of the rate reduction to really feel better about the direction of the economy and interest rate changes take time to ripple through the economy.
That does not mean that everything in the economy has been just peachy; inflation has made the cost of living go up more than wages, which means that in particular the middle class has had to do some belt tightening. But the recent in the Fed's interest rate indicates that inflation is cooling. How that might affect the election is hard to say. Voters need to feel the benefit of the rate reduction to really feel better about the direction of the economy and interest rate changes take time to ripple through the economy.
I am not speaking about poverty, you are. I never said anything about the poverty levels. I am speaking about the middle class (lower, middle, and upper classes). So, you can go on and address and write your mini essays on whatever you want without actually addressing what is asked or said in a post.

The recent Fed rate cut was based on the condition of the job market which has cooled, and the inflation rate of 2.3% projected for next year, just in timed to help the Harris campaign. The reality of the current job market doesn't explain the number of unemployment claims where illegal immigrants are replacing American workers. The unemployment claims are outpacing the employment numbers. Even Powell said so in his press conference. The unemployment numbers he explains in the press conference, are due to flooding the labor market with illegal immigrants. He only talks about lowering the inflation rate for next year. Nothing about bringing down the cost-of-living.

The Biden administration plays games with the number in reporting the condition of the economy. They erroneously reported 818,000 jobs that didn't exist, and they emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to subsidize the supply of fuel in order to lower prices. These are two recent examples.

United States Core Inflation Rates (1957-2024)
Nothing about bringing down the cost-of-living.

That's hard to do without triggering deflation, which can be even harder to get out of than inflation. Japan has been battling to end deflation for nearly 30 years. What is needed is for incomes to keep pace with price increases, and that's much easier to do with low inflation rates. It's long been known that presidents have very little immediate impact on inflation yet the public still votes like they do. Thus I don't give Biden much credit for the lowering interest rates. But voters might still give credit to Harris for the decline in rates when they go into the voting booth.
That's hard to do without triggering deflation, which can be even harder to get out of than inflation. Japan has been battling to end deflation for nearly 30 years. What is needed is for incomes to keep pace with price increases, and that's much easier to do with low inflation rates. It's long been known that presidents have very little immediate impact on inflation yet the public still votes like they do. Thus I don't give Biden much credit for the lowering interest rates. But voters might still give credit to Harris for the decline in rates when they go into the voting booth.
I disagree with the bolded part of your post. Presidents can do a lot to bring down the cost of living without the Fed printing money. Trump did many such things during his administration.

He increased energy production by opening up Federal land to drilling and fracking. That lead to lower fuel cost for gas, heating oil, and natural gas, the cost of raw materials. He got passed a tax cut that put more money into the consumer's pocket. He brought back manufacturing to the US that increased the GDP and increased employment. Billions in offshore monies were brought back into the country.
I disagree with the bolded part of your post. Presidents can do a lot to bring down the cost of living without the Fed printing money. Trump did many such things during his administration.

Presidents don't by themselves have much impact short-term on economics. Most of the things you mentioned were not done by Trump alone; they had to be done with legislation from Congress. That is why in another thread I've said that voters need to focus not just on their vote for president, but also on their votes for members of Congress. Whether Trump or Harris is president, if we have a deadlocked ineffective Congress there isn't going to be anything really signficant done to improve anything.
He also increased the deficit by more than any other president.
That is sort of a disingenuous statement because it is not the dollar amount of the deficit but the percentage of rise from the preceding administration and what the money went to pay for. Do you think that it had anything to do with the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of the Trump administration?

Just another talking point.

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