Mental Health Thread #10-Fall is Coming

Funny story. Selected an item at a conv. store clearly marked $1.99. It rang up $2.29. I showed the clerk the label. She said that's the date. We went back and forth a little with her insisting "that's just how they mark the date" and me insisting "that is a dollar sign and obviously a price, not a date."

That was the point at which I would have called for the Manager.

I don't suffer stupid clerks.
That was the point at which I would have called for the Manager.

I don't suffer stupid clerks.

That's the point I would have smiled, and said very calmly, "WOW, that's 30 cents more. I can't afford it, Merry Christmas."
Then this cowboy would have walked away.
Trying to stay focused on being positive, happy and thankful this season, but darn it people are making it difficult. We called to see when we could have the grandkids over the weekend and Dad says " whenever you want, we don't have any plans." How do you not have plans for Christmas Day with your children??? So I'm thankful that we have been blessed and are able to do for these kids.
I've been having a busier than normal day today, from the minute I hit my desk this morning. Then this happens:

Another manager's employee comes to me to ask if I have time to do a task that I can do in a pinch as backup, but don't normally do if their manager is in the office. I say no, I'm very busy and I don't have time this morning, isn't your manager here to do it?

Employee steps into their manager's office, then comes right back to mine. "Manager is busy, she says she can't do it, so you have to." (So why then did you ask if I had the time in the first place?)

This happens far too often and what it boils down to is the fact that the other manager thinks that my time is not anywhere near as valuable as hers nor the work I do as important as what she does, even though we are both VPs, at the exact same job grade level & pay scale. The only difference is that I've been here for 35 years and she's been here for 15, so I've got 20 years of seniority. And I'm just an all-around nice person so I don't like to put her poor employees in a tight spot by flat-out refusing to help them when she won't. :)

Okay, rant over, I can go forth and enjoy my weekend now!
Ugh. Selfish people. Our adv person is always behind and turns in her stuff to me last minute. I've had numerous conversations about how disrespectful that is of my time. Her response is always "well I don't mean to." Then STOP!!!
I had someone tell me once that it was my/our health insurance carriers job (she didn't much care which) to figure out who would be an appropriate primary care provider for her because, and these were her exact words as best I can remember, "Because I work for Harvard and that means my time is more important that other people's time."

I told her that I worked for Harvard too and she was wasting too much of mine.
I've been having a busier than normal day today, from the minute I hit my desk this morning. Then this happens:

Another manager's employee comes to me to ask if I have time to do a task that I can do in a pinch as backup, but don't normally do if their manager is in the office. I say no, I'm very busy and I don't have time this morning, isn't your manager here to do it?

Employee steps into their manager's office, then comes right back to mine. "Manager is busy, she says she can't do it, so you have to." (So why then did you ask if I had the time in the first place?)

This happens far too often and what it boils down to is the fact that the other manager thinks that my time is not anywhere near as valuable as hers nor the work I do as important as what she does, even though we are both VPs, at the exact same job grade level & pay scale. The only difference is that I've been here for 35 years and she's been here for 15, so I've got 20 years of seniority. And I'm just an all-around nice person so I don't like to put her poor employees in a tight spot by flat-out refusing to help them when she won't. :)

Okay, rant over, I can go forth and enjoy my weekend now!

I understand why you choose to be of service, rather than "it ain't my job".

Kudos to you, Cynthia.

You choose to help, rather than hinder, that's an asset to any organization.

You never get hurt by being nice, cooperative, or helpful.
You see the bigger picture, you understand your organization is a team.
In fact you even said it in your response, you don't want to punish the innocent for the transgressions of the guilty.
By the way, I don't consider anything you revealed as a rant.
You simply related an incident, and told us that you chose to be of service, rather than a disservice.

I'm a nobody to your organization.
If I understand what you do, how you operate, and your geniuine, modest "aww shucks, happy to help" attitude; I'm sure those in your organization see much more.

Good for you, hopefully your attitude, demeanor, cheerful helpfulness will be contagious.

I know one thing for sure, you felt warm, calm, and happy inside after you helped someone from your organization, while others pushed her/him away and brushed the person off.

Good on you, Cynthia, good on you.
Then this is on you, isn't it. You're of equal rank, just say no. Don't be a doormat.
Believe me, I am anything but a doormat. I am very good at saying no, and I exercise my ability to do so, often. However, I am also, as Army Judge said, a team player, something that I find sadly lacking in the workplace these days.

I have about eight years left before I plan to retire. For the duration of my working life, I'll just be happy to try and keep things on an even keel and to show the same level of professionalism I have throughout my career, but I still appreciate the ability to come on here and vent a little bit knowing that most of my peers will know exactly what I'm talking about. As HR Manager, I spend a lot of time listening to others vent but I rarely get the opportunity myself, so this site is a godsend when I really need to whine a little bit before I get on with life!
Believe me, I am anything but a doormat. I am very good at saying no, and I exercise my ability to do so, often. However, I am also, as Army Judge said, a team player, something that I find sadly lacking in the workplace these days.

I have about eight years left before I plan to retire. For the duration of my working life, I'll just be happy to try and keep things on an even keel and to show the same level of professionalism I have throughout my career, but I still appreciate the ability to come on here and vent a little bit knowing that most of my peers will know exactly what I'm talking about. As HR Manager, I spend a lot of time listening to others vent but I rarely get the opportunity myself, so this site is a godsend when I really need to whine a little bit before I get on with life!

Trust me, retirement is everything I dreamed it would be.
Today I had my quarterly physician's appointment.
After visiting with my physician, I went to check out and schedule my follow up appointments.
During that time, the booker said she had 2 1/2 years until she could retire.
She found a future appointment at 08:30 AM, to which I jokingly replied, "Ma'am, the only morning appointments I do these days is for God on Sunday morning."
We laughed, and discussed retirement a bit.
You'll enjoy it.
I do volunteer work, still take continuing legal Ed classes, speak at local high schools, and just enjoy quiet, relaxing, easy going days gardening, looking over my books, my investments, and planning our monthly get away trips.
Each of us approaches retirement differently, which is as it should be.
We have a 90 year old widowed friend, and member of my wife's prayer group, who says she'll never retire.
She's a high school principal, next year will be her 65th year as an educator, and her 40th year as a high school principal.
Mimi says if she were retire, it would kill her.
To each his/her own...
Sometimes you have to take the high road or pick your battles. It cracks me up when somebody around here tries to claim something is not in their job description. I do things all the time that technically shouldn't be mine.

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