Mental Health Thread #10-Fall is Coming

I started to post the link here, and then realized that with our overall population here that might not be a great idea. I sent it to you in a conversation. Anyone else who wants it let me know.
cbg - would you send me the paper back edition signed by you if I sent you a check for the book plus postage? :)
Nope. I didn't have to fire her though. A co-worker told her she needed to call me to see if she still had a job, and she never called.
So my DH wears hearing aids and isn't able to hear his phone ring when he's on the noisy forklift. He was hired for his current position with the understanding that he would be trained to take over for the supervisor who is planning to retire soon. He was told recently that he wouldn't get the supervisors position because he can't hear the phone. I told him to get that confirmed in front of witnesses if he can. :)
I don't think any of the supervisors have had any training. Their main qualifications are because they're somebody's brother in law, or golfing buddy or drinking buddy. DH is currently looking for other employment but finding something with benefits is tough. Most of his experience is welding but he can't tolerate the fumes anymore.
The latest merry-go-round at the circus where he works is this. There are pot holes too big to go around and so deep that often the parts will slide off the forklift, getting dirty and scratched and sometimes damaged. They tell their boss "you need to fill the potholes". The boss tells them "ya'll need to quit dropping parts". Fill the potholes. Don't drop parts. And round and round.
The latest merry-go-round at the circus where he works is this. There are pot holes too big to go around and so deep that often the parts will slide off the forklift, getting dirty and scratched and sometimes damaged. They tell their boss "you need to fill the potholes". The boss tells them "ya'll need to quit dropping parts". Fill the potholes. Don't drop parts. And round and round.
Apparently the boss has never heard of cause and effect...hitting the potholes is causing the parts to fall off, I assume that dropping the parts is NOT causing the potholes (unless they are some darned heavy parts!)

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