Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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Dinner, gifts, gift cards and manicures. Our secretaries are very well appreciated.

Wow, you really are good to your people on Administrative Professionals day. I just gave my assistant a card and a small gift I feel like a cheapskate!
The owner and his wife deserve most of the credit, although I did suggest the manicures. And we are having a very good year, sales volume has increased much and we haven't increased staff, so they are working their tails off.
And there's no need to feel like a cheapskate. I recall many years at former employers where my crew got nothing at all for Christmas or anything else. Ever.
Elle, I've been trying but can't think of any good news that would make you happy.
I'm looking forward to having my 18 mo old great-niece this weekend.
My husband and I had a wonderful 3 day weekend for our anniversay staying in a cabin in the hills. Sooooo peaceful and quiet. Our owner's wife is already planning our manager appreciation party for October.
How many times do I have to tell these supervisors you cannot let people come back to work after surger without a doctor's release? Grrrrrrrrr. Then the ee tells me "well the doctor said two weeks but..." NO! There is no but...
txls- I hear you. Of course my own father was one of the offenders! A few years ago before he retired, he had a surgery and was to be out 5 weeks. He returned after 2 because he was bored at home and told his coworkers not to tell me. Someone who didn't usually work in his building visited there and then saw me and accidentally ratted him out. Back home he went! It helped that my Mom didn't know he had started going back to work and wasn't thrilled with him either.
Wow! I don't know what kind of work he did but 3 weeks early would be way too soon. He should have enjoyed his time off though some people do get bored - that part is understandable.
So then he comes back with a note from the doc that says released to light duty. No details.
Elle that's really funny.
You got to watch those Fathers, Elle. :)
The same thing can sometimes be said about dogs.
The same thing can sometimes be said about dogs.

We say that all the time about our dog. Biggest similarity, our dog has about the same attitude as my 13-year-old granddaughter. Biggest difference, she's never asked us to buy her a smartphone, computer, or expensive clothes & shoes (although I'm sure she would if she could speak human). :p
Our dog doesn't like dog biscuits (I guess they are too cheap) - he likes the more expensive doggie treats. :)
Has the dog been to obedience school? If so, send the kids. :) (just teasing)
Ha, ha, his kids are grown. His best behaved "child" went into the military so I guess that was his obedience school. He and I taught the dog. She's pretty smart and learned real quick that she didn't like Daddy's spanking's or even his loud voice. After a couple of spankings for going in the street she learned to drop and roll and her butt underneath as soon as he called her name. Now she wouldn't leave the yard if the fence fell down.
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