Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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Some places do make it a "hassle" to adopt & I can kind of understand why some people don't.
My parents didn't go through a fancy rescue organization, just the local animal shelter. It still cost over $100 for a kitten and they had to go for 3 interviews, including with my brother who was still living at home at the time. They also had to bring their existing cat over for "supervised play time". Well meaning but animals don't always act the same at home as they do in a strange place and shouldn't the owner be the one to decide if the existing pet can handle a newcomer or keep them separate? They had to sign a form stating they would not get him declawed, keep him inside only and various other promises. Makes me wonder how many animals are put down because they make it a pain in the neck to adopt. Even a less than ideal home has to be better than putting the animals down.

Yikes, Elle, that's ridiculous! I have to wonder how many animals do end up being put down because they won't adopt them out to a home that they don't find "perfect".
It's almost like you're adopting a child, not that I don't want the animals to go to good homes but......
Oh, my gosh, after our conversation about adopting pets I opened up the newspaper this morning and there's a picture of the most adorable Shepherd/Husky mix for adoption at the animal shelter. She's 2 years old, spayed, looks in the picture like she's got the blue Siberian Husky eyes like our dog, and her name is the same as my late, much-loved kitty cat.

My mantra for today will have to be "We do not need another dog....we do not need another BIG dog....we don't have ROOM for another dog of any size....we do not need another dog....."
One dog is all we can handle, and she does not share her food, so another dog would starve. My nephew came over with his pit bull one time and I had to put our dog inside so the pit could eat. He hates when I tell that story.
Oh, my gosh, after our conversation about adopting pets I opened up the newspaper this morning and there's a picture of the most adorable Shepherd/Husky mix for adoption at the animal shelter. She's 2 years old, spayed, looks in the picture like she's got the blue Siberian Husky eyes like our dog, and her name is the same as my late, much-loved kitty cat.

My mantra for today will have to be "We do not need another dog....we do not need another BIG dog....we don't have ROOM for another dog of any size....we do not need another dog....."

I tell you - dogs (other animals too) can sure tug at your heart. Every time I'm out driving & I see a dog walking by itself (particularly w/o a collar), I wonder does it belong to someone or is it a stray & then I start worrying about it. I even think about it later & wonder if it is ok.
Yeah, I'm sure the food-sharing would be an issue for us too. Plus our big tough-looking Husky mix is actually such a bundle of insecurities, I don't know that she would do well with another dog around anyhow. She used to love to meet other dogs but she isn't around other animals much so she tends to be either afraid of them or very defensive.

People have told us that getting another dog would probably help settle Zoey down, but I'd be afraid she might hurt any dog that was much smaller than her, and we just flat-out don't have room for another dog her size.
We live in a tiny little ranch house that's barely big enough for the two of us (and our collective libraries); certainly not big enough to share with anything larger than a cat. (DH is allergic to cats.) When we talk about the possibility of getting a dog, he wants an Irish wolfhound. Those things are bigger than I am.

You could get a canary or a parakeet. :)
LOL - you can bet he would!

We have more than one friend who has just given up trying to name animals themselves and simply say, Ask Brad what the (cat, dog, horse, ferret, whatever)'s name is.
It seems like he really enjoys it.
Whoa! Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line.
I've been following the Boston marathon awful! When I told my husband about it at lunch he said that his brother runs marathons and has gone to the Boston marathon before. We don't keep in very close touch with him normally but we're hoping he wasn't there. Very scary.
My sister-in-law's brother runs marathons but not as many any previously - he's in his mid 70s. He always runs the St. Jude's one for charity. He has run the Boston marathon before but not this one.
It's a horrible, horrible thing and Boston is a total mess. All classes for this evening were cancelled, Mass General is in lockdown, they're urging everyone off the streets and it's just - horrible.
It is horrible - what a shame. Couple of deaths & at least 28 injuries I heard. :( I bet Boston is currently a mess.
I just heard that one of the 2 deaths was a little 8 year old.
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