Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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You were one of the lucky ones selected. :)
Yes, that's right - lucky, lucky me. OFCCP evaluates EEO policies and pay discrimination for federal contractors, selecting randomly and also after complaints are filed. My co. does work in several national park visitors' centers. At least I passed 2-1/2 years ago, thanks to a very understanding and helpful compliance officer (it took them 5 months to complete the review!), and have kept up my recordkeeping. The owners have barely any idea I do any of this, but wouldn't they be sad if I was someone who didn't take pride in her work. Now, on to those compensation self-evaluations (trumpet fanfare please)!
Yesterday MSN had this headline "How do you solve a problem like N. Korea?" Sound familiar? I just wonder if it was done on purpose.
Yesterday MSN had this headline "How do you solve a problem like N. Korea?" Sound familiar? I just wonder if it was done on purpose.

I'm sure it was done intentionally....that sort of thing happens often enough in news headlines, I doubt that it's a coincidence! :)
Been a helluva week. Been at work since 7 at one of our sites and if I am lucky, I will only put in a 12 hour day. Tomorrow I am helping to run a district debate championship tournament and I am providing all the food for the judges. We have already established that my sanity left me long ago for greener pastures. Going shopping later for all the food and then prepping as much as I can tonight. Good thing I am a professional insomniac. Anyone have an easy main meal crock pot dish that is quick prep and not too many ingredients? I have a few ideas floating about but I am open to suggestions.
Pot roast is the easiest. Chicken breasts in chicken broth with any kind of seasoning is easy,then just shred when done and serve on a bun.
TX- Meatballs in sauce is high on my list of possibles. Making a black bean chili recipe that I have that is really really easy and throwing together a ceasar salad. Figured I should have something for the carnivores among us as well.
Elle, are any of your munchkins in this debate tournament or are you just helping to run this one?
My brother & I will be going before too long to the Cardinals home opener. 75 for the high today. It will be a bittersweet day - 1st home opener Stan Musial will not be there. They are going to honor him today & also Friday. Everyone gets a harmonica Friday - Stan played the harmonica & today a group is going to play the national anthem on harmonica. It will also be bittersweet for Chris Carpenter. He is injured again & more likely than not his pitching career is over per all reports. I hope we didn't need to save any of the 14 runs we got yesterday against SF for today's game. Who do you all root for in baseball (if any team)? Go Cards & go for whichever team you root for - just don't go as far as the Cards. :) We go early on opening day due to all the activities/festivities.
I am only vaguely aware there is a sport known as "baseball". Only player I can name is Cal Ripken and he retired some time ago.

This weekend I didn't have any munchkins competing but I was helping to run the show anyway. The food went over well. Crockpots were the way to go. We got lucky and I was finished by 9 PM. Only saw daylight through the windows, but it could have been much worse.
Found a dog running down the street yesterday morning around 8:30, called the phone numbers on his tag. The owners were out of town and completely unconcerned. Didn't ask if I minded keeping him or if I had food for him. They picked him up at 7:30 pm with barely a thanks. I feel bad for the little guy.
Awww, poor little doggie. Thanks for taking care of him, txls. If that was my dog, I would have been ever so thankful & paid you if you would have accepted something. However; if I was out of town, my dog would not be running loose down the street.
I'm pretty sure they left him in the backyard and their fence is in bad shape so he got out. I'm pretty sure I've seen him loose before but he wouldn't come to me and I had no idea where he belonged. I was just amazed at how unconcerned they were.
It never ceases to amaze me how unconcerned some people seem to be about their pets. I mean, why bother to have pets if you don't care what happens to them?
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