Mental Health Thread #2 - Spring Forward

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Ha, ha, his kids are grown. His best behaved "child" went into the military so I guess that was his obedience school. He and I taught the dog. She's pretty smart and learned real quick that she didn't like Daddy's spanking's or even his loud voice. After a couple of spankings for going in the street she learned to drop and roll and her butt underneath as soon as he called her name. Now she wouldn't leave the yard if the fence fell down.

The need to stay put is apparently very deeply ingrained in our dog. We never take her out off-leash because we don't have a fenced area for her, and the last time we were out of town and boarded her at a kennel, they said that she wouldn't even go outside to go potty if the guy didn't at least touch the leash against the back of her neck to let her know it was okay! It didn't have to be fastened, she just had to feel like she was secured before she'd go outside.

Speaking of dogs, my DIL told me something kinda scary yesterday...they have a bald eagle in their neighborhood (eagles are about as common as pigeons around here) that has been sitting in a tree just down the street from their house and paying VERY close attention when they walk their chihuahua-mix. She's probably around 4 or 5 pounds so if an eagle wanted to, it could grab her. Pretty scary, and I hope the kids have been told to make sure the puppy doesn't slip out the door when they're coming in or out.
We had our quarterly all HR staff meeting this morning. The first hour (of a two hour meeting) was all about the budget of one of the schools. Someone please explain to me why I should care.
Maybe to make sure the budget didn't include funds for inappropriate things? Use your imagination :)
We used to have company wide annual meetings (though everyone did not go at the same time). Some of what we heard was interesting & some we couldn't care less about. We actually had people (not me :)) fall asleep during them - not a good idea.
Awww, sorry. Maybe it will get better. You still have the rest of today & 2 more days to get through.
My DH had a piece of melted steel burn through his boot(brand new boot!) yesterday and it burned the side and part of the bottom of his foot. His foot was not just red but charred black. Ouch! Doctor recommended he stay off work until Monday. Oh no, work says he has to come in. Now I understand the concept of having people work light duty instead of lazing around at home, but yesterday he couldn't put any kind of shoe on and it was very painful to walk. He's normally off on Friday so it really irks me that they couldn't let him stay home for two days. Grrrrrr!
My DH had a piece of melted steel burn through his boot(brand new boot!) yesterday and it burned the side and part of the bottom of his foot. His foot was not just red but charred black. Ouch! Doctor recommended he stay off work until Monday. Oh no, work says he has to come in. Now I understand the concept of having people work light duty instead of lazing around at home, but yesterday he couldn't put any kind of shoe on and it was very painful to walk. He's normally off on Friday so it really irks me that they couldn't let him stay home for two days. Grrrrrr!

That's a serious burn, and I imagine really painful, but I'd also worry about it becoming infected. Is the employer going to take responsibility if it becomes infected from having a shoe rub the burn raw because they told him he couldn't take two days off even under a doctor's recommendation? As an employer, I be thinking about that sort of thing. I'd say that two days out at the beginning of the injury would be preferable to having an employee out for possibly much longer if an infection developed. And as a human being I'd be concerned because even though I've never had a burn that bad, I can imagine how painful it must be just to have it burned like that, and then to be forced to put a shoe on and move around...."ouch" doesn't even begin to cover it!
What a bunch of gits. I agree with cynthia - I wouldn't want to take the risk of infection.
Wait a minute - txls's DH has a work-related injury and a Drs note to stay home. How does his employer get to override that without another Dr's evaluation?
Somehow they claim the doctor can only make a recommendation and the supervisor makes the final call. And the supervisors are stupid. He works with steel beams that can weigh hundreds of pounds. If he asks for help moving the really big ones, they call him a wimp. If he strains a muscle they tell him to take Aleve and get back to work. I told him if it hurt too bad, just go home. They won't fire him. If they do I'm okay with that too.

Elle pretend it's Friday night and have a glass of wine, or two or however many it takes.
Linda, if I were you I'd probably be encouraging my husband to look for work elsewhere if that's the way they treat their employees!

My DH had a job like that for a couple of years. The boss expected him to work 60-70 hour weeks and come in sick, injured or whatever (one day he called me and said he had the flu so bad he wanted to go home, but the boss told him he needed to stay at work so every once in a while he'd lean out the door of the backhoe he was operating to throw up. Apparently the boss was okay with that! DH started having some health problems that were aggravated by the ridiculous schedule so when he was able to find another job, even though it pays $5/hour less than the old job, I told him to grab it. I was afraid that other job was going to kill him eventually!
We've talked about it but he want's to hold out 4 more years till he can draw full retirement. The pay is so-so but they do have excellent benefits. He just got up to 3 weeks vacation and he really doesn't want to give that up. He really likes the work he does, it's close to home etc. I'm not sure if the company in general is badly run or if it's just the supervisors in his dept. He has considered a department change but not sure if they will let him.
That's a shame, txls. :(

Elle; when I was working, one time I ordered bumper stickers for all the underwriters (I was a life ins. underwriter) that read: Live each day as if it was Friday. One section of everyone's office wall was a bulletin board & we all put them up there with thumb tacks. I still have mine.
So he called in and said, I can't put any kind of shoe on my foot. Well, we can't let you come to work without a shoe on. Exactly, so I'll see ya'll Monday then. Oh, ok.
Now see, I am a huge supporter (and enforcer) of light duty. Even I wouldn't insist someone come to work under those circumstances. I'd just like to be able to take one day off and not be expected to work. I've worked from more than one hospital bed, was recently called while attending a funeral (not to mention bombarded with emails), and put in 12+ hour days from home while using sick leave. I probably need my head examined. Right now this place could not be more stressful and it is about to get worse. I haven't said much here much of it I don't want to share (yet) on a public bulletin board, but I could use some prayers, positive vibes, crossed fingers, and happy thoughts. Getting to Friday night will be a huge relief, though it will be far from the end.
Positive vibes Elle. I hear you on the funeral thing. I was recently called to my grandpa's death bed out of town. (He did pass while we were there). I went in to wrap up a few critical items before leaving town. Our cell phone contracts renewed two months ago, but one person elected to wait indefinitely to upgrade. This person suddenly decided that they MUST get a new phone this minute because of some MINOR technical issues with their current one and I MUST order it immediately. I looked him dead in the eye and told him I would order it, and it would come while I was gone, but he would have to set it up himself and if he had any problems getting it to talk to our tempermental email system or anything elee, I was NOT going to take calls while I was out of town attending to my granpda's final moments.
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