Mental Health Thread #3 - Any vacations planned?

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Good luck Linda! We go to Grand Lake Stream in Maine every year to small mouth bass fish and just relax. I'm not that crazy about the 13 hour drive to get there ( its two hours east of Bangor and I'm in Central Jersey) but once there its great. We stay in a VERY rustic cabin- no tv, no air and very spotty cell service, cook on an open camp fire all that good stuff! The town only has one general store so what you need for the week you have to bring. They have this forth of July parade with home made floats ( they had 7 last year) and then the town has an all day celebration. Very quaint! This year we're not going on the forth but later in the month.
$800 per month for daycare.

Wow. I'd thought that maybe it would be less expensive for you down there than it is up here (because the cost of living in Alaska is generally so much higher) but it sounds like you've caught up with us as far as the cost of some things go.
I could find one for about $600 but this one is really good and they have more outings in the summer, close to home etc.
I could possibly find someone to keep them at home, but they need the activities and structure. I'm hoping they will be worn out in the evenings :) It's crazy expensive but I wouldn't keep anybody's kids for 45 hours a week @ $2.00 and hour.
A former co-worker of mine once ended up quitting her job when she realized that everything she earned, plus, was going to daycare and they would actually be better off financially if she stayed home with the kids and they had just her husband's income.
to cbg: My niece and several employees have come to the same conclusion. With one kid they can contribute to the family's financial well-being by working. With two kids it was not possible unless you're in a farily well-compensated position, or have a family member providing the child care.
We may get some kind of assistance with the kids care since the father is incarcerated (and Mother is headed in that direction). But we haven't had a chance to check into any of that, and I don't know if our combined income might disqualify us. It may be only for the summer. Once they're back in school we might have family that can take care of after school.
A former co-worker of mine once ended up quitting her job when she realized that everything she earned, plus, was going to daycare and they would actually be better off financially if she stayed home with the kids and they had just her husband's income.

That happened when my DIL went back to work after my youngest granddaughter was born. She did the math, and after daycare for two kids, she would have been bringing home about $11 per paycheck! She stayed home until the little one was about 4 and the older one was in school so she only had one child in daycare and then was able to find a stay-at-home mom friend of hers who gave her a really good deal. (She works for the school so is off work when the kids are out of school, which works out really nicely).
We just got back from a mini vacation...DH had business in Tampa so I flew down on Thursday, we drove to Daytona beach for Memorial Day weekend. Everyone down there was complaining of how cold the water was :). DH and I were both thinking that it was warm as bath was the same as the water at home during August.... Daytona wasn't what I thought it would in the heck can you be a coastal town and have CRAPPY seafood? We tried the 'local' joints and the tourist joints...all just yuck!~
It's a mystery to me, but I've been to other parts of Florida where the seafood is so so at best.
Just got back from a long weekend in Philly with munchkins which isn't the most relaxing "vacation" followed by almost a week at the beach with my family. Beach was nice and we had great weather. No major disasters or hurricanes this year so that is a plus.

Might be taking an involuntary "vacation" starting July 1.
A former co-worker of mine once ended up quitting her job when she realized that everything she earned, plus, was going to daycare and they would actually be better off financially if she stayed home with the kids and they had just her husband's income.

That certainly makes sense if you're not going to come out ahead.
Just got back from a long weekend in Philly with munchkins which isn't the most relaxing "vacation" followed by almost a week at the beach with my family. Beach was nice and we had great weather. No major disasters or hurricanes this year so that is a plus.

Might be taking an involuntary "vacation" starting July 1.

I'm glad you got to go on the family vacation. You had noted previously you didn't know if you would be able to go. I hope you Dad had a good time.

If by involuntary vacation, you mean something like a lay off, I'm sorry, Elle.
Did I tell you guys that there was a new post on our old board on AHI earlier this week? I answered it - I could still do that - and referred the poster here.

Wasn't that board supposed to be defunct like months ago?
I thought it was supposed to be. I haven't been over there for quite a while but I referred a couple of posters over here & I believe I saw a couple of other AHI responders refer posters over here. I don't know why people can keep posting.
Here's my day. 4yr old did not want to stay at daycare. One ee out sick. One ee on maternity leave. One ee has doctor appt this am. One new ee starting today. One ee who's been here a week. One employee in her last week. And our telephones are out.Good morning everyone.
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