Mental Health Thread #3 - Any vacations planned?

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Good morning, txls. At least the internet is up. :) What a way to start a Monday! :(
WC & Facebook. More & more employers are using facebook to spot employees who file fraudulent workers' comp claims. In most cases, workers who are supposedly too injured to work will describe (or show) their strenuous activities. Examples - A California warehouse worker with work-related back injuries posted his bowling tournament scores. And an employee who was in too much pain to get out of bed posted video of himself competing in a rodeo.
It was 12:06am cst. However, I did not go off the computer until 3:30am cst -- sometimes I'm on later than that. I'm always on late except on a rare occasion. :) And sometimes when I go off, I read for a while before actually going to bed.
WC & Facebook. More & more employers are using facebook to spot employees who file fraudulent workers' comp claims. In most cases, workers who are supposedly too injured to work will describe (or show) their strenuous activities. Examples - A California warehouse worker with work-related back injuries posted his bowling tournament scores. And an employee who was in too much pain to get out of bed posted video of himself competing in a rodeo.

Facebook is my friend. Makes investigations sooo much easier.
Yep, you sure can find out a lot on facebook about people (more on some than others).
Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers on the forum. I hope your day is going great! :)
It seems no one has had much to say lately. I hope things are going smoothly for everyone.
We are finishing up one routine internal audit this week and gearing up to go right into another one, plus I've got some other projects that have been very time-consuming lately, so work for me has been pretty busy. I try to take a break now and then and check in here to see what everybody else has been up to. I think of it as a little "sanity break" when work is so totally and absolutely crazy!
One of my co-workers killed her computer (in her defense, I doubt it was anything she did that caused it but it was just as dead) and we're stone cold dead in the water without them, so we've all been juggling and shuffling to keep things covered. Weird week.
It's Friday!! :) (unless you are on the west coast, then you have to wait a bit yet) 12:20am cst Fri. 6-21 (It's also summer!!)
Ok, Betty, what are you dong on the board at 1:19 AM! Don't tell me you're working the "graveyard" shift.
I'm retired. I'm generally on the computer until 3-4:00am cst -- sometimes later & sometimes I might go off earlier. :)
Well for now "our kids" are going to their mother, who according to her probation officer is doing all the right things. We did get regular visitation rights and we will be checking up. If she is sincere and does the right thing for them, then that's wonderful. But we are sceptical.
txls, I hope things work out the best they can for everyone.
Well for now "our kids" are going to their mother, who according to her probation officer is doing all the right things. We did get regular visitation rights and we will be checking up. If she is sincere and does the right thing for them, then that's wonderful. But we are sceptical.

Sometimes it seems like it's easy for people to say the right things to impress the authorities but then you always have to wonder what happens when the authorities are no longer right there. Hopefully, she is sincere about doing what is in the best interests of the children. (I'm a skeptic at heart, however, and I tend to assume that people will eventually revert to type!)
FI mgr turns in files to the title clerk. If anything is missing or incorrect she has to go back to him for completion. We have a new title clerk, so this morning the FI mgr tells me "I'm trying to do ya'll a favor by going through the files carefully to make sure everything is there and is all correct." Yea well, I wouldn't really call that doing us a "favor" when it's just doing your job.
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