Mental Health Thread #6 - Post your "news" here!

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Our dog and cat secretly love each other but they are jealous. The dog can be in another room snoring and if I whisper the cat's name, here comes the dog.
Our dog and cat secretly love each other but they are jealous. The dog can be in another room snoring and if I whisper the cat's name, here comes the dog.

That's hilarious. Our dog can hear certain things from two rooms away so she'd probably do the same thing if we had another pet in the house. She used to get upset if we closed the living room curtains while she was in the room so we'd wait until she'd gone all the way to the end of the hall to her room and was (we thought) asleep. At the first rattle of the metal rings on the curtain rod, she'd come charging into the living room, and yelp at us like we were doing something really upsetting to her. We never did figure out what that was all about.
Gee Ida01............... it sounds like that severance agreement was for you and if so , I'm so sorry that you lost your job. Been there done that a few years back and it sucks.

I've been making noises about retiring at the end of the year (after I turn 66) but the CFO can't wait to get someone..."fresher" in. She has become rather hostile and fault-finding the last few months. We have a new person with some HR background starting in the dept in June. If I was to place a bet, I'd put my money on the week after this person comes on board, as soon as I show her were every is.

Oh, well, don't want to burn my bridges since I will need to do contract work P/T after retirement.
Oh well, it could be worse since you were thinking of retiring at the end of the year anyway. The best of luck to you whatever happens. It sounds like you will be fine.
Oh well, it could be worse since you were thinking of retiring at the end of the year anyway. The best of luck to you whatever happens. It sounds like you will be fine.

Was told yesterday that we would begin the search for my replacement this summer. Got the impression there would be some restructuring as well. I have discussed a "phase-out" retirement arrangement possibly with some contract recruiting afterwards. If that doesn't work out .. I've been practicing "Welcome to Wall Mart, would you like a cart?"
It doesn't look like you would pass the Walmart greeter hiring test --- but then again, maybe you would. :)
Last time I was in my hometown, the greeter there had to be near a hundred years old and twice I went in there and she was asleep.
They don't want to discriminate due to age & maybe she was on break. :)
They stopped using greeters at our Walmart several years ago. Ours weren't necessarily senior citizens, and a few of them were kind of creepy. One kept insisting on sticking those stupid smiley-face stickers on my grandkids' foreheads or bare arms. Another one was a lady who looked like she would just as soon bite you as welcome you to Walmart. I was glad when they stopped using them.
Many, many years ago while in college and I was cashier at WallyWorld and had to work the "greeter" position here and there. I remember those stickers! They were supposed to go on products the customer brought in with them to prove they had already paid for it. But we did have to wear that stupid vest and greet everyone! Hopefully I wasn't creepy! Luckily I was only there for about 4 months.....
Some time back I worked in the HR dept for a much smaller nationwide retail chain. Had to sit through the week-long new manager training course, which actually wasn't a bad idea since they would be my primary internal clients. Only worked there about three years, it certainly was a different animal. Can't say that I miss it.
My DH got hurt at work and Dr took him off work for 10 days then put him on only 8 hours a day.(they normally work 4 10hrs a day) Since he's been back at 8 hrs a day, they have made him work Friday
and Saturday. He asked about taking off this Saturday and they said no, but many other people are being allowed to take off. He asked why he's being singled out to work. He was told "if you look at your time sheet, you are working
less hours than anybody else, so of all people you should be the one to work." Feels like retaliation to me. And I doubt if the Dr expected him to be working 6 days a week. Doesn't leave much time to rest and heal. Grrr
txls -- can you get a revised dr's note that limits the total amount of hours in one week? Because that does stink, especially since it is a work-related injury. And I doubt the doctor meant that he could work more than his total!
Probably can, but of course too late for this weekend. They always get a kick out of ruining their workers holiday weekends anyway. Then they'll be asking, "why is morale so bad around here?"
Probably can, but of course too late for this weekend. They always get a kick out of ruining their workers holiday weekends anyway. Then they'll be asking, "why is morale so bad around here?"

TXLs: I don't necessarily see retaliation here. Let's take the medical aspect out of the equation for a minute. If I was in a business in which someone had to work Sat. as part of our operation, and I had and employee who had recently been off for 10 days, that employee would seem to be a logical choice to work the holiday weekend so others could have the time off. When I was in the retail chain mentioned a few posts above, we were open 7 days a week and store managers always had a challenge balancing the wishes of their employees against the needs of the store. Naturally no body wants to work holiday weekends.

If there's a medical reason your DH shouldn't work 6 days in a row, then of course he needs to get documentation from his doc saying so. It looks like it's going to rain part of our holiday weekend in this part of the state anyway.
I agree with hrforme - I would ask the dr. about a revised note re max. hrs. can be worked per day & week though I know that doesn't help this weekend. :(
I hear ya, Steve. But it's not like the place is "open" and somebody has to work. They will make them work Saturdays claiming that they have a lot of rush orders that have to be out.
Okay that's fine. Then those "rush" orders will sit outside for weeks and months before being delivered. They won't tell them until the day before, if they're going to have to work, so nobody
can make plans. I know there's nothing illegal about any of this, just saying they seem to enjoy messing with their employees.

There was one occasion when they said nobody can take off this Friday, don't even ask, everybody is working, we've got lots of work to get out. Then the two supervisors decided to take two of their employee drinking buddies
and go play golf on Friday. That was great for morale.
And it's okay. He's looking for another job. He's been getting more and more fed up with all the BS and after the way they treated him after his injury, I really don't trust them. They wanted him to wait
a few days and see if his headache went away before they took him to a doctor and filed a WC report. He said no I really need to see a doctor today. He had a concussion and as the doctor put it "trauma to his neck."
You don't just take aspirin and go back to work.
I'd be looking for another job too, under those conditions.

It always amazes me what some businesses do to their employees and while it never rises to the level of anything illegal, it's still not a good way to treat employees, and then they wonder why morale is bad.
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