Mental Health Thread #6 - Post your "news" here!

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I've been having a lot of those frustrated days lately, mostly at home. My DH is re-siding our house and I'm afraid it isn't going to get done in time (construction loan comes due in a week) but I can't say too much to him because he will think I'm nagging and I know he's frustrated by all the problems that have come up (there is no such thing as a straight line anywhere in our house, outside or inside, for starters).

Last night I was in such a mood I yelled at the dog for chewing too loud. Tonight we have the two youngest granddaughters overnight so I'm trying to get my "Zen" on so I won't end up yelling at them for some minor infraction.
For those of you in the old AHI crowd who remember Maven; you may have known that she was widowed suddenly a little under a year ago. This coming Thursday would have been her 10th wedding anniversary. I wasn't going to say anything publicly unless she did but she just mentioned it on Facebook so I guess she's okay with it. If you happen to think of it on Thursday, send a few good thoughts her way, okay?
Sorry Elle, hope it gets better soon. Prayers for Maven.

So the guys who didn't show up last Sat to work got suspended for 3 days. Anybody who asked for time off got denied. So the moral of that story is, if you need time off,
just don't show up on Saturday.
So the guys who didn't show up last Sat to work got suspended for 3 days. Anybody who asked for time off got denied. So the moral of that story is, if you need time off,
just don't show up on Saturday.

Well, that's one way to get time off. :)
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