Okay ... time to rant ...
Domestic violence is the progressive crime. Young lady has two kids with abusive ex-bf #1 (who went insane and died in a suicide by cop incident two years ago), and one kid by the current abusive BF who has been thumping her in the presence of the kids off and on for about 3 years. This weekend, he takes her head and bounces it off a concrete step knocking three teeth out and then drags through the mud beating her raw. Her 7-year-old son tries to help mommy and he backhands the boy and knocks a tooth out of his mouth. 11-year-old daughter (tragically, the only real "adult" in that household) hides under a blanket in her room and after witnessing mom getting beat down in front of her window she calls her Na-Na (grandma) for help. Grandma gets there and takes off after Mr. Wonderful with a baseball bat and gets a couple of licks in before he flees moments before we arrive.
My victim is inebriated and a mess. I've been telling her for years this would happen, and in each of the many prior incidents, she has backpedaled and even lied to protect him. They were seeing each other when he had a 500 yard stay away and no contact order, and then she claimed a 5th Amendment privilege so she wouldn't testify against him (she alleged that her testimony could put her on the hook for child endangerment). Sadly, she's also a friend and used to be a neighbor of mine. Even her parents have had it with the situation.
The day after the beat down I went to her house, did a follow-up interview and photos of the teeth and much better bruises. I also told her that if she dares to get back with him I will make it my mission in life to remove her children from her care. I know she wasn't pleased to hear it, but, damn it! Those kids have seen enough!!! This crap has happened so often that the kids are unphased by it now. The 11-year-old narrates these events with great articulation and detail like she's reciting a favorite movie!
So, now we are hunting for this guy and I *HOPE* he tries to resist arrest and goes down hard. The bastard can beat on inebriated girls, but let's see how he fares against angry and righteous men if he gives them half a reason.
Okay ... rant mode off ... guys like this make me glad to do my job!