That's sad txls. Wish I had some advice for that one.
cynthiag, one more thing I suggest, and I'm going to climb on my soapbox for a minute, so forgive me. Take the dog off any brand of dog food with GMO modified corn in it (which is most grocery store brands). I can't back up with any science studies, but my husband is big on natural foods and such. I'm more of a skeptic, but this one I believe-did you ever hear of animals with diabetes even 15 years ago? But now I know tons of people who have to give their pets insulin, and I firmly believe it's because of these GMO products which are bad enough for humans, but murder on animal's digestive systems. We use Diamond brand ourselves, and not that two dogs is conclusive evidence, but the two I have now are doing great. (I didn't know about it back when little Powder was alive). You can usually find it (and other good brands) the cheapest at feed stores-places like Tractor Supply or Rural King if you have any of those in your area. If your dog already has diabetes, it's probably too late to change it, but I believe it will help.