Mental Health Thread #8 - Fall is here!!

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It is really going to be cold here this week. Wed. it is predicted to be a low of 0 & high of 10 with the wind chill minus 20. Yikes!! - That's cold!
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I was off work the last two weeks and I spent most of it binge-watching Game of Thrones (for the second time), reading, and crocheting. In other words, I parked my fanny on the couch and pretty much stayed there for two full weeks!

Our Christmas was pretty quiet, until we went to my son's house for dinner that evening and my brother was opening a can of cranberry sauce and cut his hand badly enough that he ended up in the ER getting stitches. And his was the second cranberry sauce can injury the doctors had stitched up in a row that night! The next day I called him to check how his hand was doing and he told me he'd just heard from our nephew that our oldest sister died. She was in the last stages of Parkinson's disease so we knew it was coming but weren't sure how soon. My brother said she loved Christmas so much, he figured she would hold out until after Christmas. She was quite a bit older than me and moved away right after I was born so I wasn't really close to her, but this is our first sibling to go so I think the remaining five of us are feeling our own mortality a little bit more right now.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Cynthia. :(
Snowing like gangbusters today. Expecting 3-4 inches, which around here, really is a problem. Most of the schools are closed and we should be but because the students are on break, we are open. Hurt my foot (again) clearing off the car and had a hellacious drive in. Lots of accidents and disabled vehicles. Dreading the drive home.

It is payroll cut off day, my ankle really hurts and it is stupid question and whine a lot day here. Come on 5 o'clock!
No snow here but very cold. Please be careful with your ankles, Elle. I believe you mentioned elsewhere you injured both.
I left early and worked from home. The drive home was much better than the drive in. Spent the evening with my feet up and even got to take a nap. Still hurts a lot but it isn't as bad as yesterday.
Same here re the cold - it seems like it is colder than average for a lot of places.
Yep - stayed in yesterday. I might stay in today too - don't have any place I have to go. Snickers goes out but sure doesn't stay out long & I don't blame him. The temperatures are starting to get some better but still below average for this time of the year. We at least didn't get any snow.
I love Toyotas. With a temp of -1, not even counting the wind chill which was taking us to -20, my Corolla started up first try.

Not so the train. We had a 20 minute delay due to "switching problems" which translates to, "It's too cold, the train won't start". Shoulda bought a Toyota.
Not so the train. We had a 20 minute delay due to "switching problems" which translates to, "It's too cold, the train won't start". Shoulda bought a Toyota.

LOL - yes, they should have. It was, if I remember right, 3 degrees when I went to bed at 3:00am cst - it is up to 10 degrees today at 12:23pm cst but it is windy. It didn't even get up to 10 yesterday. I'm ready for spring training - baseball!!!
I saw something on the news the other night about how they heat the train tracks so they keep working right...I didn't realize that some places have gas jets so there's open flame on the tracks to keep them warm enough. That looked a little scary to me, I can't imagine riding on a train and seeing flames on the tracks up ahead!
After weeks of being insanely busy with me trying to cover the front desk, I've finally found a promising candidate. Today is her first day. So of course the phone is not ringing, there's hardly anything to do and the poor girl is bored out of her mind.
It'll pick back up tomorrow. It's a holiday, after all. A lot of places are closed today.
It's the calm before the storm. :)
Well you were right about that. Yesterday was insanity. I'm already having buyer's remorse though. She seems intelligent enough to catch on, but the 2nd day she wore a rather revealing top, a skirt that was decent length but VERY tight, and hose that weren't actual fishnets, but with a fishnet like pattern. Today she has on a skirt made of some kind of faux leather material and very sexy boots. She's quite attractive, has good fashion sense and looks amazing, but not business appropriate around here where most people shop at Target or Kohl's.
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