I'm glad I only have 140 or so employees to deal with....the whole "name game" must be a nightmare for larger organizations!
I agree, I don't understand giving a kid a name they will never use. I know a number of people named that way. If you don't like the name enough to use it, don't give it to the kid! When my second son was born, we didn't know if we were having a girl or a boy. I was sure it was a girl, so I made a deal with my husband at the time: if it was a girl, I got to name her, if it was a boy, he got to name him. Except we both had veto power over any names the other picked that we absolutely hated. We'd narrowed it down to one name which is a nickname, so I figured if it was a boy that shortened version was the name he wanted to use. When the baby was born, I looked over at him and said "Okay, so what's his name?" and he said the long version of the name, which I don't really like. At that point, though, I had no fight left in me after giving birth to a 9.5 pound baby, so that's what we named him!