Mental Health Thread #8 - Fall is here!!

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I've been saying for years we need water pipelines. You would think the insurance companies and/or FEMA would want to build some pipelines to divert flood waters.
But then there would probably be some negative consequences to interfering with nature.
I've been saying for years we need water pipelines. You would think the insurance companies and/or FEMA would want to build some pipelines to divert flood waters.
But then there would probably be some negative consequences to interfering with nature.

Probably. Although we interfere with nature all the time, building dams and creating man-made lakes and cutting down trees, so I don't know that water pipelines seem too far away from that sort of thing.

We get 160+ inches of rain per year, usually spread out over time, but every once in a while we will get a record-setting amount in one day. Earlier this fall we had six inches in one day. I would have been more than happy to divert about 4.5 inches of that to somewhere it was really needed!
I want summer back too, Elle. I hate winter! :(
New job didn't work out for DH. From day one he's been by himself a lot of times loading and unloading furniture and appliances by himself. He kept telling the store manager, I can't do this stuff by myself. The owner came by one day and told the store manager, "get this man some help, he can't do this stuff by himself." She got him help for that day. The last straw on Friday was when she told him he had to stay after store closing by himself and get the new warehouse organized. He said nope don't think so.
OE is over for another year. Thank the Lord. This one was brutal. Had a tournament Saturday and it was a rough one. I'm not one to condone violence against children but there was one kid I wanted to smack in the worst way. His coach as well.

It may still be a few days until I like humans again.
New copier supposed to be installed today. They forgot the piece that makes it fax...which was clearly listed in the contract and even on the guy's packing list, but simply not there. And they can't get it for several more days. So my new copier is currently making a nice floor decoration in the warehouse.
How is everyone's weather? Very cold/windy here & had some slight snow.
Ours has been cold and sunny for the past week. I like clear & cold weather, but I was in Las Vegas at a convention for most of last week so I missed most of it! Now that I'm home, it's warming up and clouding over and rain is back in the forecast. No snow yet, at least!
Trying to help DH with online applications is very frustrating. Most of the websites are poorly designed, hard to follow and hard to read. They seem to be set up for failure. They will require information that sometimes you don't have but you can't proceed without so you have to enter nonsense. They will ask for the same information 2 or 3 times. If he can't remember exact dates of employment, for example, we have to make up a date, which makes me feel like it's setting him up to be accused of falsifying his application. Grrr
The ones that drove me buggy were the ones where you had to upload your resume first, then "fix" the errors. Of which there were many. You already have my resume. Why do you need the same info in a different format? And though I had a simple text version for upload purposes, it never pulled the data accurately so it took twice as long to fix than it would be to just enter the info the first time.
I'm glad I never had to fill out an online application.
The City has several openings and they had a paper application. We hope he gets one of those jobs but in the meantime we're doing other apps just in case.
The UPS application wanted to know "how many years have you been driving" and "how many miles have you driven" for each category. Car, Truck, Van, 2/5 ton, and tractor trailer. Seriously, who knows how many miles they've driven in their entire life.?
My husband is a truck driver by trade and has driven pretty much everything in the last 35 years. He would be hard-pressed to come up with how many actual miles he's driven for each category. That's crazy!
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