Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

I'm glad I am not the only one who has had an employee "injure" themselves going potty.

Oh good, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone either!

We've had some weird claims over the years but that was the first time in 25 years of dealing with workers' comp that I'd heard that particular one.
Was the toilet seat loose/broke? :)

In our case, there was no defect with the toilet, the person somehow twisted their back as they went to stand up. I could see how you could hurt yourself getting up from a lower toilet, I have arthritis in my knees and when it's flaring up I sometimes have trouble standing up if a toilet is too low, but in all of our facilities the toilets are the 17" disabled accessible height so I'm still not exactly sure how it happened.
One of the managers in HR where I worked, before I retired, had a bumper sticker made for her car that said Nothing surprises me, I work in HR.
One of the managers in HR where I worked, before I retired, had a bumper sticker made for her car that said Nothing surprises me, I work in HR.

I love it! I need to get one of those. Or maybe I'll just embroider it on a sampler to hang on my office wall. :)
I need one too.

Employee: I have a question about my paycheck
Me: Is it about your benefit deductions?
Employee: Yes.
Me: Then I can help you and I don't have to transfer you to Payroll. What don't you understand about your deductions?
Employee: Why there aren't any.
Me: Are you a new employee?
Employee: Yes
Me: Then it's probably a timing thing. When did you make your benefit elections?
Employee: This morning.
Lol ..................................................
That's funny.
We have 50 employees at this location and we do our own payroll. Me and one other person are the only ones who have anything to do with payroll. I love when I get "they" questions about payroll or benefits. Are "they" gonna do this, or why did "they" do that. I like to respond "who is this "they" you refer to? There's no "they", it's me!
Big as we are, we're just Benefits - nothing else. We're centralized and there is a central payroll, though each school has their own payroll department and each school has their own HR. We get questions about taxes and I hang up the phone wondering, Since when are taxes considered a Benefit?
I wish taxes were a benefit - something given to us instead of something we have to pay. :)
That's funny.
We have 50 employees at this location and we do our own payroll. Me and one other person are the only ones who have anything to do with payroll. I love when I get "they" questions about payroll or benefits. Are "they" gonna do this, or why did "they" do that. I like to respond "who is this "they" you refer to? There's no "they", it's me!

I love the mythical "they". I was a department of one before I hired my assistant five years ago, so I was the only one dealing with any of the payroll, benefits, and other HR stuff. I guess the "they" thing came in handy from time to time when I had to do something that the employees weren't particularly happy about. Then sometimes saying "they" made the decision instead of "I" made the decision made it a little bit easier!
I always liked it at work when someone wasn't doing his/her work exactly right (correctly) & would say - that's the way I was told to do it but could never come up with who told him/her to do it that way.
I have an employee who frequently invokes the name of a former employee. But SuzyQ said... Fine but from now on, we will do it this way. She still tries to argue that she has to do what SuzyQ said. One time she even called SuzyQ before asking me about something and arguing with me.
I have an employee who frequently invokes the name of a former employee. But SuzyQ said... Fine but from now on, we will do it this way. She still tries to argue that she has to do what SuzyQ said. One time she even called SuzyQ before asking me about something and arguing with me.

I replaced someone who...let's just say didn't know half as much about certain legal responsibilities of the position she held as she thought she did. I have finally trained employees that the quickest way to insure they won't get their way is to say, "When Gerri was here..."

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