Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

I replaced someone who...let's just say didn't know half as much about certain legal responsibilities of the position she held as she thought she did. I have finally trained employees that the quickest way to insure they won't get their way is to say, "When Gerri was here..."

I remember one employee who was the office know-it-all. We didn't find out to what extent until she left the job and other departments started calling up asking who had replaced her. When I explained to them that the position hadn't been filled yet, I'd ask them to tell me what they needed and I'd figure out who could best assist them. Several of them then asked me questions that fell into MY area of responsibility all along (we had completely different jobs). When I told them that, they said "but 'Jane' has always helped me with that!" and when they told me what she'd said, more often than not it was at least partially incorrect. We finally figured out that she had a habit of answering other people's phones when they were out of the office, and instead of taking a message, she would answer their questions for them, according to whatever she thought the answer should be. The only reason we could think of that she would do that was to make herself seem more important or valuable as an employee, but it just ended up confusing a lot of people (and making us happy that she had moved on to another employer!)
My entire department is new. The most senior of us was hired in October of 2013, so just over a year ago. I hear "but that isn't how {person who is no longer here} did it" daily. My predecessors hated anything as modern as email and did everything on paper, in person, and by phone. There have been some growing pains to say the least.

Have a first world complaint for the day. Our software was upgraded at the end of last week (while we were closed for snow). Today, I had a bunch of spreadsheets and other documents and presentations to finish and I am struggling to find the commands to do what I need it to. My old toolbars had everything set just the way I like it and I knew how to find exactly what I needed. I hate software upgrades.
25 year old step-daughter just flat doesn't want to work. So she roams from friend to friend or family member, bumming rides and eating their food, not contributing to utilities etc. When I called her a mooch she was offended. What else would you call it? Bum, freeloader, sponge? She mooched off of us all weekend and got mad when her Dad talked to her about applying for a job. She's expecting him to give her a free ride tomorrow(70 miles round trip). If it were me she'd be walking it.
Also, it would be really great if the power could stay on consistently. We've lost it 3 times today already. Never for very long, but losing work I am in the middle of and having to relog into everything is getting old.
I feel for you Elle. I generally hated upgrades & also when the power went off (during a storm for example) & messed up what we were working on or had to stop working.
Normally the warehouse guy is allowed to be pretty slovenly-he's a big guy, and sweat pants and T-shirts are about as dressed up as he does, and that's fine for that position. But we have VIPs visiting today so I asked him to look better and he readily agreed to at least wear nice jeans....It really doesn't help when he wears jeans that are at least a size too big and doesn't wear a belt. Sigh.
Struggling with one of those myself. Or rather, walking his manager through dealing with it. To be totally un PC, the guy reminds me of Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons. This guy could make a Brooks Brothers suit look like a pair of sweatpants. He grudgingly agrees to the khakis and collared shirt "dress code" but yet always manages to look unprofessional. For what this guy is making, he can definitely afford to dress well.
Off the rack clothing is definitely not made for all body types. Dressing well can be expensive as well as time-consuming.
Seems like everyone has at least one of those people you just can't get to look completely professional no matter what. We have a few who technically dress within the dress code (which is fairly relaxed here) but always manage to look rumpled and messy. There's a couple of people I know who could get dressed in perfectly pressed clothes, with their hair all neatly combed, and just stand in the middle of a room doing nothing and within five minutes their shirt-tail would be untucked, their pants would be wrinkled, and their hair would be messed up!
Off the rack clothing is definitely not made for all body types. Dressing well can be expensive as well as time-consuming.

We would just be happy if the shirt was tucked in (or left totally untucked), the pants not rumpled and stained, and he combed his hair once in a while. He doesn't have to look like he stepped off the pages of GQ, but it would be great if as a supervisor he were not regularly mistaken for being homeless.
Don't you all know that is the new revised relaxed casual dress/image code? :) (jk)
My office shares a wall with the conference/training room. For the next two weeks they are doing repairs and renovations to that room. All morning they have been drilling in our shared wall. It is loud and my desk keeps shaking. I can't use the phone in my office as I can't hear it ring sitting right next to me. This is going to be a very long two weeks.
72 here yesterday - to be 80 or near today - then mostly 50s & 60s rest of week. I can handle that.

Sorry, Elle - that sounds awful.
I think spring is here now and as usual all the projects that we want to get done before it gets too hot... Well let's just say it's a long list and we haven't started yet. DH working weekends won't help either.
It's official - Boston has had the snowiest winter on record.

I heard that on the news. I don't know whether to say congratulations on breaking a record or not!

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