Mental Health Thread #9 - Spring is Coming!

It sure is a big airport. I had to change planes at Dallas once and I didn't think I was ever going to get from the first gate to the second one. Seems to me I had to take two different trains to get from one terminal to the next (it was a few years ago).
Do you folks who post on LLT with me remember Raster, who could make the simplest question complex and usually got it wrong to boot?

I banned him from LLT but he's still at work on another board.

This is cut and pasted directly from the Michigan Department of Labor website:

The employer is required to pay fringe benefits in accordance with written contract or written policy, if the company policy has a pay-out provision which states that unused time will be paid to you when you separate your employment, then the employer would be obligated to pay you for the unused time.

The employer would not be legally obligated to pay you for unused time if the company policy does not address the issue.

Sounds pretty straightforward, doesn't it?

Raster is convinced that if an employee handbook does not address the question of unused vacation time, that the employer would need to pay it out.
No, he saw a law newsletter somewhere that implied it and decided that the newsletter was more likely to be accurate than the regulatory agency that oversaw the law in question. That's just the way his mind works - it makes no sense.
Yes, well, this is the same poster who tried to tell me (wrongly) what was required to be a certified teacher in my state, when that was what I had just spent 9 years auditing repeatedly.
I just have to say I love my boss. We had our Admin Assts. dinner last night which included a casino party where my admins got to play for prizes including 2 32'tv's, an Ipad Air, a Dyson Vacuum, a weekend trip and more! It was so much fun!
Do you folks who post on LLT with me remember Raster, who could make the simplest question complex and usually got it wrong to boot?

Yes, I remember him very well! :(
Anybody know how long an employer has to keep W2's(in order to provide an employee with a duplicate?) Trying to find it on IRS site but not finding.
Is there a way for the employee to obtain a copy from the IRS?
Today was purge the office day. 4 of those large rolling dumpsters full of recycling later, we still aren't done. The previous members of this department kept everything. Copies of failed legislation from the 80's, multiple copies of outdated forms, every email they ever sent, drafts of old policies that no longer exist, etc. And this is after I did a MAJOR purge over the summer. Our back work area used to look like a hoarder's training ground.
Anybody know how long an employer has to keep W2's(in order to provide an employee with a duplicate?) Trying to find it on IRS site but not finding.
Is there a way for the employee to obtain a copy from the IRS?

I believe the IRS suggests they are kept for at least 4 years. (I think it is for the IRS benefit more than having a copy/duplicate available for an employee.) A copy can generally be obtained from the IRS by the employee for a fee. They can contact the IRS & ask for details. Someone else may have more information for you.
Thanks Betty. I have a request for one from 2008 and I have it, but not easily accessible. Just wanted to make sure it's okay to tell him I can't provide it.
I just have to say I love my boss. We had our Admin Assts. dinner last night which included a casino party where my admins got to play for prizes including 2 32'tv's, an Ipad Air, a Dyson Vacuum, a weekend trip and more! It was so much fun!

Those are some great prizes!.........
Thanks Betty. I have a request for one from 2008 and I have it, but not easily accessible. Just wanted to make sure it's okay to tell him I can't provide it.

It's my understanding from what I have read that it is not the employer's responsibility to provide a duplicate to the employee.
So, I just got back to work after a week of vacation...although I did very little relaxing on this so-called vacation. We bought a new house (well, new to's actually 30 years older than my "old" house) and two days after we closed and took possession my husband left town for a week for his job. We wanted to paint the new place before we started to get all our stuff in there so guess who got to spend all last week painting?! The rooms are huge and have lots of windows so much of the time was spent taping and doing other prep work. I don't care if I never see another roll of painter's tape as long as I live. I'll probably start to hyperventilate if I just walk into the paint department at the hardware store! We still have the living room left to do (a 30-foot long room with five windows, two doors, baseboard, trim, and crown molding to tape off)but it will go much faster with both of us working on it. I finished the master bedroom myself and it looks great so I know it will all be worth it when it's done, I'm just really sick of taping and painting.

I've lived in a very "plain Jane" 70's modular for the last 27 years and the new place has loads of character, including a huge vintage/retro kitchen that I'm going to enjoy decorating and cooking in. I've already gotten some stuff for it, the room is red and white and I'm going for a kind of 50's diner vibe and having a lot of fun with that. The house also has lots of storage, which my old house doesn't, and it's in a very quiet neighborhood, which my old house isn't. I'm super-excited about it!
I have friends who claim they like to paint, so when I have paint jobs I let them have fun! The worst part for me is picking out colors.
Sounds like a great house!
I have friends who claim they like to paint, so when I have paint jobs I let them have fun! The worst part for me is picking out colors.
Sounds like a great house!

Wow, I need friends like yours! Actually, all my grandkids wanted to help so that was nice. My grandson helped with the kitchen, then my oldest granddaughter, her boyfriend, and my 7-year-old granddaughter helped with the master bedroom. My grandson is going to paint a mural on one of the upstairs bedroom walls, he's a fantastic artist and there's a built-in bed in that room and the wall above that just cries out for something more interesting than just a plain old wall. He wanted to paint a dragon which would be find if it were a child's room but we'll use it as a guest room so I told him I preferred some sort of nature scene so we'll see what he comes up with.

Picking out colors is always hard for me too, but the colors the rooms were to begin with at least gave me an idea of what I didn't want. The master bedroom was bright blue and bright yellow, and I ended up painting it two shades of a really soft grayish green color. The living room is also bright yellow and we're painting it kind of a cream color. One wall has an unpainted brick fireplace and is covered in wood (very 60's looking) so I wanted something that would look good with those colors and still have a warm tone to it without being actually yellow.

Yes, it is a wonderful house and I think we're going to really love living there.
Congratulations on your new house, cynthiag. It sounds really neat!
You were smart to get the painting done though. We also had plans to paint before moving in, but long story short the timing just didn't work out like we hoped, and practically we decided we'd rather get the boxes and furniture out of our way and paint at a later date. Been there five years and still haven't painted a thing. :(

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