Other Criminal Charges & Offenses My fiance is committing loan fraud and I'm about to turn him in...

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I'm going to sound like a bitter soon to be ex, and I suppose that I am. I live in Texas. I have been living with and engaged to my fiance for 2 years. I have discovered the my fiance has been less than honest with the finances. He opened a new business when we first got engaged. He was very very cautious about giving me info about it and it seemed odd. I should have known better. he is now in very bad financial shape. The business isn't going well and I know for a fact that he got the loan on false pretenses. He got it (200k) based on the fact that he had a main salary job and that this was just an extra business. He lied. He was fired from his job a month before he was granted this loan on false pretenses.

He has also bought computers and equipment — turned in the receipts to the bank - - been paid 10s of thousands of dollars, and then returned the items. Just recently he asked me to fake an invoice from my company — get paid — and give him the money.

He is nearly bankrupt and he has taken all of the money I had set aside for my own taxes. I am self employed. He controlled the finances and he took it all … I was stupid. He says that he can increase my bsuiness expenses so much -- he can prevent me owing very many taxes and I didn't need to save 25 percent of my income. Now, I'm broke too.

He is mad that I am trying to prevent him from further loan fraud and is threatening to leave me. He said if I don't do as he asked with the invoice, he will consider me not a team player.

I want to report him and I want to know how to do it. He has gotten very angry over this…telling me he will RUIN me if I don't listen to him and trust him. He says that he has been in business for 20 years and he knows best and what he is doing is NOT illegal, because the bank already approved him for this amount anyway - the receipts are just verification of how the funds are being allocated.

I do love him in many ways….but he has gotten out of control. I have tried to reason with him and he doesn't listen. Obviously, the threats of ruining me or leaving me intensify.

Is this indeed criminal behavior? IF so -- loan fraud -- who do i contact? And can I do it without being exposed? I could get my hands on his firing document that will prove he got the loan on false grounds.
I want to also turn him in because I want to make sure I am in no way associated with his behavior.
If you want to report it simply contact your local law enforcement agency. A situation like this will require a lot of attention from a detective, but the officer who responds can get a fraud investigation started.
Is this illegal activity? Would it be better to contact the bank?

I'm guessing my name would be placed on the police report, correct?

I worry about the ramifications of that...
Is this illegal activity? Would it be better to contact the bank?

I'm guessing my name would be placed on the police report, correct?

I worry about the ramifications of that...

Yes, what you describe is a crime, not just any crime, its a federal felony.

FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts - Miscellaneous Statutes and Regulations

It can be charged a sa state crime, but it can also be charged as separate crimes by the state and the feds.

Yes, this is very big stuff, and very bad stuff.

If you don't file a report TODAY as a complainant, tomorrow you could have one filed against you as a DEFENDANT.

You might already be in too deep, so you might wish to consult a criminal defense attorney.
Yes, what you describe is a crime, not just any crime, its a federal felony.

FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts - Miscellaneous Statutes and Regulations

It can be charged a sa state crime, but it can also be charged as separate crimes by the state and the feds.

Yes, this is very big stuff, and very bad stuff.

If you don't file a report TODAY as a complainant, tomorrow you could have one filed against you as a DEFENDANT.

You might already be in too deep, so you might wish to consult a criminal defense attorney.
That's terrifying to hear.
That's terrifying to hear.

I'd have reported the criminal the first time I saw his illegal behavior.

I have loyalty, but I'm not stupid.

I have never been to jail or prison, and won't ever go, especially for the shenanigans of others.

Save yourself.

You and he aren't married, all the better for you.

Get out today, before its too late.

Pack your important stuff and leave.

Don't tell him where, just leave.

The feds can put you into the witness protection program if his crimes (or threats) are that outrageous.
That is terrifying to hear. But if you were in the scenario, what would you do?

Would you go to authorities?

Unless you have no fear of prison, you should report this immediately. As suggested above, you might first meet with a criminal defense attorney who can ensure you remain protected throughout the process. Remaining anonymous may not be an option.

You have knowledge of what is taking place. Do nothing and you might later be viewed as a willing accomplice. Report what you know and you can protect yourself from any adverse action. Who knows what this person has you tangled up in. You may not know how far it goes.
I feel really stunned. I kept telling myself that this wasn't that big of a deal and what he was doing was basically what most people do.

So you would call local police or the Feds?

Once he finds out I reported him, it's not gonna be pretty. And what if they don't charge him or take a long time?
It will take time. Expect that.

If you fear for your safety you can discuss that with the police when you make the report. If he threatens you at all, or if he has already done so, you may be able to get a restraining order that compels him to leave the home. However, you may want to pack your essentials and find somewhere else to stay for awhile.

Make the report to local law enforcement. They will pass it along to any other appropriate agency for investigation.

I suggest you go to your local police agency and ask to speak with a detective about a major fraud case. Or, if you contact an attorney first, your attorney can arrange the meeting between you and law enforcement.
I understand but I think I am still in a bit of denial.

Is it major fraud? He is mostly using the money to pay business expenses and his employee. It's just that he is buying things and returning them so he can pay his mortgage with the cash etc instead of actually buying computers.

The other big issue is he lied about having a main salary to support this loan.
I understand but I think I am still in a bit of denial.

Is it major fraud? He is mostly using the money to pay business expenses and his employee. It's just that he is buying things and returning them so he can pay his mortgage with the cash etc instead of actually buying computers.

The other big issue is he lied about having a main salary to support this loan.

Lying on a loan application, especially INFLATING your income is a serious felony.
If you obtain a $200K loan, the Feds will often get involved.
A federal charge will lead to your conviction at an almost perfect rate, 98% of the time.
That means prison is about 75% of the cases, where 5 years means 5 years, as good time is almost non-existent in federal prisons.

Yes, this is a damn big deal.

If I were you, I'd see a criminal defense lawyer first thing tomorrow.

From what you've said here, as a former federal prosecutor, sadly you've implicated yourself.
A good lawyer can get you immunity to rat him out, before he rats you out, and names you as the brains of this little operation.

If you eat cheese, or drop dimes, might as well as make it worth your while.
I just thought they would be the ones who would prosecute him and need help. I didn't do anything wrong.

But, ok. I'll call a lawyer I guess. But how am I implicated?
Yes, it is major fraud. I would say anything over $1000 is major. He went beyond that from the beginning and is still adding to it- and trying to draw you in by having you knowingly falsify information.
But, ok. I'll call a lawyer I guess. But how am I implicated?

You might not be. You COULD be. A criminal defense attorney will be able to assess your situation and abuse you best.
You don't know what your fiance has done in your name without your knowledge, but you have known about his actions for a couple years and it could be difficult for you to claim innocence if he has involved you in anything during that time.
Well I know that he hasn't put anything in my name. I have credit monitoring and I started to get suspicious/worried last week when he told me he was near bankruptcy in his business, but then told me he was going to do owner financing to purchase his office building. I asked if I could be involved as an investment, and he was very strong in saying hell no.

I asked why, if we are going to marry? He said my request to be on an office loan was very concerning to him...and made him think that I had plans to leave him. He said when married, you will be apart.

He also won't co sign a car with me. He sold my car and bought me a BMW 2 years ago in his name only. He said my credit wasn't good enough ans would drop his score and increase the payment.

A credit advisor recently suggested I get something in my name. I have no debt and it's dropping my score. I have no financial responsibility right now.

I also pay half of his mortgage etc.

He would not co sign with me on the car. He said that he has 2 older kids who are in college and may need loans and he has to worry about their loans first.

He suggested I buy his car if I chose. But I learned he is 17k negative. So when I leave hkm now, I'll just leave him with the car.

This is hard. It's emotional. But it is scary reading this...and getting out of denial
Well I know that he hasn't put anything in my name. I have credit monitoring and I started to get suspicious/worried last week when he told me he was near bankruptcy in his business, but then told me he was going to do owner financing to purchase his office building. I asked if I could be involved as an investment, and he was very strong in saying hell no.

I asked why, if we are going to marry? He said my request to be on an office loan was very concerning to him...and made him think that I had plans to leave him. He said when married, you will be apart.

He also won't co sign a car with me. He sold my car and bought me a BMW 2 years ago in his name only. He said my credit wasn't good enough ans would drop his score and increase the payment.

A credit advisor recently suggested I get something in my name. I have no debt and it's dropping my score. I have no financial responsibility right now.

I also pay half of his mortgage etc.

He would not co sign with me on the car. He said that he has 2 older kids who are in college and may need loans and he has to worry about their loans first.

He suggested I buy his car if I chose. But I learned he is 17k negative. So when I leave hkm now, I'll just leave him with the car.

This is hard. It's emotional. But it is scary reading this...and getting out of denial

Never mix your finances with someone you're dating, that includes a fiancé because that's just dating, too.

Before you marry anyone do your due diligence just as you would about a potential investment.

There are scammers, con-artists, grifters, flimflam fleecers, and scalpers just a hankering to do you what was done to Custer and his boys at the Little Big Horn.

Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be their fool.
Yes, and that is what has him so upset. He wants me to do as he says. The fact that I told him that I was worried about that being unethical -- he said he was very suspicious of my motives and wondered if I was trying to frame him.

I said frame you? You are asking me to do something that I don't want to do. And I'm not doing it -- how is that framing you?

In a seperate argument on a completely different issue --he threatened to "ruin me" if I left him...

So, I am wondering what to do. If I act like everything is ok -- and quietly go to a lawyer - and report him and THEN leave -- I risk he finds out. He is very jealous and tracks most of my moves.

If I leave and THEN report him -- he will try retaliation in some form or fashion. I know he will try to cause me problems.. if he feels that I'm reporting him.

How would you do this? That's why I am so worried... I need to be very careful with how I do this...and when.

The car is in HIS name - - he has told me before during arguments that he COULD report it stolen -- but he doesn't because "he would never hurt me". Then why say it?

He knew about another issue I had with my ex husband. I confided in him. It's settled now, but about a year ago during an argument he threatened to report me and my ex. It was NOTHING like this --- and he threatened to do that..
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