My girlfriend went to rehab and has been shut off from communication.


New Member
Hi, my girlfriend was sent off to rehab here in Arizona over three weeks ago by her family. They took her phone before she left and they are telling me that they nor the rehab will give her my contact info to let her contact me. I am not upset about this for the reason that I want to keep in touch with her personally. There are multiple situations with insurance and property fees she needs to be dealing with as they were put off long enough already, and I can't inform her or direct her to any of it. First off, she crashed my new Toyota 4runner that was owned by me this last may. There is a case that has been ongoing and my agents need to speak with her for statements as well as collecting hospital bills from her. Her hospital and transportation bills exceed $36,000. The state now holds a lien on the debts. Sexondly, She is on the lease to my apartment with me. She caused a fire a week before she was removed and needs to pay for at least some of the damages as she caused them. She is also due for half of the rent. Her family and this rehab are jeopardizing her ground in all of these situations by not allowing her to reach me and not letting me even forward paperwork to her. They are slandering my name as well and I have proof if it. I am very upset as this is unfair to my girlfriend and I. We are both in our twentys and deserve to be treated as adults and have our rights. From what I know she won't be out of the rehab until next year. What can I do here legally, I have plenty of money and resources to hire any legal backing I need to. My insurance has 100,000 dollars in medical coverage for her and she's bills need to be processed by her so that they don't take action here, the other person involved in the crash needs settlement as well and can't get it until she is engaged in this case. Her parents seem to not care here as they are letting their ignorance and hatred towards me put their daughter at risk here.
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Hi, my girlfriend was sent off to rehab here in Arizona over three weeks ago by her family. They took her phone before she left and they are telling me that they nor the rehab will give her my contact info to let her contact me. I am not upset about this for the reason that I want to keep in touch with her personally. There are multiple situations with insurance and property fees she needs to be dealing with as they were put off long enough already, and I can't inform her or direct her to any of it. First off, she crashed my new Toyota 4runner that was owned by me this last may. There is a case that has been ongoing and my agents need to speak with her for statements as well as collecting hospital bills from her. Her hospital and transportation bills exceed $36,000. The state now holds a lien on the debts. Sexondly, She is on the lease to my apartment with me. She caused a fire a week before she was removed and needs to pay for at least some of the damages as she caused them. She is also due for half of the rent. Her family and this rehab are jeopardizing her ground in all of these situations by not allowing her to reach me and not letting me even forward paperwork to her. They are slandering my name as well and I have proof if it. I am very upset as this is unfair to my girlfriend and I. We are both in our twentys and deserve to be treated as adults and have our rights. From what I know she won't be out of the rehab until next year. What can I do here legally, I have plenty of money and resources to hire any legal backing I need to. My insurance has 100,000 dollars in medical coverage for her and she's bills need to be processed by her so that they don't take action here, the other person involved in the crash needs settlement as well and can't get it until she is engaged in this case. Her parents seem to not care here as they are letting their ignorance and hatred towards me put their daughter at risk here.
Are you kidding? Her parents are helping her get she has a future rather than ending up dead. Everything else will have to wait till she gets out of the treatment facility next year. If you truly loved her and had her best interest at heart, you would understand that this out of control woman needs extensive help.
First, unless your girlfriend has given the rehab place written permission to do so, HIPAA privacy laws mean that the rehab BY LAW may not even acknowledge to you that she is a patient there. They aren't required to provide contact info - if you're so close how come she doesn't know it without being told?

Unless you have been made her legal guardian by a court, legally you can do squat. You have no legal standing to do anything. She is an adult and it's up to her to manage her own affairs. She has the ability to override her parents if she wants to - if she is not doing so that's her business.
Hi, my girlfriend was sent off to rehab here in Arizona over three weeks ago by her family. They took her phone before she left and they are telling me that they nor the rehab will give her my contact info to let her contact me. I am not upset about this for the reason that I want to keep in touch with her personally. There are multiple situations with insurance and property fees she needs to be dealing with as they were put off long enough already, and I can't inform her or direct her to any of it. First off, she crashed my new Toyota 4runner that was owned by me this last may. There is a case that has been ongoing and my agents need to speak with her for statements as well as collecting hospital bills from her. Her hospital and transportation bills exceed $36,000. The state now holds a lien on the debts. Sexondly, She is on the lease to my apartment with me. She caused a fire a week before she was removed and needs to pay for at least some of the damages as she caused them. She is also due for half of the rent. Her family and this rehab are jeopardizing her ground in all of these situations by not allowing her to reach me and not letting me even forward paperwork to her. They are slandering my name as well and I have proof if it. I am very upset as this is unfair to my girlfriend and I. We are both in our twentys and deserve to be treated as adults and have our rights. From what I know she won't be out of the rehab until next year. What can I do here legally, I have plenty of money and resources to hire any legal backing I need to. My insurance has 100,000 dollars in coverage to pay her hospital bills, and her parents just don't seem to care and think this is
Are you kidding? Her parents are helping her get she has a future rather than ending up dead. Everything else will have to wait till she gets out of the treatment facility next year. If you truly loved her and had her best interest at heart, you would understand that this out of control woman needs extensive help.

This can pretty much all be resolved in a day from her over the phone. I don't see how this impacts her recovery as she is somewhat aware that she didn't deal with any of this before she was taken. Her family must assume since I'm wealthy that I will pay it all off and forget about it when I am most likely done being with her and I want my usaa check to fund my new Toyota.
This can pretty much all be resolved in a day from her over the phone. I don't see how this impacts her recovery as she is somewhat aware that she didn't deal with any of this before she was taken. Her family must assume since I'm wealthy that I will pay it all off and forget about it when I am most likely done being with her and I want my usaa check to fund my new Toyota.
And if she has no phone, no contact book, she doesn't have a way to reach me if she even wanted to. She has liability as she signed the lease here and this is very unfair to me. I have done no wrong to any of them in this case and they are all being very rude and blank with me. I know where she is because the last words I heard from her stated where she was going and that she would be calling me from there.
This can pretty much all be resolved in a day from her over the phone. I don't see how this impacts her recovery as she is somewhat aware that she didn't deal with any of this before she was taken. Her family must assume since I'm wealthy that I will pay it all off and forget about it when I am most likely done being with her and I want my usaa check to fund my new Toyota.
If your wealthy, why are you asking random strangers on the internet for advice, rather than talking to an attorney locally?
If your wealthy, why are you asking random strangers on the internet for advice, rather than talking to an attorney locally?

I would like to ask why so pushy on me? I did nothing wrong here. I prefer getting multiple opinions from different sources before taking my own action. Remaining anonymous online to an extent makes it a bit easier for me. I know that there has to be flaws in their actions here. The state has a lien on this for crying out loud. I have usaa calling me every day and the other drivers lawyer leaving me messages that are just spinning my head here..
I would like to ask why so pushy on me? I did nothing wrong here. I prefer getting multiple opinions from different sources before taking my own action. Remaining anonymous online to an extent makes it a bit easier for me. I know that there has to be flaws in their actions here. The state has a lien on this for crying out loud. I have usaa calling me every day and the other drivers lawyer leaving me messages that are just spinning my head here..
And might I add that I don't need to hire an attorney here. My family runs a top firm here in the state so I'm in a decent position to do this. I just don't want to go to them quite yet because I wanted to find a resolution without exposing my personal life issues to my family. But I guess I have no choice. I would suggest learning more about the situation before being very judgy on the poster. Very unprofessional and inexperienced way of talking to someone as a lawyer online. I am trying to collect no info on her medical status or records as I was involved from the beginning here. She told me where she was going before hand and told me she was going to contact me, and her parents told me that she's specifically not allowed to call me. Her mail is addressed to my location and if I took this to court I don't even know how she would find about a court date or anything, so just end up not showing up and making this hole even larger? Her parents are wrong here and have decades of substance abuse, they are the root of her addiction problem. I have overheard her parents mention to try and marry me and make sure "theres no prenuptial marriage". They are not good people. I guess I will take my questions elsewhere since I had no luck with you.
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What can I do here legally

This seems to be the only question in your post, but the answer is that you likely can legally do hundreds or thousands of things.

What you cannot legally do is force anyone to provide you with a means of communicating with your girlfriend.

If you have other questions, please feel free to ask them.
I have a idea of what you can do.....
Give everyone that need to speak with your ex girlfriend her parents info. Let them explain that she is in rehab and won't be out until next year. She really is in the best place possible considering her addiction. Hopefully you aren't also needing help for addiction, because one in a thousand addicts who return from rehab actually stay clean and have a healthy relationship with said boyfriend/girlfriend.

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I'm trying to figure out what it is that you need help with. Please ask specific questions.
First off, she crashed my new Toyota 4runner that was owned by me this last may.

You can sue the perpetrator that heinously destroyed your property.

Once you file a lawsuit, the perpetrator will be served in the rehab facility.

There is no need for you to speak to the alleged perpetrator, as all you need to do is prove your allegations in court.

Why would you be compelled to communicate with drugged up, soup loaded, addict,
challenged, drug fiend?

There is NOTHING a broke down, financially challenged, prevaricating dope fiend can do about her failure to repay her debts.

Friend, a drug addict receives no income or earnings while in rehab.

You might just want to forget ever getting repaid, as it is very doubtful this dope fiend will have access to excess funds within the next year or two.

You can presume that IF the fiend gets her swollen paws on any loot, it will immediately be given to the PUSHERMAN!

My insurance has 100,000 dollars in medical coverage for her and she's bills need to be processed by her so that they don't take action here

The insurance company has lawyers, investigators, and the like; trust me, the insurer knows what to do if they wish to contact the dope addict.
I am involved in this usaa case as well as tied in with her on the lease to my place. She is being held against her own will to reach out to me to my understanding. Things can only move forward if she's talking to us. Should I file a civil suit or call my local sheriff? I'm only 24 and have an engineering degree so I'm not majorly in tune with laws or anything like this.

You have no legal standing to communicate with the addict.

I suggest you use the MASSIVE amounts of finances of which you boast about and hire private investigators, lawyers, and advisers to properly instruct and guide your actions.

Once a dope fiend is removed from your life, thank the great pumpkin for this wonderful blessing.

Life is complicated enough without having a dope fiend near you!
You need to let her clean up and the best way for her is to have no communication. She has a ton of problems piled up from what sounds like years of abuse. This is the time to help her by letting her get sober and deal with her problems. It's good to hear your sober and got a few bucks. Consider yourself lucky!

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And might I add that I don't need to hire an attorney here. My family runs a top firm here in the state so I'm in a decent position to do this. I just don't want to go to them quite yet because I wanted to find a resolution without exposing my personal life issues to my family. But I guess I have no choice. I would suggest learning more about the situation before being very judgy on the poster. Very unprofessional and inexperienced way of talking to someone as a lawyer online. I am trying to collect no info on her medical status or records as I was involved from the beginning here. She told me where she was going before hand and told me she was going to contact me, and her parents told me that she's specifically not allowed to call me. Her mail is addressed to my location and if I took this to court I don't even know how she would find about a court date or anything, so just end up not showing up and making this hole even larger? Her parents are wrong here and have decades of substance abuse, they are the root of her addiction problem. I have overheard her parents mention to try and marry me and make sure "theres no prenuptial marriage". They are not good people. I guess I will take my questions elsewhere since I had no luck with you.
I call baloney on this. Brad is likely a drug addict just like his girlfriend is and it's very unlikely that he's wealthy like he claims to be. There. I said it.
I am a recovering Alky sober over 32 years. I have been in rehab and worked in several. These places shield their clients from unneeded stress. Other than family or pre approved persons they cannot release any info including if she seven there. You are best served doing what you can without her. You got some excellent suggestions I suggest you consider them.

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