Negligence by University in Rape Decision

I was raped and sexually assaulted multiple times by a student at a certain university (I go to a different college). I reported it to the university's president, title 9 office, dean of students, and the disciplinary office. The rapist admitted to the crime, but appealed many times for a lesser punishment. The original punishment was 1 year of suspension for 2 counts of rapes and sexual harassment. He appealed to a committee and received a lesser punishment of a semester of suspension and a short essay. He appealed to the president for less of a punishment, but so did I. This has been going on for 2 months, where I have tried to contact them, through email, phone call, in person. They have continued to ignore me, while allowing the rapist to go to classes and helping him and keeping him updated throughout this ordeal. They told me the decision would be made this week, yet I have not heard anything. I contacted them, and they told me that they told the rapist of the decision, yet they have not told me. This is outrageous, and I don't know what to do.
This is outrageous, and I don't know what to do.

Sadly, this is the outcome when "CRIMES" are reported to administrative tribunals, rather than local law enforcement.

I apologize for creeps that slither across our country ravishing, raping, and sexually abusing innocent men, women, and children.

I suggest you report the CRIME to the local police department, sheriff's department, or county district attorney within the next 24 hours.

Don't allow another sunset to pass without seeking real justice.

By getting REAL law enforcement involved, serial sadistic, sociopathic/psychoathic abusers will be investigated, charged, tried, convicted, and caged away from decent citizens to pay for their crimes.

In Travis County, these agencies can also assist you in your quest for justice:
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You should have reported this to the police right away.
Is there a reason WHY you did not report this to the police?

And was the discipline actually for the stated offense of "rape"? Or, was the term they used something else?
Frankly, if you go to 2 different schools, I am a bit surprised the university is taking action at all, as opposed to the police. Did this happen on their campus? Were criminal charges filed? They do not have to be in order for there to be a Title IX investigation. Much of the protections available under Title IX apply when you are both students on the same campus, in order to minimize contact. While you are entitled to the results of the investigation you aren't entitled to know the discipline imposed.

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