not given official transcripts

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hi, i will try to make this short. i am 54 called my old high school for official transcripts. i am applying to county and city for a job, a couple weeks go by and they call, transcripts are ready. I go to hs they hand me a copy and a sealed envelope said they were official, so i decided to open the envelope and guess what,,it was a collection bill from the tax assessor....glad i opened it....would have been very embarassing to send that in for a job application,,,,any thoughts,,,thank you
hi, i will try to make this short. i am 54 called my old high school for official transcripts. i am applying to county and city for a job, a couple weeks go by and they call, transcripts are ready. I go to hs they hand me a copy and a sealed envelope said they were official, so i decided to open the envelope and guess what,,it was a collection bill from the tax assessor....glad i opened it....would have been very embarassing to send that in for a job application,,,,any thoughts,,,thank you

Call and tell them what they did and get the transcripts. CHECK THEM WHILE YOU ARE THERE.
If you open your "official" transcripts, then they are no longer official. Yes, you got lucky, but you really ought not open the sealed envelope. In fact, you may want/need to have the transcripts sent directly to the employer you are applying with.

I must say that I find it strange that an employer needs to know what grades you got in high school ~35 years ago. Whether you graduated? Sure...but your grades?
A general "thoughts?" question isn't particularly conducive to helpful responses, and your post doesn't really raise any legal issue.

it was a collection bill from the tax assessor.

What tax assessor? County (and if so, what county)? State? What sort of taxes? From how long ago? Do you dispute that the taxes are owed? How much is the bill? I assume we're talking about a public school. In what district is the school located?

I must say that I find it strange that an employer needs to know what grades you got in high school ~35 years ago. Whether you graduated? Sure...but your grades?

The OP didn't mention anything about grades, and I don't know of any other way to prove high school graduation other than with a transcript (I suppose a copy of a diploma could do the trick, but the OP mentioned public entity employment, so I wouldn't expect common sense to be relevant).
The OP didn't mention anything about grades, and I don't know of any other way to prove high school graduation other than with a transcript
While true, a transcript, by its very nature, contains one's grades.
(I suppose a copy of a diploma could do the trick, but the OP mentioned public entity employment, so I wouldn't expect common sense to be relevant).
I'll drink to that!
hi, i will try to make this short. i am 54 called my old high school for official transcripts. i am applying to county and city for a job, a couple weeks go by and they call, transcripts are ready. I go to hs they hand me a copy and a sealed envelope said they were official, so i decided to open the envelope and guess what,,it was a collection bill from the tax assessor....glad i opened it....would have been very embarassing to send that in for a job application,,,,any thoughts,,,thank you
,,,,,HELLO AGAIN i guess i am asking if there was any WRONG doing by either the Tax office or the school ? i asked for transcripts .the school sent notice to tax office,, tax office sent my bill to the school,,so i would get the bill when i picked up my transcripts,,,,school also lied and said these were `OFFICAL TRANSCRIPTS`
,,,,,HELLO AGAIN i guess i am asking if there was any WRONG doing by either the Tax office or the school ? i asked for transcripts .the school sent notice to tax office,, tax office sent my bill to the school,,so i would get the bill when i picked up my transcripts,,,,school also lied and said these were `OFFICAL TRANSCRIPTS`
The tax office did nothing wrong.
The school/school district might have made a mistake. Contact them and ask.
,,,,,HELLO AGAIN i guess i am asking if there was any WRONG doing by either the Tax office or the school ? i asked for transcripts .the school sent notice to tax office,, tax office sent my bill to the school,,so i would get the bill when i picked up my transcripts,,,,school also lied and said these were `OFFICAL TRANSCRIPTS`

It's called a mistake. People make them. I'm willing to be that you might even have made a couple yourself, at some point in time.

At the present time, there are no laws prohibiting people from making clerical errors.
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As I alluded to above, some entities won't accept "official transcripts" that are hand-carried by the applicant. Just keep that in mind.
I must say that I find it strange that an employer needs to know what grades you got in high school ~35 years ago. Whether you graduated? Sure...but your grades?

The trend today among a multitude of employers, fewer are asking for PROOF of a high school diploma.

Many of those that continue to require an official high school transcript from an applicant involve governmental bodies, and companies who contract with various governmental agencies to supply workers.

Our various military services, DOD, and law enforcement agencies appear to be in the majority requiring official high school transcripts.
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