I wasn't trying to argue with you either, just start a conversation, just how may brain works in trying to get as much info as I can.
Lawyers all seem the same on that, outcome will come sooner or later. However as a parent it's hard to do the unknown.
Like I said I have her primarily already it's just scary thinking of her being in danger or a dangerous situation.
There's no one on the planet who wants her to have a healthy relationship with her mom more than me, the key is healthy and safe though.
I appreciate your input.
Its been my experience people like the woman you describe don't really care about their children.
People like the woman you describe just want to try and control others so they can use them, if and when they need a buck.
I call that let nature handle her.
You just keep being a great dad, and stop worrying about loser females, even if one birthed the great kid you're raising alone.
its obvious, even to an idiot like me, that you care a great deal about your child.
Put all of your energy into being the greatest dad your daughter will ever know.
Don't let idiots distract you.
You're not boozing it up, driving, and endangering innocent people.
You're just being dad to a great kid, and working your tail off to give her a great life.
Your head is on straight.
I learned many years ago that I can only take care of my business.
Remember when you were a kid wishing Christmas Eve was over so you could see Christmas Day?
It never got there any faster by wishing.
If you went to bed at 8:00PM, and wanted to get up at 5:00AM, you still had to wait 480 minutes. LOL
You'll get your answer sooner or later, and very little will change for you and your child.