NY Times Proves: Harris Backed Trans Surgeries for 'Illegal Aliens',, Trump VINDICATED!!!

army judge

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The New York Times has conceded comments former President Donald Trump made about opponent Vice President Kamala Harris supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for "illegal aliens" in custody were "basically true."

During Tuesday night's debate, Trump said Harris "wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison."

At the time, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, health reporter for the Times, issued a fact-check saying the claim "needs context."

That fact-check showed that CNN reported Harris' support of the policy based on a 2019 ACLU questionnaire she filed out.

"She said she supported using taxpayer funds to give access to gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary people, including those in immigration detention and prison," Stolberg wrote as part of the fact-check.

A Times article the next day said Trump's comment was "the wildest sounding attack line that was basically true."

Time magazine also had to do an about-face after writing that Trump's claims were "false."

"The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting 'transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.' As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants," the Time correction read.

Donkeys are 1,000,000% cuckoo!!!

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The DONKEYS lies and FAKE Presidential debate is being exposed all over the internet for what it is. A bunch of liberal lies set to destroy the truth and the truth shall be exposed.
Politicians lie. It's a given. But Trump has taken it to a whole new level.

(MSN.com (MSN News) - Bias and Credibility)

For reference, according to this article, in Biden's first 100 days, he made 29 false claims (compared to 214 from Trump in his first 100 days).

(CNN - Bias and Credibility)

Frankly, many folks simply have their tongues firmly up on Trump's boots that there's going to be no changing their minds.

I've been a registered Republican my entire adult life, but there's no way I can stand behind Trump. I'm just not fond enough of throwing up in my mouth.
Politicians lie. It's a given. But Trump has taken it to a whole new level.
He still lags behind Harris with all the lies she has told to hide her radical Marxist positions.

Frankly, many folks simply have their tongues firmly up on Trump's boots that there's going to be no changing their minds.
The same can be said of those that support Harris even though nobody knows what she would do to fix all the problems she and Biden have caused.

I've been a registered Republican my entire adult life, but there's no way I can stand behind Trump. I'm just not fond enough of throwing up in my mouth.
You are not the only member here that says, I've been a registered Republican my entire adult life, But.....
You may be registered as a Republican but, you don't seem to care what happens to the Republic if a Marxist gets elected. You obviously no longer believe what Republicans believe like the Constitution and free market capitalism.

You can put your feelings about Trump ahead of what is right for the Country? That is something I will never understand. If you can say that you are better off now than you were 4 years ago, you may be the only one in the country except for the corrupt left-wing elites.
With the new attempt on Trumps life, if I was him I would back out. This country isn't worth it, too late can't be redeemed or saved.

The Deep State RINOS and Democrats have too many operatives in too many roles to make a change. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Vance. The democrats want to stay in power no matter what.

'My resolve is stronger than ever,' Trump writes in new fundraising email

Raquel Coronell Uribe
Trump said in a new fundraising email that his "resolve is stronger than ever after another attempt on my life."
"I will never slow down. I will never give up. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!" he wrote.
"I thank God every day for having supporters like you on my side. On November 5th, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
In an earlier fundraising email, Trump said he was "safe and well," adding, "Nobody was hurt. Thank God."
this idiot that tried to kill the President looks like a lone wolf winner, multiple arrests and wanted to kill Trump for Ukraine. Awesome, if you want to stop the war in Ukraine then electing Trump would help do this.
You can put your feelings about Trump ahead of what is right for the Country? That is something I will never understand. If you can say that you are better off now than you were 4 years ago, you may be the only one in the country except for the corrupt left-wing elites.

The thing you need to understand is that I firmly believe that Trump is precisely what is NOT right for the country. One can believe that Trump is a disaster and still be a Republican. I'm not fond of Harris either, but as between the two of them, Harris is for me the lesser of two evils. If you love Trump, that's your prerogative, I have no issue with you supporting the candidate whom you think will be the best. But you ought to have the same respect for those who disagree with you and wish to vote differently than you. That's what the democratic process is all about. If you insist that to be a true American you must vote for Trump you are speaking the language of dictators.

I don't think Harris is any more Marxist any than I do that Trump is a Facist. Both claims are simply trying to tar the candidates with highly negative false labels they hope will turn support away from that candidate. It's IMO a very lowbrow way to attempt to gain support. Instead throwing those kind of labels around, let's instead consider what each will actually bring to the White House. I can pretty much guarantee that after four years we will be neither a Marxist or Fascist nation. We may have a very screwed up government, but we can probably survive that.

I at least have some hope that if Trump is reelected that the Congress and the courts will restrain him from some of his worst impulses. I also have hope that Congress will have enough sense (or simply gridlock) to prevent either far left or far right policies from dominating our society.
LOL, it is a lost cause with TC.

Tucker Carlson is right the MSM and Government doesn't hate Trump for all the make believe things they lie about him constantly for. The Government NEO Con war machine is a BIG Business. Trump like JFK is a non war guy. Just like then and now you get corrupted government people when the wars are profitable. See how fair was it for GWB to go to war in the middle east and have Halliburton as a contractor -- who benefited? Dick Cheney who by the way is supporting Harris/ Walz.

See you want peace and can not keep the corrupted war machine going then you vote for Harris/ Walz.-- If you want lower taxes, better domestic energy practices, and no foreign wars then you vote for Trump. I could care less about liberal tears or hurt feelings. I want America to remain a great prosperous country and not Venezuela or Ecuador. Harris wins then you will have more government control over peoples everyday lives, expensive groceries, and higher taxes.
Tucker Carlson is right
Tucker Carlson doesn't know what he's talking about half the time. He says the things that he knows will fire up his viewer/listeners and doesn't seem to care much about accuracy. That is one of the reasons he was finally edged out of Fox. It wasn't a money decision; Tucker was bringing in more money than any other personality on the network. It was decision about the direction that network wanted to take, and it decided to start turning away from far right politics. You definitely won't convince me of anything quoting Tucker.

LOL, it is a lost cause with TC.

If the cause is to try to convince me that Trump is the savior of America and is the greatest president ever (as Trump has claimed) then I am indeed a lost cause — I will never agee with that. However Trump loyalists do believe all that Trump says. I think they are misguided, but they too are a lost cause.
Tucker Carlson doesn't know what he's talking about half the time. He says the things that he knows will fire up his viewer/listeners and doesn't seem to care much about accuracy. That is one of the reasons he was finally edged out of Fox. It wasn't a money decision; Tucker was bringing in more money than any other personality on the network. It was decision about the direction that network wanted to take, and it decided to start turning away from far right politics. You definitely won't convince me of anything quoting Tucker.

If the cause is to try to convince me that Trump is the savior of America and is the greatest president ever (as Trump has claimed) then I am indeed a lost cause — I will never agee with that. However Trump loyalists do believe all that Trump says. I think they are misguided, but they too are a lost cause.

and ABC news, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and NBC are JOKES of LIARS who use fake news and propaganda to convince people like yourself that Trump is the anti Christ. It is their non stop LIES that has led to two assassination attempts on a former president and current presidents life. I realized how democratic administration officials stage and propagate their agenda through those various news outlets. They are not news but DNC propaganda speaking voices of LIES and LIARS to convince people in the US of a false narrative. Actual news comes from boots on the ground, the BBC has better news outlets than any of those you listed.

As far as Trump no one can nor will they try to get to vote for him, you can vote for you want and I do not care who you vote for. However, so far you have just used every character of lies that the liberals have used to not vote for him. Once you realize that you are being manipulated then you can understand that no news agency should have any influence on who you vote for in America.

'My resolve is stronger than ever,' Trump writes in new fundraising email

Raquel Coronell Uribe
Trump said in a new fundraising email that his "resolve is stronger than ever after another attempt on my life."
"I will never slow down. I will never give up. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!" he wrote.
"I thank God every day for having supporters like you on my side. On November 5th, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
In an earlier fundraising email, Trump said he was "safe and well," adding, "Nobody was hurt. Thank God."
He sure got that fundraising request out quickly... Almost like it was pre-written...
The thing you need to understand is that I firmly believe that Trump is precisely what is NOT right for the country. One can believe that Trump is a disaster and still be a Republican. I'm not fond of Harris either, but as between the two of them, Harris is for me the lesser of two evils. If you love Trump, that's your prerogative, I have no issue with you supporting the candidate whom you think will be the best. But you ought to have the same respect for those who disagree with you and wish to vote differently than you. That's what the democratic process is all about. If you insist that to be a true American you must vote for Trump you are speaking the language of dictators.
Perhaps your most radical and telling post to date on the subject. You think Trump is not right for the country and a Marxist is. Yet, in all the posts you post, not once have you ever said what policies or actions of the Trump administration you are at odds with. So, tell us what aspect of Republicanism do you support? Then contrast that with what you know about Harris that makes you think she is the lessor of two evils.

I don't love Trump any more than I love the garbage guys that pick up my garbage and recycling each week. They get the job done and I know what to expect every Wednesday.

Once again, you are pontificating on my respect for those that disagree with me. People can vote for whomever they want, and I will respect their choice if they can make a logical argument, whether or not I agree with the argument. But, putting personal feeling above the Republic's interest, I don't understand. You have made no argument at all.

If you insist that to be a true American you must vote for Trump you are speaking the language of dictators.
A true American (your words, not mine) can vote for whomever they want if they are a citizen. It's voter reasoning I'm interested in. I hate Trump so the Republic be dammed. I guess half the population forgot what being a patriot is and loving the country they live in.

I don't think Harris is any more Marxist any than I do that Trump is a Fascist. Both claims are simply trying to tar the candidates with highly negative false labels they hope will turn support away from that candidate.
Then you are ignoring Harris's policies and positions throughout her career. So, now explain why you think Trump is a Fascist. You have already admitted that Trump can't be a dictator. If you are so gullible as to believe that Harris has reversed her position, I have a bridge in NYC to sell you for cheap. And, given another attempt on Trump's life, who is the greater threat to our Democracy? Do you think all the democratic party and campaign rederict and corrupt media that Trump is a threat to democracy, is Hillter, etc. is responsible for these assassination attempts?

I at least have some hope that if Trump is reelected that the Congress and the courts will restrain him from some of his worst impulses. I also have hope that Congress will have enough sense (or simply gridlock) to prevent either far left or far right policies from dominating our society.
What worst Trump impulses are you speaking about? Are they closing the borders, fixing the economy, lowering taxes, deregulation, making the US energy independent, bringing manufacturing back to the US, creating real jobs, getting us out of involvement or stopping the wars that may lead to WWIII? Are those the impulses you speak of?
If the cause is to try to convince me that Trump is the savior of America and is the greatest president ever (as Trump has claimed) then I am indeed a lost cause — I will never agee with that. However Trump loyalists do believe all that Trump says. I think they are misguided, but they too are a lost cause.
But yet, you believe Harris.

I believe that for months you have tried to stay in the middle of the debate. But now you are showing your true colors. I believe that you have a personal animus toward Trump that dates back to the Obama administration and the Trump win in 2016 and what happened in the IRS.

I'm not making any accusations but, that is purely my opinion since you offer no justifications for your position on Trump.

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