One beneficiary did not sign on petition to distribute. What to do?


New Member
New Hampshire
Excuse me if I don't use the proper terminology. The in-laws' estate has been liquidated. There are a total 12 beneficiaries. Son of deceased eventually became executor through court order after daughter of deceased was supposed to be executor, did not say anything about will, and just kept living in the in-laws house for years. Everyone just assumed she had her father change the will before he died. That wasn't the case. All of that has been settled, house sold, and all money is in one account. The daughter has gone through 2 to 3 lawyers or her end fighting everything, mainly with the sale of the house racking up her own lawyer bills with them, but also costing the estate money by having the executors lawyer address all these issues. This has all gone on for 4-5 years.

There is over $450k in the estates account with all but one bill paid. It's a from a $35k pension overpayment. The final accounting is done, but the last thing to happen was the attorney requested the beneficiaries sign the petition to the court for this $35k payment to be made and then distribute all the rest of the money. This was 2 months ago. As you can guess, all signed immediately except for the daughter who nobody can get in touch with. She could be dead for all we know.

I know the last correspondence she had with the executors lawyer was an email regarding the distribution. It showed her getting $6k less than everyone else because apparently that's what her original lawyer, who withdrew is owed. I don't understand why or how the estates lawyer is getting involved by putting that part in about paying off that part of the the daughters legal bill.

Everyone wants to put to an end, and it seems like the executors lawyer is dragging her feet, while racking up billable hours. I get it, the longer this drags, the better it is for lawyers, but this is ridiculous. How can we push this through faster. The last thing the executors lawyer said was we are still waiting on that one signature. What can we suggest she or the exucutor do the end this or atleast do a particial distribution money to the beneficiaries? What and how do we ask this of the executors lawyer exactly?

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