opposite sex sleeping in the same room

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Ok my sister has a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl sleeping in the same room. Can social services take them or no???
Ok my sister has a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl sleeping in the same room. Can social services take them or no???

Who can say what those creatures can do. What you describe isn't immoral at that age. In all likelihood, if that's all they have on her, PROBABLY not!
Is there a reason you asked? Has social services been in contact with your sister for any reason? Generally, this would be allowed. (not a reason to remove them)
At three and five, social services is not going to care. If they're still sleeping in the same room at thirteen and fifteen, come back and see us again.
Honestly, even at 13 and 15, there court and/or social services won't step in to any extent.

The other parent might care, but if the parents are still together? It's a non-issue as far as fitness.

Now with that said, if this was a foster situation it would be a problem. The other possible issue is if a local ordinance or zoning requirement prevents it (in which case the genders wouldn't matter anyway)
Some people can only afford a place with one room for two kids even if different sexes.
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