Our car got towed a year ago and they actioned it off. New owner never registered it


New Member
Our car was towed a year ago and auctioned off to someone else. That person never registered the vehicle in their name and apparently, neither did the Tow company. The person who bought it from the tow company ended up abandoning it on the side of the road and somehow the car has no license plates on it. A police officer called me and told me to come pick it up if I want the vehicle, or it will be towed in 24hrs and that it's registered under my husband's name still. He said we would be liable if it's towed. He said he had to use the VIN number and it registered my husband as the owner.
What should We do? Doesn't someone else technically own the car? If we move it can't we get in trouble? We want to give it to a junk yard if still legally own it. Do we?

If we still own the vehicle we could junk yard it, but I don't want the owner to later come after us and say we stole the vehicle.

Also I read something that said his license could get suspended if the car is towed/abandoned and their could be fines or tickets too. Is that true?

We couldn't get a bill of sale because the tow company was the one who auctioned the car. Do we call the tow company?

(The car was not towed a second time yet, we have 24hrs to pick it up from the street they abandoned it on)
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Do to still have the title? I am guessing not. If you recover the car and do not have the title you still have a problem on your hands. If you do recover the cac and manage to junk it the "owner" could potentially have a civil claim against you for the value of the car, but it would not be a stolen vehicle.

When you sold the car you were supposed to report the sale to the state so you would not be liable for anything. Since you did not do that you could be liable for tow fees.

If you do nothing and the car is towed again you could get another tow bill. In fact you should expect one as your information is apparently going into the paperwork.

I recommend you go to your local DMV and report the vehicle was sold some time ago, especially if you do not have the title.
]Our car was towed a year ago and auctioned off to someone else. That person never registered the vehicle in their name and apparently, neither did the Tow company. The person who bought it from the tow company ended up abandoning it on the side of the road and somehow the car has no license plates on it. A police officer called me and told me to come pick it up if I want the vehicle, or it will be towed in 24hrs and that it's registered under my husband's name still. He said we would be liable if it's towed. He said he had to use the VIN number and it registered my husband as the owner.
What should We do? Doesn't someone else technically own the car? If we move it can't we get in trouble? We want to give it to a junk yard if still legally own it. Do we?

If we still own the vehicle we could junk yard it, but I don't want the owner to later come after us and say we stole the vehicle.

Also I read something that said his license could get suspended if the car is towed/abandoned and their could be fines or tickets too. Is that true?

We couldn't get a bill of sale because the tow company was the one who auctioned the car. Do we call the tow company?

(The car was not towed a second time yet, we have 24hrs to pick it up from the street they abandoned it on)[/QUOTE]

I do have the title still thank goodness.
My husband and I never sold the car ourselves. It was taken by a tow company and sat at the tow company too long so it got sold into auction
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I see. I misunderstood.

I will say yes, if you still have the title in your name (and I do mean the title, not the registration) you could conceivably recover the car and sell it. Just know that if you do the person who purchased it from the tow company could possibly bring a civil action against you for the value of the car and any property inside it.
As for the tow company, they recovered their loss when they sold the car so they would have no reason to pursue anyone.
The paperwork is a mess with this and there could be trouble ahead if you proceed... But in a strict legal sense, if the title is still in your name it is still your car.
If you take the car back you would be wise to consult a local attorney about ownership before you do anything else with it... But again, no, this would not be a stolen car.

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