Overrun with Child Support

So then why don't YOU call HIM?



It takes TWO to TANGLE, mate.

It also takes TWO to mate, mate.

Objects in mirror MAY BE closer than they appear
At times you confuse me...

I THINK I know who the interloper is, mate.

I THINK I understand WHY One Person doesn't wish to be contacted by the interloper.

Of course, this is only my mere speculation, which I've documented as 88% correct.
Yes, I document myself, because I am the only one I trust with such a monumental responsibility.

Enough about me, although I could go on for years about me.

I'm sure you might also have the same suspicion as to the identity of the interloper, too.

If two had been married and divorced, there are two people who would be familiar with the circumstances existing at present between the parties.

Does that clarify things a bit more for you, boss?
I THINK I know who the interloper is, mate.

I THINK I understand WHY One Person doesn't wish to be contacted by the interloper.

Of course, this is only my mere speculation, which I've documented as 88% correct.
Yes, I document myself, because I am the only one I trust with such a monumental responsibility.

Enough about me, although I could go on for years about me.

I'm sure you might also have the same suspicion as to the identity of the interloper, too.

If two had been married and divorced, there are two people who would be familiar with the circumstances existing at present between the parties.

Does that clarify things a bit more for you, boss?
It does. Thanks for dumbing it down for me... ;)
I don't really know who you are who what you do, madam. The only thing I know for sure about you is that you provided me with a kick-ass lasagna recipe.

Why Thank You, Dear HWM!! It is rather good...If you ever want the recipe for my meatballs let me know. Everyone goes gaga for my MB subs/grinder/whatever you wrongly call a sub.

end hijack,

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