I'm proud parent of two little girls, and from the start, I'll state that I have no problem paying child support. But my current situation is making me feel as if the amount I pay is unfair. A few years ago the kids' mother and I set up our visitation agreement, and our attorneys decided to fight over child support. It got increased, which I expected with a better paying job. It was no big deal.
About a year ago their mom got married, and their household income went up dramatically as she got a better paying job too. Making over $15 an hour, 40 hours a week she pulls in a good amount. Her husband makes over $4000 after taxes a month. I pay $613 a month. Comparing my single income to theirs, it made my decent paying job feel like minimum wage. In no way are they struggling, and I'm barely able to hold up an apartment and other bills on top of it. I've never complained about this, I've just done the best with what I can. But recently they bought a house. I'm struggling to move out of a small apartment, and they continue to move up with no sign of struggle or financial burden holding them down. I'm happy that my kids are well taken care when they are at their mom's house. But for some reason both their incomes versus mine, the amount I pay feels like it's more of just adding to their wealth.
Would I be in the wrong to ask for them to reduce child support? Keeping in mind their incomes together, I don't make nearly close to half of what they make together. I want the best for my kids too, but I'm starting to feel I'm getting the bad end.