payee removal of short term memory loss patient no reason given

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Spouse has had a series of strokes. In 1999 had open heart surgery #3. Coumadin level complications. Many strokes follow. Massive stroke leaves short term memory loss. Social security gives him disability for this reason. I, his spouse was placed as payee. Within the last two years more smaller strokes. Left side paralysis in June due to stroke. Restorying strength quickly but have noted increase in confusion, frustration, anger, mood changes, cried a lot remembered comments and people and he cried. In the last two month changes intensified to downhill. Made a male friend at church that was a blessing. Friend is an ex-convict that like to help men in jail, is married to a lady 20 years his junior my husband says his wife gives him everything he wants. This man is 66 years old and has been clean from drugs for 2 years. Since I work friend has invloved in taking him places and to appointments. He has managed to convince my husband to change doctors to his doctors, help me get removed as payee from social security, changed his bank account to eliminate me (in my husbands confusion he put the wrong email on account and bank sent pin for banking online to another viable email -changed 30 days later, has managed to disassociate my husband from is family, encourage him to get a mail box at post office. In October he came to our house and proposed that we(my husband and I) join him in a business venture, we could not. He returns back the following week while I am at work and asks my husband to join him in another venture to just lend him $20,000. My husband tells him he does not have it but if he can get it together he would give him the money. I fear he is isolating my husband for a reason. How can i protect him? Do I have any legal rights to undo anything my husband has done. What can I do? please help
Call the state elder abuse line. Ask them to evaluate him and assist in having him declared mentally incompetent, with you as guardian. I suggest you take husband off any other accounts or close them ASAP. Hide vehicle information.
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As your spouse's next of kin, you can request an emergency mental health hold be Placed on your husband through your local police agency or adult/elder protective services.

They can assist you in obtaining a county court judge's commitment order to have your husband psychologically evaluated.

Please let us know how you fare?

Also, in what county do you reside?

You might also contact social insecurity and discuss your removal as your husband's representative/payee.

If I recall correctly, removing an appointed representative payee isn't that easy.

I'd contact social insecurity first thing Friday morning.

If my old memory serves me correctly, they start taking calls at 07:00AM (EST), maybe earlier.

Or, shuffle on down to the nearest social insecurity office and see a living human being.

Good luck!!!!
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