Payment for cable service not provided


New Member
I paid for cable service from 3-22-21 to 4-23-21. I cancelled my service and was disconnected on
3-26-21. Since I prepaid for the entire billing month, by law, am I obligated to pay for the remaining portion of the billing period occurring after the disconnect date. The bill says no prorating for portions of the bill for services cancelled prior to the end of the current billing month. I was never told about this prior to subscribing for service and I never signed an agreement or contract. I think this would fall under services not rendered.

Thank you,
You don't have to sign a contract to have a contract. Your contract is the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you began using the service. The TOS was available online for you to read any time. Might also have been expressed on your monthly account statement.
am I obligated to pay for the remaining portion of the billing period occurring after the disconnect date.

By law? Unlikely, but it's entirely likely that your contract/agreement with the provider does not provide for a refund, but we'd need more information about what happened that led to you paying for service in the first place.

Why did you cancel only four days after starting the service? How much money is at issue?

Your contract is the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you began using the service.

Can you summarize the facts that support this conclusion? I see nothing in the original post that supports this conclusion.

The TOS was available online for you to read any time.

They were? Do you have the URL? Also, even if there are TOS at some website, we have no facts that could support those TOS being part of any actual agreement.

Might also have been expressed on your monthly account statement.

What monthly account statement?
The OP wrote, "I cancelled my service and was disconnected on 3-26-21," which was four days after the 3-22-21 start date of the service.
That does not mean that the OP didn't have service the month prior, and the month prior, etc. That's how cable service works. You pay month-to-month (provided you're not on a longer-term contract).
The reason I cancelled after only 3 days (billing period was actually 3-23-21 to 4-22-21) is that my parents both passed away. It was service at their house which was no longer needed but the account was in my name. The billing period was not prepaid as was incorrectly noted in my first post- sorry. Prior to cancelling this account, I called the cable provider on 3-24 and discussed having the same cable package provided at my house. That same day I received an email from the cable company showing the itemized charges that the new account at my house would have. On 3-26, the service at my parents house was cancelled. On 3-27, I received a bill in the mail from the cable provider for my parents house which claimed that I owed for the entire billing period from 3-23 to 4-22. I immediately called the cable provider and told them that I did not want to start service at my house unless the bill for my parent's house was only for three days. The representative said he would check with his supervisor and put me on hold. When he came back, he told me that his supervisor gave him a form to fill out and that the final charge for my parent's house would only be for the three days. He told me to ignore the bill that I received in the mail and that the three day charge would be included on my first bill for my new service. He said that the account for my parent's house was now closed. On 3-30, I called the cable provider and talked to another representative. This representative confirmed that there will be a charge for three days only for my parent's house that will be included on my first bill. On 4-1, I received another bill for my parent's house for the entire billing period. I immediately called the provider and the representative I talked to also confirmed that there would be only a three day charge for my parent's house and that it would be included on my first bill. She then asked if she could put me on hold. When she came back, she said that the final bill for my parent's house was going to be for the entire billing period instead of the three days. I asked to speak with a supervisor From all of the notes in the cable provider's system, the supervisor confirmed all of the events described within this post. All he would say is that it was a mistake by the other representatives. The stipulated agreement that I made with the cable provider on 3-27 and confirmed on 3-30 and 4-1 that would permit the cable provider to provide service at my house was broken by the cable company.
Whether there is any intentionality of the cable provider's breach of our agreement is not the issue. The issue is that it was never brought to my attention until AFTER the installation of their service at my house which they provided under conditions that they knew would have prevented my agreeing to do so. The cable company is obligated to adhere to our agreement with a final charge for my parent's house being for three days only instead of the unrightful financial gain they are seeking.

( I have notes from my conversations including names, dates, times, and charges)

Thank You For Comments
Look, for the amount we're talking, it's going to cost you less in time an aggravation to simply pay the bill. Yeah, it sucks...but life is too short to worry about the small stuff.
Here's one thing to try and it will cost you nothing. Go to and click on the "File a complaint" link. This will get routed eventually to someone high up in the carrier's management who is inclined and authorized to be reasonable and often will to get rid of the complaint. It will however take a few months.

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