President Trump orders US military to our southern border to quell Biden's Border Bungle

army judge

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(CNN) Thousands of additional active duty US troops are being ordered to the southern US border with Mexico, just two days after President Donald Trump mandated that the US military step up its presence there, according to officials familiar with the matter.

There are already roughly 2,200 active duty forces at the border as part of Joint Task Force-North, US Northern Command's border mission based out of El Paso, Texas. They help support US Customs and Border Protection's work there, performing mostly logistical and bureaucratic tasks like data entry, detection and monitoring, and vehicle maintenance.

It is not yet clear which specific units are being ordered to the border.

There is also a National Guard contingent at the border called Operation Lonestar, headed by the Texas National Guard. There are roughly 4,500 National Guardsmen currently assigned to the mission, according to the Texas Military Department.

The additional active duty troops being sent to the border this week will be doing much of the same, the officials said, and are expected to feed into and augment Joint Task Force-North.

They will be helping to maintain operational readiness for Border Patrol, assisting in command-and-control centers, and providing more intelligence specialists to assess threats and migrant flows, according to sources familiar with the planning.

The troops are also expected to augment air assets and help with air operations.

Even more active duty troops are expected to be deployed to the border in the coming weeks and months, one of the officials said, with this first wave laying the groundwork for a larger military footprint.

It is not clear whether the troops will be armed. But none of the active duty troops are authorized to perform any kind of law enforcement role, like perform arrests or seize drugs, or engage with migrants other than to help transport them to and around different migrant facilities.
A law that dates back more than a century known as "posse comitatus" bars active-duty US troops from domestic law enforcement without authorization. Other laws and regulations have further clarified that troops can't participate in activities such as making arrests and conducting searches, according to a Congressional Research Service analysis.

President Trump did say in an executive order Monday, however, that he will decide within 90 days whether to invoke the Insurrection Act at the US-Mexico border, which would allow him to use active duty troops domestically for law enforcement.

Federal resources along the US southern border have been stretched thin for years amid an influx of migrants.

The number of migrants crossing the southern border has dropped recently—there are between 1,100 to 1,300 migrants illegally crossing the border daily, according to a Homeland Security official.

But by adding more Pentagon personnel, sources expect Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which has been assisting along the border, will be able to go back to the interior to focus on arrests of undocumented immigrants already inside the US.

So he knows the limitations on military involvement in law enforcement and still orders troops in what is clearly not a military situation. Just one of several moves he's made in the last two in which he gives a big middle finger to the Constitution. For those of you who voted for him thinking he'd protect Constitutional rights you better think again. If Trump either thinks the move might help him politically or if he has a grudge to settle he'll no trouble steamrolling over your Constitutional rights. I doubt he'd bother to ask any of his advisors if he's legally allowed to do it. I knew Trump regaining office would be bad, but the last 48 hours have been breathtakingly bad. Trump seems to be determined to set the record for the president who violates the most Constitutional provisions and federal laws in his first 100 days than any other. Heck, he may already have surpassed every other president in that effort.
So he knows the limitations on military involvement in law enforcement and still orders troops in what is clearly not a military situation. Just one of several moves he's made in the last two in which he gives a big middle finger to the Constitution. For those of you who voted for him thinking he'd protect Constitutional rights you better think again. If Trump either thinks the move might help him politically or if he has a grudge to settle he'll no trouble steamrolling over your Constitutional rights. I doubt he'd bother to ask any of his advisors if he's legally allowed to do it. I knew Trump regaining office would be bad, but the last 48 hours have been breathtakingly bad. Trump seems to be determined to set the record for the president who violates the most Constitutional provisions and federal laws in his first 100 days than any other. Heck, he may already have surpassed every other president in that effort.
I agree. It is sickening.
So he knows the limitations on military involvement in law enforcement and still orders troops in what is clearly not a military situation. Just one of several moves he's made in the last two in which he gives a big middle finger to the Constitution. For those of you who voted for him thinking he'd protect Constitutional rights you better think again. If Trump either thinks the move might help him politically or if he has a grudge to settle he'll no trouble steamrolling over your Constitutional rights. I doubt he'd bother to ask any of his advisors if he's legally allowed to do it. I knew Trump regaining office would be bad, but the last 48 hours have been breathtakingly bad. Trump seems to be determined to set the record for the president who violates the most Constitutional provisions and federal laws in his first 100 days than any other. Heck, he may already have surpassed every other president in that effort.
You just don't understand the man. What is the best way to get a constitutional case before the Supreme Court for reconsideration? You pass an EX Order that you know is unconstitutional. His EX Order on birthright citizenship was stayed by an emergency injunction on day 2 and will likely end up at the Supreme Court. That, in turn may lead to an amendment to the Constitution put forward by Congress when it comes to illegal immigrants.

So he knows the limitations on military involvement in law enforcement and still orders troops in what is clearly not a military situation.

Maybe yes and maybe no. I guess you are speaking of the Posse Comitatus Act that limits the use of the military against US citizens. But there are exceptions. In this case on the southern boarder, the use of the military is not against US citizens but against an invasion of illegal immigrants. First, he declares an emergency at the Border and then deploys the active military. Perfectly within the law. But I'm sure some group will challenge it in court.

If you didn't hate the man so much, you might begin to see he has a strategy for everything he wants to accomplish.
I just hope they don't raid me and wifes favorite MexiCan spot. They have the best salsa verde I have ever had.

Be very, very cautious, mate.
If you eat certain things, from certain places, you might even like how it tastes, you might also end up regretting what happens in the end!!!

Me not go to them certain places, after spending five years in the boonies/jungles/swamps/rice paddies of southeast Asia. One learns quickly, or one could perish swiftly.

What is Montezuma's Revenge (Traveler's Diarrhea)?

Also known as Traveler's Diarrhea, Montezuma's Revenge is a broad term for gastrointestinal sickness caused by a number of different pathogens. These bacteria are most commonly found in dirty water or on unsanitary food. Once the bacteria are in your body, it causes an intestinal infection.

Bad bacteria are everywhere and can be hard to avoid. Our bodies are usually adapted to the bad bacteria in our own environments from a lifetime of exposure. This is why locals are much less likely to get sick from the same bacteria that causes infection in a traveler.

Once infected, symptoms of Montezuma's Revenge can vary greatly from person to person. A mild case might only cause you stomach cramps and bloating. More serious symptoms include vomiting, fever, and diarrhea which can occur up to 10 times in a single day.

Traveler's Diarrhea gets plenty of nicknames depending on where in the world you pick it up. In the end though, the symptoms are pretty much the same.


What Causes Montezuma's Revenge?

One of the most common pathogens that cause traveler's diarrhea is E. coli bacteria. E. coli is found in the intestines of both animals and people. It is spread to others through fecal matter. This means Montezuma's Revenge can literally be caused by ingesting fecal matter. Yuck!

Most commonly, what causes this spread is contaminated food or water.

In many developing countries, sanitation infrastructure is simply not as well established. Wastewater might be dumped in rivers used for drinking water. Meat and dairy production might not be regulated at all.

In other cases, simply bad hygiene can be the cause. You can pick up traveler's diarrhea even in developed countries. All it takes is a waiter or cook forgetting to wash their hands.

That being said, certain regions of the world, pose a much higher risk.

If you can't drink the water in a country, there is a good chance you might pick up an infection. Even if you avoid tap water, many foods are washed or cooked in contaminated water. Unless the food is peeled or cooked to a high temperature, the bacteria might still be present.
You just don't understand the man. What is the best way to get a constitutional case before the Supreme Court for reconsideration? You pass an EX Order that you know is unconstitutional.

No. Any government employee, up to and including the president, who knowingly violates the constitutional rights of others violates the constitution and the rights of others. Period. Full Stop.

Saying its ok that the government violates our rights to get the matter reconsidered by the high court is both lame and indicates to me that you don't care about the government actually enforcing our constitutional rights. Rather it suggests you're ok with it as long as the government can come up any any old lame excuse for it.

Would you think it okay if the government revoked your citizenship, kicked you out the country, and prevented you from returning for several years (or perhaps even decades) while the matter kicked around in the courts? And should the the court finally affirm that your rights were indeed violated would it be solace for you for the government to then say "we don't owe you anything for our knowingly blantant violation of your Constitutional rights because we wanted to test it and see if the Supreme Court would ignore the express words of the Constitution and well over a century of judicial opinions and overturn that rule of law"? I suspect you wouldn't be ok with that and you shouldn't be.

The government must protect the existing rights of EVERYONE for as long as those rights exist. If it's ok for Trump to violate the rights of some persons born in the U.S. while he tests it in court then it would be ok for Trump to violate YOUR rights to test it in the courts, too. That rips away the rights we have and makes a mockery of th Constitution. There are other ways to attempt to see if the Supreme Court will change the long standing rights we have without violating them before the Court decides to change the law. It may be more annoying and time consuming for Trump to take another path but the whole point of the Constitution is to not make it easy for the government to violate a person's rights.

If you didn't hate the man so much, you might begin to see he has a strategy for everything he wants to accomplish.

What strategy? What I see is a scattershot approach of throwing out every change that pops into Trump's head and seeing which ones will stick. I suppose that is a strategy of sorts but not a good one.

I agree with other lawyers who have commented that a number of these orders are badly written and some come across like they were written by middle schoolers. In other words Trump has once more scraped the bottom of the barrel in finding legal talent for his White House staff. If he had better lawyers he might still try violating the rights of citizens but it wouldn't be the mess of EOs that I've seen coming out the White House.

A significant part of the problem for Trump in getting top notch legal talent is that pretty much every lawyer today knows that Trump treats his attorneys like crap, avoids paying them for as long as possible, and that being known a lawyer for Trump is not a good career enhancing move. Future clients would think the lawyer is like Trump's previous attorneys who were awful, like Epstien and Guiliani, and look for someone else. Why would any good lawyer want to put up with that? Even if I liked Trump's policies I wouldn't work for the man because he'd treat me like crap and try not to pay me if I don't kiss his ass and tell him exactly what he wants to hear rather than what what the law says.

Yes, I hate Trump, but I also still can analyze his actions as any lawyer would. If I don't like what he does but it's clearly legal for him to do it then I'll say so. For example, I don't like that his pardons of the January 6 rioters included those convicted of attacking law enforcement officers. Attacking law enforcement officers who are doing their job is no ok, and Trump shouldn't send the signal that is ok by issuing those pardons. But while I think Trump was wrong to do it, he clearly had the power in the Constitution to do it.

If Trump gets everything he wants then by the end of his term we'll find that the rights of ALL of us have been reduced; that we are less free at the end of his term than we are today. Even Trump supporters need to stand up and oppose Trump when tries to take away our rights. If you just stay silent you are among those paving the way to dictatorship.
If you just stay silent you are among those paving the way to dictatorship.

There are and have been many things to cause one alarm and/or distress, but there are people who have given 20, 30, even 40 years of their life wearing this nation's uniform, serving in her military, standing on the wall 24/7/365, to keep the boogey man out, and to stop the boogey man from within. Many of those citizen patriots were drafted, and chose a life of service.

This nation will never see a dictator, a king, a queen an empress, or an emperor ruling a free people. If, however, we become a nation of sheeple, all bets are off. That said, our ancestors threw crazy King George and his redcoats out, while defeating an armada, and the world's greatest military on earth during the 1770s.

Generation after generation stepped up when things went awry. As recently as 1899, 1917, 1941, 1952, 1963, 1983, etc... our patriot/citizens beat down Nazis, Facists, Imperialists, Communists, and stopped genocide and other atrocities.

Here we stand, 350 odd years later, a freedom loving nation. A nation of free people. We could become many things, some of them not so great, I doubt that very much. Freedom is addictive. Once people live free, the weakest among them will aid in the fight to remain free.

I gave 35 years of my life to keep us free, thousands of my generation, as did previous generations, have fought our nation's battles, guarded her border, and maintained our freedom. There are many things to fear, but fear not, if our nation's security is threatened, millions of our fellow citizens will step up and become patriots.

Trump, as were dozens of other patriots serving as our president, will execute the duties of office faithfully, while striving to maintain our freedoms.

While we're at it, we all need to think how we can make this nation better, and stop whining about how bad it is. If you find the flaws, help repair them.
Trump, as were dozens of other patriots serving as our president, will execute the duties of office faithfully, while striving to maintain our freedoms.
I have my doubts about that given the slew of EOs the White House has issued the last week. I've said it before that Trump doesn't really understand the Constitution or care about following it. Nothing I've seen in the last week changes my view on that.

While we're at it, we all need to think how we can make this nation better, and stop whining about how bad it is. If you find the flaws, help repair them.
I agree with that wholeheartedly.

I gave 35 years of my life to keep us free, thousands of my generation, as did previous generations, have fought our nation's battles, guarded her border, and maintained our freedom. There are many things to fear, but fear not, if our nation's security is threatened, millions of our fellow citizens will step up and become patriots.
That's a very commendable record, and you didn't even mention your time on the bench.

I hope you're correct that Americans will defend the country from threats both from without and within. We won't know until we're really tested.
Personally, I have my preference in regard to politicians and politics. Politics wasn't always what we see today. Many fine men and women have served, will served, or are serving our country.

If one enjoys the good, one must accept the bad. That doesn't mean support or encourage bad behavior. I was always taught not to help hide the bad, but shout out it's presence, so that it could be addressed.

Trump's last/latest stint in public office will only last a mere four years, as in 1461 days, 208.71 weeks, 48 months, or 35064 hours. It seems like eons, but it'll pass very swiftly.

I'd love for President Trump to succeed. Why you're thinking? Because, if the president does well, the citizenry will do well, too. The biggest boost is to our wonderful nation, her allies, and friends. God knows all too well, we also need peace on the planet!!!!

Heck, as far as I'm concerned, my ticket is going to expire very soon, and God isn't renewing it for me on Earth. I've had a great run. I wish my fellow citizens to have even better, more profitable, and happier runs, too.

I'm praying regularly for our confused Congress, our bureaucrats and their realms, our students, our military, and the rest of the planet; that we all accumulate wealth, savings, and remain healthy. If one does well, 350,000,000 could also do well, too!
No. Any government employee, up to and including the president, who knowingly violates the constitutional rights of others violates the constitution and the rights of others. Period. Full Stop.
What others do you speak of? I don't see any of the EX Orders violating the rights of any US citizens. When someone is in this country illegally, it doesn't give them protection under our constitution. Period, Full Stop.

You ignore that we are speaking of people that entered the US illegally and are criminals. They committed misdemeanors and felonies. They are not citizens of this country.

Entering the U.S. illegally is typically classified as a misdemeanor under 8 U.S.C. § 1325, but if a person has previously been deported and reenters the country without permission, it is considered a felony under 8 U.S.C. § 1326.

Bloviation is a style of empty, pompous, political speech that originated in Ohio and was most notably used in his successful 1920 US presidential campaign by Warren G. Harding. He subsequently described it as "the art of speaking for as long as the occasion warrants and saying nothing".

Yes, I hate Trump,
The country elected him, President. Now, you have to live with it for the next 4 years. Your hatred of him is personal for you. I know that. So, everything you post has to be taken with a 1000 lb. grain of salt.
Note to self - buy stock in whatever company owns KoolAid.

Kool-Aid is an American brand of flavored drink mix

owned by Kraft Heinz based in Chicago, Illinois. The

powder form was created by Edwin Perkins in 1927

based upon a liquid concentrate named Fruit Smack.
The indigenous people of Colombia appear to be rioting! Fancy that!!!

The worm has turned!!!!

There's a new Sheriff in town, bub, follow instructions, or regret the consequences!!!

The White House claimed victory in a showdown with Colombia over accepting flights of deported migrants from the U.S. on Sunday, hours after President Donald Trump threatened steep tariffs on imports and other sanctions on the longtime U.S. partner.

Press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a late Sunday statement that the "Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump's terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay."

Leavitt said the tariff orders — which would have put in place 25% tariffs on all Colombian incoming goods, and then raised to 50% in one week — will be "held in reserve, and not signed." But Leavitt said Trump would maintain visa restrictions on Colombian officials and enhanced customs inspections of goods from the country "until the first planeload of Colombian deportees is successfully returned."

There was no immediate reaction from the Colombian government.

Earlier in the day, Trump and Colombian President Gustavo Petro, in a series of social media posts, defended their views on migration, with the latter accusing Trump of not treating immigrants with dignity during deportation and announcing a retaliatory 25% increase in Colombian tariffs on U.S. goods.

Trump had ordered visa restrictions; 25% tariffs on all Colombian incoming goods, which would be raised to 50% in one week; and other retaliatory measures sparked by Petro's decision to reject two Colombia-bound U.S. military aircraft carrying migrants.

Trump said the measures were necessary because Petro's decision "jeopardized" national security in the U.S.

"These measures are just the beginning," Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social. "We will not allow the Colombian Government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the Criminals they forced into the United States."

Later Sunday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced he was authorizing the visa restrictions on Colombian government officials and their families "who were responsible for the interference of U.S. repatriation flight operations." They were being imposed on top of the State Department's move to suspend the processing of visas at the U.S. Embassy in Colombia's capital, Bogota.

The restrictions will continue, Rubio said, "until Colombia meets its obligations to accept the return of its own citizens."

Earlier in the day, Petro said his government would not accept flights carrying migrants deported from the U.S. until the Trump administration creates a protocol that treats them with "dignity." Petro made the announcement in two X posts, one of which included a news video of migrants reportedly deported to Brazil walking on a tarmac with restraints on their hands and feet.

"A migrant is not a criminal and must be treated with the dignity that a human being deserves," Petro said. "That is why I returned the U.S. military planes that were carrying Colombian migrants ... In civilian planes, without being treated like criminals, we will receive our fellow citizens."

After Trump's announcement, Petro said in a post on X that he had ordered the "foreign trade minister to raise import tariffs from the U.S. by 25%."

Colombia has traditionally been the U.S.'s top ally in Latin America. But their relationship has strained since Petro, a former guerrilla, became Colombia's first leftist president in 2022 and sought distance from the U.S.

Colombia accepted 475 deportation flights from the U.S. from 2020 to 2024, fifth behind Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and El Salvador, according to Witness at the Border, an advocacy group that tracks flight data. It accepted 124 deportation flights in 2024.

Colombia is also among the countries that last year began accepting U.S.-funded deportation flights from Panama.

The U.S. government didn't immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press regarding aircraft and protocols used in deportations to Colombia.

"This is a clear message we are sending that countries have an obligation to accept repatriation flights," a senior administration official told AP. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss issue publicly.

Rubio in a statement said Petro "canceled his authorization" for the flights when the aircraft were in the air.

Colombians emerged in recent years as a major presence on the U.S. border with Mexico, aided in part by a visa regime that allows them to easily fly to Mexico and avoid trekking though the treacherous Darien Gap. They ranked fourth with 127,604 arrests for illegal crossings during a 12-month period through September, behind Mexicans, Guatemalans, and Venezuelans.

Mexico hasn't imposed visa restrictions on Colombians, as they have on Venezuelans, Ecuadoreans, and Peruvians.

Petro's government in a statement later announced that the South American country's presidential aircraft had been made available to facilitate the return of migrants who were to arrive hours earlier on the U.S. military airplanes and guarantee them "dignified conditions."

As part of a flurry of actions to make good on Trump's campaign promises to crack down on illegal immigration, his government is using active-duty military to help secure the border and carry out deportations.

Two U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo planes carrying migrants removed from the U.S. touched down early Friday in Guatemala. That same day, Honduras received two deportation flights carrying a total of 193 people.

In announcing what he called "urgent and decisive retaliatory measures," Trump explained that he ordered the tariffs and "A Travel Ban and immediate Visa Revocations" on Colombian government officials, allies and supporters.

"All Party Members, Family Members, and Supporters of the Colombian Government," Trump wrote will be subject to "Visa Sanctions." He did not say to which party he was referring to or provide any additional details on the visa and travel restrictions.

Trump added that all Colombians will face enhanced customs inspections.

Trump's actions would seem to undercut his goal to reduce his country's trade deficit. Unlike Mexico or China, Colombia is one of the few countries with a trade deficit with the U.S., of around $1.4 billion, according to U.S. trade data.

Colombia is the U.S.'s second biggest buyer of corn and corn feed, according to the U.S. grains council, helping boost U.S. commodity exports from farm belt states like Iowa, Indiana, and Nebraska to more than $733 million last year.

The U.S. export boom has been driven by a two-decade-old free trade agreement between the two countries, which have for long been close partners in the war on drugs. It is unclear if tariffs are allowed under the agreement, which contains a dispute mechanism to resolve trade fights.

Colombia is the U.S.'s fourth-largest overseas supplier of crude oil, shipping about 209,000 barrels of oil per day last year, although booming domestic production has reduced the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil. The South American country is also the U.S.'s largest supplier of fresh cut flowers.

You just don't understand the man. What is the best way to get a constitutional case before the Supreme Court for reconsideration? You pass an EX Order that you know is unconstitutional. His EX Order on birthright citizenship was stayed by an emergency injunction on day 2 and will likely end up at the Supreme Court. That, in turn may lead to an amendment to the Constitution put forward by Congress when it comes to illegal immigrants.

Maybe yes and maybe no. I guess you are speaking of the Posse Comitatus Act that limits the use of the military against US citizens. But there are exceptions. In this case on the southern boarder, the use of the military is not against US citizens but against an invasion of illegal immigrants. First, he declares an emergency at the Border and then deploys the active military. Perfectly within the law. But I'm sure some group will challenge it in court.

If you didn't hate the man so much, you might begin to see he has a strategy for everything he wants to accomplish.
"You just don't understand the man..." oh we do. He's a narcissist. Probably a sociopath. He only wanted to POTUS so he wouldn't go to prison and it worked. He keeps grifting you cultists and it's mind boggling you haven't figured it out. Well at least one did - the woman who refused his pardon because she KNOWS what she did was wrong. And illegal. Then add in Musk and his Nazi salute...

I'm glad WWII veterans are dying off because seeing Nazis parade openly in the streets, show up at Trump's inauguration to support him and South African immigrants doing Nazi salutes would be the thing that kills them probably.
WWII veterans are dying off
The sad part of the above and Holocaust and non-veteran WWII survivors dying (apart from the obvious) is that it will only become easier for the deniers. If they can deny the truth of the Holocaust to the faces of those who witnessed the reality, how much easier will it be once they are gone? It is up to the rest of us to bring light to the truth and never allow the world to forget.
He's a narcissist. Probably a sociopath.
I think you are projecting your own traits. Your rhetoric like all the rhetoric of the left for the last eight years now falls on deaf ears. You and the left have been marginalized by the majority of Country, and nobody cares what you think.

It's going to a very long 4 years of the Trump administration for you and your kind.

In psychology, projection is a defense mechanism where a person attributes their own feelings, thoughts, or behaviors onto someone else. It's a way to avoid uncomfortable emotions like shame, guilt, or fear.

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