Principles and practices of legislative analyses

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Maddox James

New Member
I was recently asked by a government entity what are the principles and practices of legislative analyses... Would someone please help me with this question? Thank you!
What government entity?
Who asked you?
Why was it asked?
In what capacity would you be expected to know or be able to find the answer?
Anyway, there is probably a library that you can go to for that kind of research.
It was for a government water district, where they are interviewing for an internship in their governmental affairs department. Any ideas?
Yes, conduct your OWN research in preparation for YOUR job interviews.
Let me repeat what I said so that YOU can better understand. "I was recently asked..." meaning this has already occurred, so I was attempting to learn from my experience.

Thank you for your intellectual intelligence, your contribution hasn't went unnoticed... super moderator.

how about in the future, you just let the post go by, since you are obviously confused by the question. Thanks baby girl
Let me repeat what I said so that YOU can better understand. "I was recently asked..." meaning this has already occurred, so I was attempting to learn from my experience.

Thank you for your intellectual intelligence, your contribution hasn't went unnoticed... super moderator.

how about in the future, you just let the post go by, since you are obviously confused by the question. Thanks baby girl
Now you seem to be juvenile along with lazy.
Let me repeat what I said so that YOU can better understand. "I was recently asked..." meaning this has already occurred, so I was attempting to learn from my experience.

Thank you for your intellectual intelligence, your contribution hasn't went unnoticed... super moderator.

how about in the future, you just let the post go by, since you are obviously confused by the question. Thanks baby girl

Is it snowing where you live?
Let me repeat what I said so that YOU can better understand. "I was recently asked..." meaning this has already occurred, so I was attempting to learn from my experience.
The advice was to better help you prepare for the future.
Let me repeat what I said so that YOU can better understand. "I was recently asked..." meaning this has already occurred, so I was attempting to learn from my experience.

Thank you for your intellectual intelligence, your contribution hasn't went unnoticed... super moderator.

how about in the future, you just let the post go by, since you are obviously confused by the question. Thanks baby girl

It would be best that you not be nasty to people who are teaching you the facts of life. You're coming across like a petulant child. I hope that's not how you present yourself in job interviews.

Sure, we could give you the answer but: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

Google the phrase and you are likely to find your answer in the results.

Meantime, there doesn't appear to be anything more to say on the matter.

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