recall of government official in Pennsylvania


New Member
I looked it up and it appears that PA doesn't have a recall to oust elected politicians who have proven inneffective or criminal. That makes no sense, there has to be a way. Perhaps it is called something else in PA? Please post links to pertinent info if you can.
It makes perfect sense. It's laughable that there are states like California or Colorado that launch into a political popular morass on the idea.

PA does have a provision that allows the house of representatives there to bring impeachment of any officer (elected or otherwise). Tried by the senate just like in the federal Constitution.
Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed before 2022 and especially before 2024, things are going to get real and fast if election integrity and ability for all Americans to have faith in the system is not upheld. It is to the point when the other party wins they spend all their time and effort prosecuting and pointing fingers at the other side through various sanctions.

I pray that it comes together within the next few years or it is all going to fall apart.

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